And the winner is.......(drum roll please)


:cup:The best freakin conditioner I have EVER used..Tresseme Moisturizing hair has never felt soooo good with conditioner alone...OMG!!!!Its thick..the price is rite..its easily accessible (right in Tar-jay and Wally worlds..)..It smells good..I could go on and on and on...Oh and did I mention my hair felt like silk after my cowash...:grin::clap::yay::dinner::bouncy:....Just had to share..thank u and good nite LOL..
Why ya'll gotta be startin sumthin? My inner PJ was asleep but I feel her stirring around and about to awaken!:yep:
Good for you!!!

I too recently started using a Tresemme product. Their Moisture Rich Conditioner. I never expected their products to work well, and it was just an experiment (since it is cheap).

I was pleasantly surprised to find it worked well when I co-washed.