and the oscar for best movie hair goes to...


New Member
deliver us from eva...long curly hair, long straight hair, long twists, long professional hair....i loved it! the runner up is "the wedding planner". jlo's hair was very pretty in that movie. what are your favorite "hair" movies?
It's a tie for the star girl's hair in "Love and Basketball" and also the girl that played the love interest in "Drumline"
Hmmm, this is a hard one. I liked ol girl's hair in drumline too. I liked Nia Long's hair in Soul Food also.
I have a feeling we are going to see the same names come up over and over. Hollywood only hires, like, the same 5 black actresses and actors (Sanaa, Nia, Denzel, Morris Chestnut).
I don't even see Ms. Angela Bassett anymore. I'll save the rest for an 'off topic' thread.
Pam Grier in "The Big Doll House" (she was in a Phillipine prison and her hair still looked good!), Reese Witherspoon in "Legally Blonde", Roselyn Sanchez in "Chasing Papi" and Jayne Kennedy, Marget Markov and Tracy Reed in everything they ever apperared in!
sassygirl125 said:
Pam Grier in "The Big Doll House" (she was in a Phillipine prison and her hair still looked good!), Reese Witherspoon in "Legally Blonde", Roselyn Sanchez in "Chasing Papi" and Jayne Kennedy, Marget Markov and Tracy Reed in everything they ever apperared in!

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Say, is that movie Chasing Papi good?? i saw like 2 minutes of it one day before i had to step out to go somewhere. TIA -- jainygirl
You gotta watch it! It's a very cute, "girly" movie. I liked it so much I bought the used DVD from Blockbuster for $9.99.
I liked Gabrielle Union's hair in the new movie "Breaking The Rules" w/Jamie Fox... when her hair was cut short in the movie, it looked sooo cute. That was the main focus for part of the movie. Really cute short hairdo!
dont give a rats behind if it was her hair or not, but I loved Beyonces hair in Goldmember
and when she wears it natural period.
jainygirl said:
It's a tie for the star girl's hair in "Love and Basketball" and also the girl that played the love interest in "Drumline"

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I especially loved Sanaa's hair in that movie outta time with denzel