An altar or literal prayer closet


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have one in the home? Have you built a shrine or altar in your home dedicated to Jesus? Like a stand with crosses, pictures and emblems of Jesus and Christianity? Or is your entire home your altar?
I have not built anything. My home especially my shower is my prayer closet. It is where I found the most peace. Even when I don't need a shower when I have the need to get one on one with the Father, I get in my shower.
I too like the shower but then grew into sitting in my car, then I was given a 5am appointment to met God and that place was in the living room by the couch so I suppose you could say all over the house, but when I have something weighing on my I go to/run to the water (lake) to have a little talk with my Lord. Awe there is nothing like our Father.
I don't have one but then again I stay in prayer so much that I guess it would be my home, my car, everywhere. I even pray for long stretches at work. I have on some rough occasions though gotten in my closet literally and turned off the light to be with God.

I can remember one particular night I was so stressed that I wanted to just hide and God told me to come into the closet. It was an experience.

I am leary about creating an alter though because if my body is the temple according to the Word then I don't know if I should be making anything outside of myself. . . .to me that would demonstrate that I don't feel sufficient to house the spirit of the Lord.