An oldie lurker comes lurkdom pleading!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!
I'm a super-oldie lurker and I need help with my hair. The following is my hair story. PLEASE read it and find it in your heart to help me. I shall explain explain my story:

I rarely post new discussions but I'm here all the time (this is literally one of my "daily doses" tab options). I've been a member of hair forums pretty much since I can remember (I'm in early-mid twenties) and I know that during my freshman year ('99) a website geared at black women's hair and hair health inspired me to go natural. I'm sure this was before venues like np(I'm not sure if I'm allowed to even write that) and others (directed toward a more congenitally derived spiral hair type) and HERE existed. That was sort of before forums really took off as they are they are now, and people mainly posted info but you didn't really interact that much as such. When I came here was a community but it wasn't very large and me, being a young girl then (still in high school), felt there wasn't very much that I could contribute. I thought "though I can't give much to them, I can take the info given to me". So I decided to do this and start my own hair journey alone...but armed with information unselfishly given to me. During the time that I was out in the wilderness the forum community blossomed and foruming became much more wide-known and actually used. Over the years I've always sort of checked-in whenever based on wherever I was during the time.
This trip took me on all sorts of journeys. I went through my initial "natural black hair is how God made it, and therefore anything used to alter its structure has to be unnatural and therefore not as God intended nor as strong nor as close to perfect as what God is possible of (I'm really not an overzealous religious type, more of a spiritual God is real type, and the philosopher/scientist in me has me rationalizing hair). So I did the natural thing just KNOWING my hair would be healthier and longer as a result. How WRONG was I! While permed as a preteen-teenager I treated my hair like crap and it was normally shoulder length as a result. As a child I had no problem growing to APL or longer with a mom who tried to care for my hair but didn't always use the best practices. My natural hair was a mess, it probably grew to APL but no longer, and was all broken in between (even when I would give myself a trim eventually it would become all icky again).
I returned for more hair info and discovered one of the websites mentioned above. The site had women who like me decided to go the natural route but maintained a community while doing it. At the time this community was pretty much accepting of all people but had its own preferred way of life (discussions of other things were still allowed). I eventually found LHCF from the other and then would browse both on and off. I, at one time, thought doing nothing to my hair was the best thing (I then did if for years until my mid-college career). Then after browsing LHCF again and seeing ModelChicks amazing texturized-roller set I was sold on a texturizier to maintain my natural curls but defrizz, so I could live my life with a puff, but rollerset or blowdry straight (or least relaxed looking styles)...kind of the way Sareca's hair seems now. My semi-"natural" hair didn't completely break off but I got almost no growth that year.It worked for Modelchick, but didn't work for me. I then decided to do a second big chop after graduation and go the natural route again. Being in grad school my first year I didn't focus on my hair and it stayed in a puff (though I had adopted some practices).
After lurking hardcore on LCHF, since the texturizing incident, I decided to bite the bullet and perm. On LHCF I saw tons of relaxed/texlaxed women that grew beautiful long locks, and I also remembered when I was texturized how much easier combing and detangling seemed even my conditioners absorbed much better.
So here we are today me 12 weeks of taking care of my relaxed hair. Until today I was going to do my journey alone, but lurking on LHCF constantly for answers or knowlege of better practices. Honestly I think my hair is thriving, well its doing much better than ever in my life. I'm seeing constant growth (when I got my touch up at 10 weeks from a super-highly LHCF rated stylist) it had grown I'm going to say a full 1in. to 1.5ins. I don't remember that rate of retention EVER, literally EVER in my life. So I know this route is for me. Plus I feel like I'm old enough to join you all now (I type all sorts of replies daily to lots of things on LHCF: stuff here, in the off-topic forum, entertainment, relationship, makeup, exercise, etc.)

So that's my story here is my current problems:
I have lots of short hairs around my front edges I don't know if this is from new breakage or my former life before relaxing 3 months ago. The hair is over 1.5 inches but some not so much longer. If so then "why (excuse my language) the H@*! am I breaking?" I don't wear headbands, I moisturize/oil/cover my hair nightly, dc w/ heat weekly, do hardcore protein every 8 weeks, and try to pre-poo usually w/ heat, I personally never use direct heat (I allow my stylist to when I need a trim). Besides my edges (the nape is a little short too), my ends and shaft seem great. They never seem really brittle or dry, unless my whole head is feeling that way. And my stylist made me get a trim when I got a touch-up but I think thats more her own beliefs (thinking women should trim every 6 weeks) than me needing a trim (she trimmed very little when she did, more like dusting). So again,"WHY THE SHORT HAIR IN THE FRONT!"

Thats all! Congratulations and THANKS to all those who made it all the way down here!
So in summary: I've not a technically a newbie but I now want to really be a part of the community. I want to go on my hair journey this time with you ladies and my first major problem is edge breakage.

Help Me!
Wanderland (I'm off to get a signature...I just put up my very first avatar, and its a real picture...see I'm working on it!)

As far as the short hairs go, I have them too. What has helped me is alternating the way I protect my hair at night. I too don't wear headbands much or tight hairstyles but they are still a weak point for me.

As far as the short hairs go, I have them too. What has helped me is alternating the way I protect my hair at night. I too don't wear headbands much or tight hairstyles but they are still a weak point for me.

GymFreak thanks for responding! I'm over the no response hump:grin:
Up until this point I was freakishly hanging around waiting for one!:look:

When you say alternate are you referring to bonnet vs. scarf, or like a ponytail vs. wrap vs. big twist?
Well, to begin with :welcome: out of lurkdom! My hairline's fragile as well and ALWAYS used to be a lot shorter than the rest of my hair but its catching up now (even I'm shocked) thanks to the fact, I leave it alone and I apply my sulphur/ MN mix to it religiously daily
These are probably from when you were natural. I recently texlaxed and notice that I have them too. Mine came from brushing into afropuffs. Do you brush? Have you taken a close look at the ends? Maybe try Profective Healthy Ends?
These are probably from when you were natural. I recently texlaxed and notice that I have them too. Mine came from brushing into afropuffs. Do you brush? Have you taken a close look at the ends? Maybe try Profective Healthy Ends?

Thanks. When I was natural I wore puffs all the time and I did know my edges were short...maybe their growing out and I'm just noticing them? :ohwell:
I currently don't own a brush so I never really brush edges. I have a end creme( keracare, and ORS olive oil) and I'm pretty happy with them. I guess the ends look okay, there not split or anything...but I don't know if that's just a broken hair that didn't split.:perplexed
Well, to begin with :welcome: out of lurkdom! My hairline's fragile as well and ALWAYS used to be a lot shorter than the rest of my hair but its catching up now (even I'm shocked) thanks to the fact, I leave it alone and I apply my sulphur/ MN mix to it religiously daily


I too have issues with the front. I was a long time wrapper. I did this for 5 years straight. Since I have stopped wrapping I have also noticed my hairline is thinner on the side that I prefer to sleep on.