Amla oil not a pure oil!


New Member
I just got a new bottle of amla oil and noticed there were ingredients listed on the back. I didn't notice this on my smaller bottle. At any rate I was very surprised to find that the mixture included a few different oils and the amla wasn't even at the top. Here are the ingredients:

Mineral oil, Veg oil (sesame oil, canola oil, peanut oil, cotton seed oil, palmolein oil), extract of goosberry (I think this is the amla fruit) and then a few colorings and fragrances.

I thought this stuff was just straight up amla, you know, like castor or jojoba or something. And this is the dabur brand. I mean mineral oil???? The FIRST ingredient. I just don't get this.
must be something in how they are mixing it, or the pureness or the oils or something because it seems to be doing the job
i cant wait to order my own bottle -- jainygirl
That's strange, I know an Indian store where this guy tried desperately to sell it to me...He raved about it. Im gonna go tomorrow and check out the ingredients on his bottles (if I have read them, I dont remember).
I noticed that, too. When I finish my bottles I'm going to try the pure Amla Oil from Maybe it will smell better...

I asked the lady in the store about all the extra ingredients. She said they extend the shelf life of the product.
Oh so that's it. I had no idea FNWL had pure amla oil. Shoot I didn't even know the one I had wasn't pure. I'll have to try that one next time.
I know it, always have since my 1st bottle, did not care sorry ladies, The Jasmine Oil is not Pure as well, it also has mineral oil and Veg Oil, and Fragrance
well by looking at the price, i could tell that it wasnt pure (cheap
) i have never used it though.
My bottle of Vatika does not list min oil as an ingredient, but coconut oil.
I had heard that the Dabur amla has mineral oil but had never seen an ingredients list before. Nevertheless, it does a great job on my daughter's hair (I don't use it with heat though).
Still, I bought a pack of 3 powdered herbs blended together from indousplaza to make my own oil. I plan on warming the powder in a mix of olive, castor, and coconut oils, straining out the solids and re-using my dabur bottle. I'll let you all know how it goes insha'allah. I still have one or 2 uses left in the dabur amla.
sassygirl125 said:
I noticed that, too. When I finish my bottles I'm going to try the pure Amla Oil from Maybe it will smell better...

I asked the lady in the store about all the extra ingredients. She said they extend the shelf life of the product.

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I have the pure oil from FNWL. It smells bad too. I'm glad for this post though...I haven't used it in a while and now's a good opportunity.
sassygirl125 said:
My Vatika doesn't have mineral oil in it, either. I hope they haven't started adding it to the product.

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You're good Sassy. I'm talking about the Amla oil, not the vatika. I have the vatika also, and it's good to go.
ayeshia said:
well by looking at the price, i could tell that it wasnt pure (cheap
) i have never used it though.

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I have the pure oil from FNWL. It smells bad too.

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I was hoping the real stuff wouldn't be so strong.
jainygirl said:
must be something in how they are mixing it, or the pureness or the oils or something because it seems to be doing the job
i cant wait to order my own bottle -- jainygirl

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Wait a sec, scratch what i there are TWO versions of the Amla Oil??? Ohhhhh -- Well l i'm making sure to get the pure one. We all know it's not about preserving it, it's them trying to save money....that ticks me off that they are trying to push it as the same Amla Oil that's pure ... -- jainygirl
I order the Dabur Amla oil. I don't really know why since I don't know what its good for. Can you ladies tell me exactly what it does and the benefits you've gotten from it? TIA for all replies
It keeps your hair from falling out and promotes hair growth, but one thing I do notice is that my scalp gets a "cooling" sensation when I use it, but you have to use the pure stuff. I didn't get the Dabur Amla.
you can also purchase pure alma oil and pure emu oil at the vitamin shoppe...quite expensive for 4 ounces, but worth it. i suggest mixing the two for longer use!
Mine has the same ingredients that you listed- however i tried it as an overnite conditioner and put my plastic cap on and shampooed/copnditioned in the a.m. I loved the way my hair felt and looked after the oil.
Yes, my Amla oil has exactly the same in the ingredients list. In fact when I was buying it I was a little put off by all that. I recently saw another brand that had less additives but I still have a 3/4 full bottle of the Amla oil so maybe when I run out I will look into the other. But to be quite honest, I don't really have a problem with the Amla oil despite it's ingredients. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
I don't know if I believe the one with the mineral oil is bad any. I work with an indian woman that has been using the one with mineral oil for years and she has an awesome head of hair. She told me that she use the Amla oil three times a week and she has thick long wavy hair that goes down to her butt. This lady grew her hair out from a short bob. Her husband likes her hair long so she grew it back using amla oil. I have some and after seeing her hair I am using it.
Maybe the mineral oil just acts as a carrier. The Amla oil I purchase includes sesame seed oil as it's base.
I don't get the one's out of the Indian store for just that reason, I read the ingredients and they weren't pure, so I just purchase mine from FNWL...and mix it with other oils
Ok, I will be getting the pure Amla from FNWL.

Amla oil smells a tad. Actually it stinks a whole lot!

Try ordering the Amla Powder too because it doesn't stink and you might like it better. I like FNWL, but they tend to be a bit pricey. If you can find a local Indian grocery store that sells the powder in a box you will probably spend like $2 bucks instead of $20.
I just bought a 500ml bottle of Dabur amla oil today, and there is no mineral oil listed in the ingredients. Either way, my hair loves it and I plan to keep using it.
^^^ All of my Dabur bottles and boxes list MO in the Amla oil. I wonder if they changed the ingredients (doubt it) or just don't list it anymore... Vadik Herbs doesn't contain MO

That doesn't stop me from using it though.
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