And Still No Travel Forum!!!!

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Yeah, I didn't realize technology was so beloved around here. I do think it'd be great to share travel pics.
I wonder how many requests there were for a travel forum. There may have been many more requests for a Tech forum...I dunno, just guessing.
who knew tech would bump travel

clutches pearls--so sistahs r gettin they techy on hard body huh---mmkayyy

i digz...
Yeah, I want to know too.

I don't want the illuminati science coming in here with "proof" that the Earth is really a big machine constructed by a hermit that lived on another planet 5000 years ago etc etc.

GMO crops
Stem cell
New scientific breakthroughs in medicine

or maybe thats just me:ohwell: its the biology major in me.
As nice as it is to see a Technology Forum, I would really love to see a travel forum. Can't we just rid of the MJ forum, and replace it with travel?
and still NO


I don't know why, but this made me laugh!

We really do need a travel forum. I don't know why it's such a big issue.
As nice as it is to see a Technology Forum, I would really love to see a travel forum. Can't we just rid of the MJ forum, and replace it with travel?

Um, NO. the MJ forum stays!!! :lachen:

i agree that there should be a travel forum....

shoot, if anything, get rid of the soap opera forum. there is no life in that forum.
MJ could easily be covered by entertainment given the amount of traffic that forum gets. I think we should wait it out till his 1 year anniversary out of respect and then move him to the entertainment forum.

Love you Mikey but I got to get on with my travel....
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