Amino Hair pills


New Member
Anyone here ever heard of/is taking this pill?

My classmate uses it for hair and she swears by it. I went out to buy it (being the junkie that I am) but I want to know if anyone else have experience with it?
The lady behind the counter where I bought it (she happened to be an old schoolmate of mine actually) said that a lot of hair dressers swear by AminoHair and recommend it to their clients.

Anyone have any more information?
I LOVE this stuff. It's usually sold at malls, or at least that's where I got mine. I need more, though. It gives really wonderful results, IMO. Where did you get yours?

I LOVE this stuff. It's usually sold at malls, or at least that's where I got mine. I need more, though. It gives really wonderful results, IMO. Where did you get yours?

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I got it at a mall also. I think they are only sold at those "stands". Anyway girl, it's on sale right now. Buy one get half off. So I was suckered into buying two.
The lady behind the counter said they have stands at Greenacres mall, Staten Island Mall and Kings plaza mall (all in NY by the way).

May I ask, how long did it take before you noticed anything?
Is there a website for this "Amino Hair" pills?

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No, I don't think there is a real website but this is what I found on it (this is word for word what was on the piece of literature that the lady behind the counter gave me)

The company that sells them is the nutritionary. They have stands at various malls...
I LOVE this stuff. It's usually sold at malls, or at least that's where I got mine. I need more, though. It gives really wonderful results, IMO. Where did you get yours?

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I got it at a mall also. I think they are only sold at those "stands". Anyway girl, it's on sale right now. Buy one get half off. So I was suckered into buying two.
The lady behind the counter said they have stands at Greenacres mall, Staten Island Mall and Kings plaza mall (all in NY by the way).

May I ask, how long did it take before you noticed anything?

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Dang! I'm on the Product Junkee challenge, but I may have to break down for this one! That stuff was too good! I started taking Viviscal hoping to mimic the results I saw with the Amino Hair!

I started taking it after braids thinned out my hair a little and in a month, I was like
I wasn't a member of any hair boards and was still doing ignorant stuff like washing my hair every two weeks and using heat indiscriminately, but I could see this stuff was special. I'd taken lots of vitamins before, but this was the first one that delivered, and to this day, only this and Viviscal have worked for me. I got growth AND thickness again in about a month. I got "suckered" into buying it at the mall by a smooth-talking salesguy, but I figured "why not"? It was a great find!

I went to the mall a few weeks ago looking for the stand but couldn't find it! I was tooo through! They sell it thru the website you mentioned, so there's a good thing.

Seriously though, IMO, this is a wonderful product.

ok this is weird but i was just about to post about this stuff-- I was surfing online lastnite and i saw stuff about them. Looks like i am gonna be hitting the mall this weekend
Well I bought this product on sunday and I started taking them on sunday. I will see after a month or so (say...June 15th)and see what lenght I get.

I am getting my hair colored this weekend so if I get any new growth, they should be easy to spot.
Just when I thought I was cured from my PJism, you guys had to go and post this......(sounding like Ms. Payne off Martin).....DAMN-DAMN-DAAAMN
I going to the mall tommorrow
What exactly is this pill? Is it for hair growth? Does it have a lot of Amino acids in it hence the name? I'm really thinking about buying it now.
Looks interesting. But I think all the stuff I'm taking already probably has everything in there and then some! lol Please let us know how it goes for you though.

Wow... I actually just said I WASN'T going to buy a new product.
I'm surprising myself!
What exactly is this pill? Is it for hair growth? Does it have a lot of Amino acids in it hence the name? I'm really thinking about buying it now.

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It's for hair growth and it has a lot of amino acids in it, especially the one for hair growth. You can take up to 6 pills a day, but that's too much for my system so I will stick to 3. Besides I am already taking the gnc pills 2x a day.
Peachi, do you by any chance have the ingredients for these pills? The internet site doesn't list the detail ingredients.
The ingredients listed on the bottle are:

Vitamin C

I don't have the dosage handy on me, but I can check and post back when I get home.
How big are these pills? Are they as big as the aminos in HF37?
I don't know how big the HF37 pills are so I can't compare. But they are about the size of centrum multi-vitamins (or maybe just a little larger as most multi-vitamins are).
This thing is working (combined with my regimen). I colored my hair May 18th and right now I noticed new growth already. At first I thought maybe the color didn't reach my roots so maybe that's why I saw the black roots. But then I checked again this weekend and BOOM there is more black roots. So I know it's growing. I even showed my girlfriend and she was amazed.

Last year when I colored my hair and I was on no regimen, after two months I hardly saw any new growth.

Vit. C- 1000mg
Biotin- 2000mcg
L-Cysteine- 335mg
Inositol- 670mg
PABA- 335mg

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this board is too much!! i cant possibly add any more vits to my list but them aminos sound lik a good deal ya'll!!
but i have to continue wit what i'm currently on and see how it goes after a month coz its only been 2weeks since addin my aminos which by the way are only 600mg
and only 50mg of cystein, 50mg of paba and inositol and 5mg of biotin
And thank you Jade!

After doing a comparison of the two, I decided to order the Twinlab version. Theier formulas work well on me, I re-ordered some of my beloved Pantothenic while I was at it and it looks like the Twinlab version has a few extras (including higher dosages) than the one orignally posted about. I am not at ALL hating on the Amino Hair Pills -
in fact I'd LOVE to do a comparison with someone who decided to go with the Amino Hair Pills. I just felt like I was getting more for my money and I know Twinlab so I went with those.

Stocked up on some more Biotin too!

My hair is gonna be FLOWIN' by fall! Yippee!

Thanks to the person who posted about this too. I've been meaning to add some aminos to my regime. I have my shake AND what I get in the Vitol so I think I've got the Aminos covered now.


Keep taking what you are taking if it works for you. I think different products work for different people. And sometimes you have to stick to one thing because it takes time for the body to warm up to it and respond/react. At first I thought the Amino Hair (or my regimen) wasn't working but all of a sudden my hair is growing like a crazy. I am glad I stuck with it because I was about to give up and try something new.

I am really excited.

By the way..I am almost done with my first bottle of Amino Hair. Basically, don't expect to see changes until you are almost done with the bottle of whatever you are using. Like I said, it takes time for vitamins to kick in and start working.

I'd never taken anything like this before. I just got an idea from your post and then because Jade mentioned the Twinlab I checked that out and decided to try it. I'd be interested to compare notes when we're done. Imagine if we could recommend BOTH products without hesitation to all of our fellow growers?

I will take your recommendation and wait at least until the end of a bottle to start looking for results. Thanks for the heads up on the time frame...
Are any of you ladies currently consuming the Amino Hair supplements? Is so, please post your results. I wanted to hear from you ladies and do some research before I make a purchase.
