An Introduction and...


New Member
Hi Everyone! Well, I finally gave in a signed up for this forum only after lurking for over a year. :look:

In addition to being a frequent visitor, I'm also a freelance writer. I just got the go-ahead for an assignment with Ebony magazine to cover how the Internet, along with sites like these, empower women of color to take their hair in their own hands, so to speak.

Many of you have left the drama of the beauty shop and began your own styling regimens--which is great. As I am assessing this site, I'd love to get feedback from you all about how this site and any others, have changed how to feel about your hair and how you take care of it.

Thanks in advance for all your comments. For more about me, you can visit my site at


Welcome to LHCF! What a cool assignment! You've definitely come to the right place....there's tons of empowerment going on around here. Hope you find everything you need!
Welcome aboard! You will find this site very helpful and entertaining!lol! It has taught us women how to care for our hair, and take the power out of stylists who use and abuse what we were blessed to have. You will find this site helpful in any goals you are trying to attain for yourself. :yep: Have fun and enjoy!
Welcome aboard! You will find this site very helpful and entertaining!lol! It has taught us women how to care for our hair, and take the power out of stylists who use and abuse what we were blessed to have. You will find this site helpful in any goals you are trying to attain for yourself. :yep: Have fun and enjoy!

Thanks! What I would really love to hear are YOUR personal stories, and use this thread to really get the conversation going about how this site has changed how you take care of your hair. Since joining, do many of you have the longest hair you've ever had? Do you check product reviews on this site before you buy hair products? Do you buy because of what you read here? What was the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of leaving the beauty salon routine behind?
christelyn, if you use the search tools you'll find that we have existing threads regarding all the issues you are trying to research. good luck
Welcome Chris,

I did the same thing I lurked for almost a year. After lurking so long I didn't have the guts to introduce myself lol!!! But I here I am and I so love this site!
:hiya: Criste!

Your assignement sounds awesome, you have definately come to the right place, the ladies of LHCF are very knowlegeable:welcome:
Welcome to the site!

Well, to answer some of your questions:

I have learned how to take care of my hair much better since being a member of the site.

I've learned that a lot of what I thought I knew about hair care pre-LHCF were myths.

My hair is longer than ever since joining LHCF and giving it TLC.

I now know that hair can be healthy whether relaxed or natural.

I've learned that heat can be used and not cause damage if done correctly.

I always check for product reviews here before purchasing new products and I'm much more likely to buy products from my fellow LHCfers (Hairveda, SheScentIt, Boundless Tresses, Bee Mine, DeLouise, Candy_c's products, Stinastina's e-store, etc.) than any commercial, chemical ridden products on store shelves.

I quit going to stylists after a string of disasters (leaving relaxer on so long that I got chemical burns, chopping off half my hair due to split ends, styling how they wanted it instead of how I asked, cutting my hair when I got a short weave after telling her I wanted the weave so I WOULDN'T have to cut my hair).

I've learned that I can take care of my own hair better than any stylist can now that I have access to such valuable hair care resources online.

Welcome! :wavey:

Since joining, do many of you have the longest hair you've ever had? - Yep. I've always cut my hair because I didn't know how to grow it, and I didn't think I could grow it beyond a certain point. Since joining LHCF my hair has absolutely THRIVED, and this is definitely the longest it's been. Can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Do you check product reviews on this site before you buy hair products? - Yep. I try to look for reviews from ladies who have hair similar to mine, or who are knowledgeable on ingredients.

Do you buy because of what you read here? - Yep. It's called being a product junky. :lachen: But I trust the opinions of the ladies here. We all have VARIED opinions on a lot of things, including hair care. But no matter what product we decide to use, it's all in the name of healthy hair.

What was the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of leaving the beauty salon routine behind? - For me, I realized that stylists ALWAYS cut my hair. No matter what I asked them for, they always cut it. That started to annoy me. Then it dawned on me that I got way more compliments on my hair when I did it myself, as opposed to when I got it done. I'd go home and re-do my hair after leaving the salon anyway. I was just never 100% pleased, and if I'm going to be dropping $65 every two weeks, I wanna be PUH-LEEEEZED! This site has opened my eyes to so many different styling options and techniques, ones that will help me reach my hair goals.
My story:
My mama took care of my hair until I was 16. Looking at old pictures, I'd say it was BSL and all natural and healthy and thick. Hard to tell because she never let me wear it down - always is piggy tails.

At 16, I revolted and demanded a relaxer. I got one to my mama's chigrin. At first I thought is was awesome. But then over the years I noticed that the ends were thin and my hair never grew longer than past shoulder length. I attributed that to my getting a bit taller-- I always found an exuse for my hair not growing or being in poor condition because I didn't know squat about black hair care.

To cover my ignorance and to have the long hair I really wanted, I turned to weaves and tight braids (down to my butt and blonde sometimes *sigh*) I thought I was the bomb. Slowly but surely my edges thinned and my hair grew weaker and weaker.

Finally I read a book called Good Hair: For Colored Girls Who've Considered Weaves When the Chemicals Became Too Ruff by Lonnice Brittenum Bonner (Paperback - May 17, 1994). That was 6 years ago and the end of my perm days.

For the first 5 years I toiled away on my own. I did everything wrong. I dyed it, used excessive heat, did not Deep condition nor prepoo, did not use protective styles. I tried to take care of it like I had white hair. Not a good strategy.

Then I found a black hair care website about a little over a year ago. My jaw dropped. I could not beleive that sistas was spreading their hair care biz on the internet. I thought the secrets of acheiving long black hair was reserved for stylists or for smart mamas who controlled their daughters enough to make sure they took care of their hair. I was stunned.

For the first 6 months I was overwhelmed with new buzz words, techniques, miracle products to try and numerous regimens to review and assess. I was so greedy and hungry for longer hair I tried them all. I am embarrassed when I see all the stuff I purchased (I even have space in my kitchen cabinets for stuff). Unfortunately, I did not take the time to make sure that all the advice was really good for my hair type. So although my hair grew a tiny bit it was still dry and see-through.

The one day I get a response from a member named SamanthaJones67, The sister took me under her wing and shepparded me through the gobs of information available. From that day forward, my hair has thrived and if it weren't for her, I don't think my hair would be as healthy and long as it is to day.

Samantha was the impetus for me to know how to weed through what would and would not work for my hair type. From there I found other sisters like JustKiya, Pokahantas, Loolahoo, Lavender, Gigi07, just tons of sisters whose advice and support has helped me get farther down my path.

I think the length of my hair now is about where it was when mama did it. I am proud and because of these sisters I am sure I will make to my hair goal by next year which is waist length.

I hope that you write a great article and give credit to these fantastic women who take time to post great information. They don't have to do it, but they do.

Here is a bit on pics on my hair history:
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