An Experiment...For Naturals Only


New Member
I need 20 girls to join in on this. 10 with 4b hair and 10 with 4a hair. your hair must be natural, with no dyes and no extensions during the entire experiment. your hair length can vary from 1- 6 inches (stretched). We will all take the same amount of vitamins/supplements, they are...
I multivitamin/day
flaxseed oil
evening primrose oil
(other suggestions are welcome)
The experiment will start on January 1, 2004. That way we can all come to a general concensus of the amount of vitamins we will all take and everyone will have time to buy everything they need. I'd like for everyone to end up with at least 12 inches by January 2005. In order for this experiment to work i think we should each also least one (each) of..
clarifying shampoo
deep conditioner (for weekly treatments)
(other suggestions are welcome)
I'm thinking we can do daily conditioner washes and at the end of each week, we'll do a clarifying wash.
like i said, suggestions are welcome. you must be able to commit to this. Remember, your hair will be in it's natural state for a whole year. you cannot break down and dye it or put it in braids. WHO'S WITH ME?
BTW-I'm one of the girls with 4A hair so i guess we only need nine.
Well, you just wrote out half my plan for the 12 inch/12 months since I had planned to do this anyway, I'm in!
I'm 4a by the way.
But I can't promise that I won't get braids at least once next year
Hmmm, I can't join because I'm not natural.

I think that it would be hard to find people with 4a OR 4b hair, since the majority of people have more than one hair type...

I think that you divided it in order to do a comparison btween the two hair types (correct me if I'm wrong) I think that it would work better if you did it with 4a/b and 3b/c or maybe people with mostly 4b or mostly 4a or something of the sort.

Sorry for butting in
That's an interesting experiment. I hope you get responses. Even if I was natural, I couldn't do it because I don't take the supplements mentioned and do not do daily condition washes or use a clarifying shampoo. lol

I think when she says 4A or 4B, she probably means primarily. I like the way she has it and don't think type 3's should be included.

Perhaps there are some guys who would like to join?
I'll see if I can get my little sister to join this. She just started her natural (braidless) journey. I already have a her on a multi vitamin and evening primrose. I'm not sure if I want to put her on biotin b/c it causes a lot of us ladies to break out - Maybe you want to replace the biotin with a protein powder. I may purchase MSM and have her try it again (she had the powder form and couldn't manage the bitterness).

BTW: I think she's a 4b
Sorry, my hair is already longer than 6 inches. Also, I won't be doing daily conditioner washing in the winter. I definately have my hair goals for January 2005, but I guess I'm in it alone. Plus, I think that it may be a bit hard to find naturals who take the EXACT same suppliments daily. Good luck with your challenge nonetheless
I'd be interested in giving it a try though as my signature suggests I don't think I'll exactly fit perfectly in one of the two categories.
I am a 4b natural with more than 6inches, and am wearing braids(in and out) until i reach my goal of waist length.
Well, it looks like i don't qualify for this challenge
well...I have more than 6 inches too and I'm in braids now and will probably get them at least once next year...I don't know if I qualify, but I'll be doing those vitamins and products anyway!
hi everyone!
thanks for responding. i wanted to keep if for predominantly type 4 hair because i always hear that we have a harder time growing our hair...i don't believe it though. so i wanted to do a challenge where everyone uses the same vitamins/products and leaves their in it's natural form, with no help from braid extensions and whatnot. of course we can wear our hair in twists/ twist-outs, puffs, braids/braid-outs, flat twists, cornrows, updo's, rollersets, strawsets, etc. (there is so much we can do). i hate to limit it to just one type of hair, i hope i don't offend anyone. i think i might change the hair-length requirements to "any length" though. what do you guys think?
would love to join but there is no way I am doing the daily conditioner washes this winter cause my hair freezes when I go out. I am twisting one week - twistout the next and I spray with surge once a day at night. I do treatments in btw the twists and twistouts.

good luck!!!!!
It sounds interesting...Type four hair grows like any other type of hair, its just a matter of taking care of it. I would like to join this challenge-but I like to wear extention braids form time to time especially when its as cold as the dickens outside. I also don't really want to load myself down with vitimins. I only take omega 3 and a multi vitiman. I do protein shakes though. I guess I don't really qualify in some areas but I'am natural. Best wishes to your challenge anyway!
Good luck with your experiment. I would like to join but your conditions are too strigent for me. I am natural with more than 6 inches. I hate doing daily conditioning washes, I have too much hair, not enough time or patience to handle that. I essentially wear my hair in twists all the time. It is too cold to wash hair daily, it is -6 Celsius today, no way I am going outside with damp hair in this temperature. I dyed my hair recently. The only supplement I take on your list is a multi-vitamin. I take other supplements to strengthen and maintain my immune system but they are not on your list.

I hope more people join your experiment. It would be nice to hear positive results in a year's time.