
New Member
I have been taking 7.5 mg of biotin for a while under doctors orders to help with my diabetes control. Well while taking the 7.5 mg I was experiencing 1 to 1.5 inches of hair growth a month, which is great for me. But for the last 2 weeks I have taken 12mg of biotin again under doctors orders to help control my blood sugar and it appears to be working. Well last night I washed my hair and I had these 1 inch hairs sticking up in the middle of head that are now 2 inches. That's 1 inch of growth in two weeks. So I checked and rechecked my hair growth all over and I had indeed grown one inch in the past two weeks. I even had my husband check. I called my doctor to let him know and he said that was great, but advised me to take the 12mg for one month, then skip a week or two to keep my body from becoming accustomed to the dosage. He said I could drop it back down to 7.5mg if I wanted to or skip it entirely. I have been getting some of the side effects. The skin on one side of my face has these tiny tiny bumps on it, but I have increased my water intake and that seems to help. I am also using a facial scrub every three days. My doctor says the biotin is causing my skin to shred more (our skin is suppose to shed by the way), but it will only keep my skin younger looking longer.

That is pretty amazing! Congrats!! What brand of biotin are you taking? I'm in need of more myself.
Congratulations girl! That growth is amazing
BTW, what kind of biotin are you taking?
I am taking a combination of Puritan Pride 5mg, Freeda Biotin 5 mg and 2mg biotin that comes with my hair vitamin Nature's Plus Ultra Hair. that amounts to 2-1,000mcg PP biotin, 1 - 2500 mcg Freeda with an additional 1,000 mcg with the Nature's Plus Ultra Hair pill. I take this in the morning and again later before going to bed, along with my B5 and B50 complex. In the afternoon, I take one PP 1000mcg with my lunch.
could someone explain this mg, mcg stuff i'm confused
These are great results. Is your diabetes in check? Are you taking different brands to finish products you had before?

Hi Edie

Congrats on your growth!! I know what you mean when u said that u get bump/pimple on the side of your head when taking a whole bunch of biotin, the same thing always happens to me when I take biotin also, you can use alpha hydrox cream with at least 10 percent glycolic acid to help get rid of these acne/bumps, I bought mine at long drug I think, the brand name is Alpha Hydrox, I think they sell these at other drugs store too, I hope u give it try it really help, u won't get result right away but u have to keep using the cream all over your face like a lotion for about some weeks and after that it'll prevent you from having the acne. remember to use it every night at least, I get better result by using it at night and day. LOl, I gotta take some more of those biotin, u lucky girl!!!

These are great results. Is your diabetes in check? Are you taking different brands to finish products you had before?


Yes they are great results. My diabetes has improved 10 fold. The vitamins/supplements that I take are

I am currently taking the following supplements:

Biotin (Puritan Pride and Freeda) - 12mg
Twinlab Vitamin C w/Bioflavanoids - 3 - 500mg
Kal's Silica Plus - 1 tablet per day
Trimedica MSM
Nature's Plus Ultra Hair - 2 tabs per day
Calcium/Magnesium - 2 per day
Vitamin E - 2 per day
Soy Protein shake - in the AM
Twinlab B-50 complex - 2 per day
Nature's Plus B5 - 500mg twice per day

How long after you started taking it did you noticed results?

I have been taking all the supplements except biotin and B5 for about 12 months. It was after adding the biotin and B5 within the last 7 months I my hair growth shot off. In the past 6 months, I have been keeping very careful track of my hair growth. For the first 2 months, my hair growth was only about .5 inches per month, but then all of a sudden within 3 weeks of raising my biotin levels from 2mg to 5 mg, I noticed my growth rate was 1 inch per month. It was raised to 7.5 mg of biotin and sometimes I would get 1.5 per month, but always at least 1 inch per month. I started with 6 inches of hair in Dec 2002 (I cut off three inches of damaged hair at that time). My hair is now at 13 inches and growing.
Hi Edie

How do you take the biotin? do you take all 12mg at once, or do you split the dose throughout the day? Forgive me if you have already answered this.
Edie, I just re-read this post and noticed that you Did already answer my previous question.... I'm sorry for asking again.... I had a long day!

Anyway have you ever experienced any scalp itching with your biotin? You've got me hyped up with ur 1.5 inch/mth hair growth... when I read ur post I just paniced and rushed out to look for the B-5 to go with the Pp biotin that I'm already taking. I have already increased my dose to 12mg.

Thanks for sharing ur results!
GRRRR Puritan Pride Biotin did bad things to my bladder. the more pills I took, the more pressure I felt in it. I stopped taking Puritans Pride and now GNC brand again and I feel so much better...wonder why this PP works for everyone else....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR but CONGRATS to you for ur growth!
You are taking excellent supplements and it sounds like you have a great physician. Congrats on both the hair and overall health fronts!

Edie this is truly encouraging news
I'm about to up my dosage of biotin, and I really appreciate that you shared your story. Thanks for the info and congratulations on your progress.