An elder from church called me to pray...


Well-Known Member
Today for a husband. He's been saying to me he needed to talk to me about something but had not call. Today he called and asked me if I was single. I said yes for the most part except I have some crazies still wanting to be with me but I am standing firm on the word of God. He then started to prophesies and said I will meet my husband soon and he will see me as a diamond in the rough and I will see him and I'll know. He's Nigerian so I don't know if this is a culture thing but he was like from my first conversation with this man I need to know if he is looking for a wife if not keep it moving don't even go on a first date. Lol.

Last thing he said was that when I meet this man I will find him to be the most handsome man I've ever seen and I'll be thanking God that I waited for this gift. He told me he's praying along with me. Also he said a marriage minded man and woman should be able to marry within a year. If he ain't got a job then he's not ready and probably not for me. This man has done something miraculous for me in the past but I did not know him just strangers at the time. He is also the one who introduced me to my new church and I'm feeling more closer to God now. Ladies I don't know if he's a guardian angel or what but when he spoke about my future husband I felt the spirit. I feel God is going to have a breakthrough for me. He said this man can be in another state, another country but God is going to align us together to cross each others paths but I have to remain faithful to Gods words. Just wanted to share this with you ladies. When we are praying for a mate it's good but when 2 or more join in prayer for something miracles seem to happen quicker. For those of you wanting to marry I think praying with another God fearing person for that desire is a good idea IMO.
Hi Ladies,

I wanted to bump this thread cause I remembered I started it earlier this year. We serve a faithful God. I'm engaged to marry next year. Prayer works!
Hi Ladies, I wanted to bump this thread cause I remembered I started it earlier this year. We serve a faithful God. I'm engaged to marry next year. Prayer works!

Thanks for checking in with your testimony - yes The Lord is still hearing and answering!
Hi Ladies,

I wanted to bump this thread cause I remembered I started it earlier this year. We serve a faithful God. I'm engaged to marry next year. Prayer works!

OMG!!! Happy for you. I know it's been a tough time. I was praying for you as well! A lot of us were. Send in pics when you get married.
Hi Ladies,

I wanted to bump this thread cause I remembered I started it earlier this year. We serve a faithful God. I'm engaged to marry next year. Prayer works!

Glory to God! Congratulations!!!
I look forward to reading your testimony because your first post was less than nine months ago before you even met him. Proof that it doesn't take God long when you wait on him to answer your prayers
Congrats love... Oh we need more Kinkyhairlady!! Is it everything you desired and more?! I'm so amped like I'm engaged....yes another one of us has a testimony!! Idk if I could find another God fearing person to pray with me.....either they are married or preaching the importance of single hood and stop thinking about a Boaz lol

This brought a smile to my heart Maybe one day It's no longer something I think about... I have a purpose to fulfill
Hi Ladies,

I wanted to bump this thread cause I remembered I started it earlier this year. We serve a faithful God. I'm engaged to marry next year. Prayer works!

Congratulations to you and your future husband. God is amazing. :love:
Congrats love... Oh we need more Kinkyhairlady!! Is it everything you desired and more?! I'm so amped like I'm engaged....yes another one of us has a testimony!! Idk if I could find another God fearing person to pray with me.....either they are married or preaching the importance of single hood and stop thinking about a Boaz lol This brought a smile to my heart Maybe one day It's no longer something I think about... I have a purpose to fulfill
This past week has been wonderful. Though I'm totally living a different life waking up early to cook breakfast and cleaning more I really like it. Before I was so lazy and a homebody. My husband really balances things out for me. Is he everything I wanted? I would say yes more so now that we spend more time together I'm seeing more of his character but also I wrote a list in my journal and he met 9 out of 11 of the requirements. The good thing is he met all the character ones but fell short of my height requirement he's 5'7 and I'm 5'6. I forgot the one other thing but overall I love my boo and we're enjoying married life.

One thing I can say is ladies... God does not always gives us what we want but what we need. Sometimes we are so focused on being single and crying about it that we are overlooking what's in front of us. My whole journal was about me crying and complaining I'm single day after day year after year. I noticed I was not putting any real effort into finding a mate. God was sending them but I was not giving them the time of day for superficial reasons. Not saying anyone should settle but give a guy a chance that meets 8 out of 10 of what you looking for. It seems when I posted my first update I was not married yet. We got married last week. Civil ceremony still planning the church ceremony for next year. God said if we cannot wait to marry and that's what we did:) stephluv
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