AMAZING Growth Hair Care Regimens


New Member
Hi Ladies!!

Would you be able to post you most EFFECTIVE hair regimens that led to amazing growth?

For me, it has been:

  1. Pre-poo with mahabringraj oil and avocado oil
  2. Seal with castor oil
  3. Wash next day with Dr. Bronners' Almond
  4. Once a month use Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor
  5. Moisturize regularly with coconut oil.

My hair has grown fast and very thick and soft with this. It is the most progress I've had for a long time!!
Hi Ladies!!

Would you be able to post you most EFFECTIVE hair regimens that led to amazing growth?

For me, it has been:

  1. Pre-poo with mahabringraj oil and avocado oil
  2. Seal with castor oil
  3. Wash next day with Dr. Bronners' Almond
  4. Once a month use Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor
  5. Moisturize regularly with coconut oil.
My hair has grown fast and very thick and soft with this. It is the most progress I've had for a long time!!

Did you use JBCO or regular castor oil? What type of climate do you live in?
I used regular pure castor oil. Had amazing success with it! It also worked as a humectant and cleared up eczema with just two tries. :)
i am new to this healthy hair growth stuff and so far I have noticed increased growth, but nothing to write home about...I will have a better assessment of how much my hair has grown by the end of the month. But I prepoo with humecto, wash with paul mitchell instant moisture or nexxus y serum poo, dc with humecto/coconut oil mix, spray nexxus restorative treatment, design essentials leave in, spectrum unrefined coconut oil on ends or paul mitchell skinny serum, and oil my scalp with my mixture of doogro megathick oil-rosemary essential oil-megatek-sulphur capsules. ( i apply this mixture to my scalp every other day and do the other regi twice a week) I will let you know in April how my growth is.
BTW, I am relaxed with Affirm lye regular formula
Prepoo w/ coconut & olive oil
wash w/ Keracare Hydrating Shampoo
DC w/ ORS Replenishing Packs
leave in Aphogee Green Tea + Cantu Shea Butter
moisturize w/ ORS carrot oil or Olive oil in the jar
Apply HE LTR To ends & Baggy
Growth aide- MN mix whenever i can remember
My hair thrives when I:

Pre poo with Suave Naturals Conditioners
Put 6-8 Braid in and air dry


Put 6-8 braid in and air dry

*I wash every 4 days (the longest I go without washing is 7 days)
*I use Aphogee 2-step every 6-8 weeks
I went from ear length to just below shoulder in 11 months by:

-doing cardio exercise 5-6 times a week
-washing/rollersetting once a week. After removing rollers, I greased my scalp with sulfur 8, used a dab of olive oil on the ends and wrapped my hair.
-trims/perms every 8 weeks (didnt know better at the time)
-NEVER used heat, wore my hair in a ponytail 95% of the time.

I'm still not sure why I don't just return to this oh-so-simple regimen. I didnt even deep condition at all during this time. I was just so focused on weight loss and being consistent on my workouts, hair growth was the LEAST of my worries. But that's exactly what I got, and fast! :yep:
Hi Ladies!!

Would you be able to post you most EFFECTIVE hair regimens that led to amazing growth?

For me, it has been:

  1. Pre-poo with mahabringraj oil and avocado oil
  2. Seal with castor oil
  3. Wash next day with Dr. Bronners' Almond
  4. Once a month use Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor
  5. Moisturize regularly with coconut oil.
My hair has grown fast and very thick and soft with this. It is the most progress I've had for a long time!!

Great thread...

In the beginning of 2009 I made a fresh cut to my hair and have made huge progress with mr growth... Before that I was having setbacks and couldn't figure out why.

