And another one, Flaxseed oil for hair growth

The Princess

Well-Known Member
I tried searching through the search, but nothing pulls up. You all are the experts. I been reading that Flax Seed Oil, aids in healthy hair growth. How does this work, and how do you apply it. Also has anyone had any experience with this product, did you get any growth. DETAILS. :ohwell:
I believe people take it internally (through supplements or in other forms) to help aid growth from the inside out.
It definitely helps with hair growth because it contains a high percentage of Omega 3 fatty acids. They may also contain O-6 and O-9.

I take a combo of flax seeds (brown) and black seed (nigella sativa) to give myself a boost of internal omega and omega linoleic acids from the O-6 found in black seed.

Omega acids are not what forms the hair shaft, but they help in rebuilding follicles and general health to the scalp and skin in terms of hair health.

I like to take it internally from the whole seed, however, you can use the oil directly on the scalp, with the help of a carrier oil like castor or sweet almond.

This is all I know from the research I have done.
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I take it orally in oil form. I don't notice anything with my hair but it makes my skin look great. That's mainly what I take it for.
I take ground flaxseed. It has not increased my hair growth, but the fatty acids have improved the health of my scalp. (No dry, itchy scalp.)

It's also good for the heart and internal health, which is why I continue taking flaxseed.
I take flaxseed and as far as I know it is good for healthy skin and hair (as it is very rich in Omega-3 oils, those essential fatty acids) ... its not really to increase hairgrowth as such.

Flaxseed can help to prevent hair loss as well as strengthen the hair.
I take flaxseed and as far as I know it is good for healthy skin and hair (as it is very rich in Omega-3 oils, those essential fatty acids) ... its not really to increase hairgrowth as such.

Flaxseed can help to prevent hair loss as well as strengthen the hair.

Would it be best to put it in a spray bottle with another great smelling oil and put it on my scalp or just take it orally, like one suggested in the post earlier.
how can ground flaxseed or even whole seeds be ingested? are these better than the capsules?
The milled or grounded flax can be used in your smoothies, sprinkled in your foods or salads or just eaten as is. I use both oil and grounded seeds depends on what I am doing. This helps me to stay regular.
how can ground flaxseed or even whole seeds be ingested? are these better than the capsules?

I was reading on Google, its better to take it by liquid form, it shows the results alot faster than capsuls. Which makes since, cause it has to break down, then get carried to the bloodstream. Unlike Liquid form its ready to go. Thats the only reason I bought in liquid form.
Would it be best to put it in a spray bottle with another great smelling oil and put it on my scalp or just take it orally, like one suggested in the post earlier.
I think it's meant to be take orally only. I've never heard of anyone actually using it on their hair so I'm not sure. I know Candy_C has a huge thread on it somewhere. I'll see if I can find it.
Flaxseed oil has done more for my skin than anything else - I used to have very dry skin until I had taken it for about 3 weeks; total transformation. I don't know if its doing anything for my her though. If it is, then that's definitely a plus.

I was reading on Google, its better to take it by liquid form, it shows the results alot faster than capsuls. Which makes since, cause it has to break down, then get carried to the bloodstream. Unlike Liquid form its ready to go. Thats the only reason I bought in liquid form.

Just a little tip here:
If you are using capsules like I am and not the liquid form of flaxseed, take it with a hot drink (I drink herbal tea).
(This way it will break down and absorb into the bloodstream faster).
I've been taking flaxseed oil for about 10 years or more for other reasons and it hasn't done anything for hair growth.