Am I wrong to think this is kinda funny?

I am looking at Pinterest and the subscribers went in on this poor ladies hair. It's kind of interesting.


i want to do this but am afraidddd
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Camellia Gregorian
omg same here!

Ryann Durand
DO IT! Don't be afraid!

Smashley Borden
I go to hair school and I did this on one of my mannequins and it came out amazing! Then I put a teal color on the blonde! It was awesome!

Smashley Borden
And it's super easy :)

Ashley Marie
do what? this persons hair is a mess.

Cassie Kreilein
Is it just where the blonde has grown out? Mine gets like that naturally every year

Cara Brado
Its actually a technique called "hombre". Its very popular right now and very easy...

Taylor Burnett
Why would you even want your hair like that?

Lara Wheatley
Looks terrible

Anastasia Hansen
I don't get the whole "hombre" thing, it just looks like your roots need to be done.

Chalia Vasquez
Not pretty...She NEEDS a haircut...

Michelle Morrell
That is some stringy *** hair lol

Misty Riley
Looks like it should be the before picture!

Allie Weber
This hair is super ****ty... Someone get this girl a trim and a dye job!!

Annaliese Farnsworth
I like this look, but I'm too scared to do it too. It's quite a drastic change. But some celebs have had it done so it looks quite sleek :)

Cindy McClain
wow who knew people could be so critical...I think her hair is beautiful and very real ..not like most of the unattainable hair styles on Pinterest

Bethany Wright
My hair looked like this after it grew out from being highlighted and then dyed back. The highlights started shining through.

Meghan Mount
I agree Cindy!! some people can be so mean and really hurt feelings! I saw this and thought my hair looks quite similar and I can't help it due to medications, etc. .. so who knows what she goes through. Its heartbreaking to see how quick people are to pick out other peoples flaws. just goes to show how insecure some people are, I guess.

Karla Moran
I agree also, Cindy and Meghan. So sad that people are so quick to judge. My daughter is 15 and she said this is the new style or trend. Just like a few months ago, when all the young girls were getting those feather extensions in their hair. Her hair is pretty and I think it looks pretty cool!
Hombre?! I thought it was Ombre. The length looks ragged as hell. I guess they could have said it with more tact. *kanye shrug*
I see nothing wrong with the look but I'm familiar with the ombre/hombre trend. This is the same color effect (with different colors) that Beyonce has been rocking for years.

All this woman needs is a comb... **kanye shrug**
I agree. All she needs is a comb. And if she barrel-curled her ends, the ombre effect would look even better. Right now it's a little plain.
Her hair is beautiful. I see nothing wrong with it. It's not harsh, bright and crazy looking. Just messy and in need of a quick brushing.
I saw this picture thinking, "What's wrong?" Like the previous posters said, all she really needs is a comb. If you really want to bring out the scissors then just cut an inch or two. Sometimes I think people LOOK for something bad to say just to feed into their inner negativity.
I never really understood the ombre bandwagon. I dunno, I don't really like the pic. It looks like her hair hasn't been tended to for quite some time-- almost like an abandoned lawn. Long straight hair has a tendency to look like that to me... Then couple that with the colour, which looks like its been growing out for ages, and fact that it needs brushing... Not exactly a look i would intentionally set out for lol but maybe im just feeding into my inner negativity :lol:
I didn't find the comments funny. I did, however, find them annoyingly immature. Like others have said, her hair looks fine. She just needs to comb it.

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Just goes to show it is not just Black women tearing each other down.:ohwell:

^^^ Exactly. The comments were harsh and unexpected. When I saw the picture, I just thought she needed a good deep conditioning, a trim and a comb. Usually, when comments get snarky like that, there is some jealousy going on :nono: .