Here are the things that have helped my growth:

1. Pre-pooing with Amla Oil and massaging scalp
2. Wearing satin hair cap every night
3. Moisturizing 1-2 daily depending on my hair needs
4. Deep conditioning 1-2 times a week w/ Heating Cap/ detangling in shower
5. Everyday Nioxin Recharging Complex vitamin
6. 3x a week apply ORS Fertilizing Serum to scalp
7. Silk Comb from Sally Beauty Supply (Great find!)
For me, just removing heat all together has made a world of difference. Currently I'm going to bun with an intense moisture leave-in (1 part Ojon Ultra Hydrating Cond, 3 parts water in a spray bottle) and seal with coconut oil/EVOO. My hair is soaking it right up so I obviously need it. I protein treat with Nexxus Emergencee once per week. I've experienced hardly any breakage; I think my shedding is average and my strands seem visibly thicker and stronger. I'm pretty sure I'm retaining length, but I'm more focused on health at this point. Still trying to find the right DC though.

Oh, and most importantly my pre poo - I find this makes a HUGE difference
1. Evoo/coconut/jojoba oil solution and any leftover conditioner from my PJ stash.
2. Mix it all together and warm it up the microwave, slather it on.
3. Put a hot wet washcloth (not soaking wet) on top of that.
4. Put my shower cap on top of that, then work out.
5. I suppose it's on my head for about an hour.
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Very interesting regimens!! I will try to compile trends /similarities towards the end to see if there is a common thread that runs through everyone's posts. Thanks for posting ladies. Keep 'em coming!!
I haven't been on the boards long but ever since coming here and learning about haircare regimens I am seeing a lot of results. I probably won't see amazing length until this summer but I have noticed that in almost a month and a half my hair remains moisturized, is growing longer and thicker and no longer breaks because:

1. I moisturize each weeknight with Do Gro/olive oil mix applied to my scalp. Then I spritz with a mixture of water and SCurl and seal with virgin coconut oil. Three nights each week I use MTG instead of the Do Gro/olive oil mix. I then bag my whole head and wrap in a silk or satin scarf.

2. I co-wash three mornings a week with Renpure Organics Silk Protein, Pomegranate & Olive Leaf Extract Conditioner mixed with mayonnaise. I've noticed that moisturizing my hair after this that my hair has a sheen to it and waves up nicely. I get compliments on my hair on days I that do my co-washing!

3. I moisturize each morning with ORS Olive Oil Hair Lotion. If it's really cold outside I also seal my ends with coconut oil, comb through and style.

4. Each Saturday (or Sunday) I shampoo with Mane and Tail Shampoo, deep condition with Queen Helene's Cholesterol Conditioner mixed with raw honey, look for any single strand knots if there are any to get rid of, then moisturize with ORS Olive Oil Hair Lotion and I put olive oil on my ends. Usually after DCing my hair stays moisturized and soft the whole weekend and looks like I've used Kinky Curly Curling Custard! My coils become soft and well defined!

My hair type is 4a.
my best growth besides when i was using mtg, was when i was doing the cathy howse method.

i would wash 2x a week with one wash being a stimulating protein dc

that was the good ole days
leaving it alone and keeping it simple

PS style for 4-6 weeks
moisturize/seal daily
detangle after PS takedown
Leave it alone.

Moisturize with S curl

Leave it alone.

Wash weekly and DC

Leave it alone

Check results in siggy

Ain't that the truth:lachen:

For me it's all about oiling my hair. I ignored oils for so long that my hair has suffered (I've basically adopted the exact same reggie when I had a relaxer and my hair thrived...don't know why I ever stopped):

Hot oil treatment
seal ends and oil scalp (being very thorough with the scalp, but not overdoing it)

When I keep my scalp oiled my hair doesn't shed nearly as much as when I don't oil it. And obviously keeping the ends oiled helps to retain length.

And like a lot of others have said, "leave it alone":grin:

BTW, the products don't really matter. It's all in the method. I've gotten the same results using Wonder 8 oil on my ends/Softee Indian Hemp on my scalp as I have using extra virgin coconut oil.
washing and DC'ing, moisturizing as needed in cornrows while using wigs for protective styling.. this has caused me to retain lots of length...
I used mtg in the beginning and it did a great job!! So great that my hair stylist asked for some.. She unfortunately realized she was allergic to sulfur!!! The stuff stinks to high h$ll but works
I relax every 12 + weeks. This has really transformed my head of hair. I was relaxing every 6 to 8 weeks before and it was way too often.

Protective styling is my mantra!!! Cowashing, moisturizing and sealing with amla,vatika or castor oil was/is key. I still protective style using a octopus clip.
I'm still waiting for some amazing growth.:spinning:

  1. Hot Oil Treatment or Protein
  2. Shampoo
  3. Deep condition
  4. Add leave ins and seal with serum or oil
  5. Rollerset, braid, or bun
I retained a lot last year. The things that helped me were:

Cowashing/DC'ing weekly
Protective Styling with buns and braids
Moisturizing daily
My hair grew (and retained the length) when I:

  • left my hands out of my hair (not completely of course, but I fought the urge)
  • washed sparingly
  • conditioned daily (with shea butter or cantu mostly)
  • went natural (did not know how to grow my hair with a relaxer)
  • did protective styles (helped with keeping the hands out but also allowed me to condition)
  • no heat

My hair grew from just past my shoulders to about BSL (stretched) just during the summer months! Then I f***ed it up...but that's a story for another day!:wink2:
i found my hair began to transform to its most healthiest state and grow more when i stopped doing the things that was ruining it and incorporated products my hair needed to improve and maintain its health and increase its growth.

relaxer: stretch 4-5 months, protecting relaxed part of strand with a conditioner and putting vaseline on my fragile ends for extra protection, introduce protein back into the hair after washing out relaxer (focusing on the root area, the part that was just broken down and depleted the most).

hot oil preproo (this is a must): do hot oil scalp tx (mixture of several growth and scalp stimulating essential oils mixed with JBCO), do hot oil strand tx (mixture of several strengthening and moisturizing oils). place plastic cap on and leave overnight

wash: co-wash. ran from this for a while due to me feeling a conditioner could not wash all the oil out, but found the perfect technique. rinse well with warm water first to allow oil to runoff then washed with a clarifying conditioner. worked like a charm. doing cowashes really helped my hair become healthy and helped me to maintain my length because i found the shampoos were too harsh on my fragile ends causing them to be dry and brittle.

conditioner: deep condition 1x a week. after applying conditioner and while its on i put EV unfiltered olive oil on each section then place heat conditioning cap on (this cap really works)

protein tx: i deep condition with a lite protein conditioner on relaxer days. and use lekair colestrol conditioner on the week following my relaxer. as far as strengthening my hair, i depend more on my oils to do that rather than doing the hard core protein tx. and use coconut oil to help reduce any further depletion of protein.

daily treatment: after rinsing out conditioner, i spritz with a SAA and water mixture then moisturize with pure glycerine and seal with castor oil. at night i moisturize with water and seal with EVCO and in the morning I seal with regular unrefined castor oil.

growth treatment: i am a MTG lover. this was one of the growth aids that brought me the most growth besides MN. i am thinking about mixing them. i apply it 2-3 times a week. the smell does not bother me at all and fades really fast.

styling: stayed away from heat. I learned to embrace my thickness and realized i can style my hair in protective styles and low manipulative styles and look beautiful yet keeping it healthy and growing.

by incorporating and being faithful to this regimine, my hair is not only growing in at a faster rate but it is healthy. and i found my shedding reduced significantly.

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wow great regimens! Looks like a lot of ladies use castor and coconut oil. MTG is another trend.

PS - What is BSB? I know BSL is bra-strap-length!
My most effective hair care regimen for growth is keeping it simple:

1. Conditioner washing---sometimes daily or as little as once a week depending on the weather or my hair's moisture need.

2. Leaving conditioner in the hair after washing. I may also use a little extra virgin olive oil as a leave in sometimes.

3. Finger combing

4. Keeping the hair up as much as possible; long hair tends to get caught in things.