Am I the Only Person that is NEVER satisfied with results at the Salon?


Well-Known Member

I have been struggling with this all my life. I am almost NEVER satisfied with hair style results at the salon. I will literally bring a picture and tell the stylist "this is what I want" and they are like "sure, okay!" Yet when they give me the mirror to look at my hair style, I am disappointed 95% of the time. Then I'm forced to fake how much I "love it!" :nono: (Because, are they really going to undo my hair and start all over? C'mon now.)

This is one reason why I think they always have your back turned to the mirror WHILE styling your hair. :rolleyes:

Basically, I want to learn how to do amazing, intricate styles on my natural hair BY MYSELF. How do you keep motivated to do your own hair to escape the disappointment?

Anyone relate?
This describes a lot but not all of my salon experiences. I definitely remember showing the stylist pictures and then getting nothing like I expected and feeling a total fool. Since going natural and taking 100% control and responsibility for hair, I've had some godawful hair days, but I have never felt as helpless and foolish as when I let a stylist do whatever she wanted to my hair while I sat there hoping for the best.

I have been struggling with this all my life. I am almost NEVER satisfied with hair style results at the salon. I will literally bring a picture and tell the stylist "this is what I want" and they are like "sure, okay!" Yet when they give me the mirror to look at my hair style, I am disappointed 95% of the time. Then I'm forced to fake how much I "love it!" :nono: (Because, are they really going to undo my hair and start all over? C'mon now.)

This is one reason why I think they always have your back turned to the mirror WHILE styling your hair. :rolleyes:

Basically, I want to learn how to do amazing, intricate styles on my natural hair BY MYSELF. How do you keep motivated to do your own hair to escape the disappointment?

Anyone relate?
I think I got my hair done right 1x out of all my years living. I do not trust them period. I know all are not bad, but haven't found a decent Stylist that wasn't scissor happy in 20 yrs so i officially give up trying to find one. No one does my hair as good as I do.
When I was going to the Dominicans, I used to tell them not to bother...they couldn't do it right, and it wasn't worth the argument. As soon as I left the store, I'd be brushing it to fall the right way, and when I got home I'd just wrap it up.

I have been struggling with this all my life. I am almost NEVER satisfied with hair style results at the salon. I will literally bring a picture and tell the stylist "this is what I want" and they are like "sure, okay!" Yet when they give me the mirror to look at my hair style, I am disappointed 95% of the time. Then I'm forced to fake how much I "love it!" :nono: (Because, are they really going to undo my hair and start all over? C'mon now.)

This is one reason why I think they always have your back turned to the mirror WHILE styling your hair. :rolleyes:

Basically, I want to learn how to do amazing, intricate styles on my natural hair BY MYSELF. How do you keep motivated to do your own hair to escape the disappointment?

Anyone relate?

I'm the opposite. The majority of my salon visits are great. I have only have a handful of salon visits that were just okay and one that I considered a disaster(but that was enough lay off lol). To be honest practice on myself helps me. I say Hey I am only going style my hair once for the week and if it looks good yay. If it doesn't look good, it still took "this" much time to do so it staying for at least a week anyway. For me, when I commit to to a style good or bad the styles started being good more times than bad. That's how I learned to wear my hair natural. I stay motivated to do my hair myself by just remembering my last salon visit was a disaster: it took more time than I would have took, looked worse than I would have styled it and took a couple inches with it. Also my hair routine has become a habit and I miss my hair if I leave it alone too long.
If you are disappointed 95% of the time you have other issues going on. Are you choosing styles that are not right for your shape/structure?

The only thing I can suggest is if you are going to a new person instead of showing pictures of what you want maybe ask to see their book before you make an appointment so they can show you what they have actually done (& not pictures from a hair book). If you don't see styles like what you are looking for then keep it moving. If you haven't seen their work on others (like a personal reference) then don't turn your back to the mirror and abdicate responsibility when you don't like the results. Everytime some "it" hairstyle comes in I see so many running to salon to get the same style and it looks ridiculous on them. Everybody can't rock everything.
bklynbornNbred said:
If you are disappointed 95% of the time you have other issues going on. Are you choosing styles that are not right for your shape/structure?

The only thing I can suggest is if you are going to a new person instead of showing pictures of what you want maybe ask to see their book before you make an appointment so they can show you what they have actually done (& not pictures from a hair book). If you don't see styles like what you are looking for then keep it moving. If you haven't seen their work on others (like a personal reference) then don't turn your back to the mirror and abdicate responsibility when you don't like the results. Everytime some "it" hairstyle comes in I see so many running to salon to get the same style and it looks ridiculous on them. Everybody can't rock everything.

its not so much that the style comes out bad but not being able to relax & enjoy getting your hair done b/c the stylist is detangling from the roots down & trying to yank through your hair... or u cant trust the stylist to just give u a trim & not an unwanted haircut.

or theres stylist who u tell them what u want & they think they know better or they just do what they want instead of what u ask for or they just arent good at their job. Or they give u 100 excuses as to y that style cant be done on u & convince u to try sumthin different that will be "better' & it comes out horrible.
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I havent been happy with a hairstyle ive had since i was 8. It has nothing to do with me "picking the wrong style" because i always take the shape of my face/ personality into consideration before every cut. The most recent relaxer I had, he took way more hair off then needed just to tell me he couldnt accomplish the style "without $1000 shears." I posted this in another thread and ladies were saying they could accomplish it with kitchen shears. I told him to do a choppy cut on the bangs, so he cuts....blunt. when i ask him if hes gonna make them choppy, he says yes, takes a flatiron, and curls it... uh uh brah. you aint done. He finally acts like he had no idea what i was talking about and cuts it somewhat right. Other times ive had a lady that wouldnt stop arcing the ends and the worst ive had is getting my **** burned out by a relaxer. Ladies i dont by any means consider myself a picky person, but hair is the first thing alot of people notice first, and will notice if its amiss.
I am a picky person but there is one salon that I know I can go to and she will always do my hair properly. However, after spending about $50 a week for my hair I decided I needed to save more and started to do it on my own. Usually though if I try a place thats not my regular place then I don't like it.
100% of the time! The last time I went was for my BC in 09
If I got my hair styled, I would always put it in a ponytail immediately after I left the salon
If I got it cut, it was always a mistake and I would have to buy scarves and hats to make myself feel better
My hair never took color or relaxers properly either. Waste of money
i haven't been to the salon in probably 5 years and when i did go, i often left thinking "i could have done this at home for free" lol
I have a big problem with how they comb my hair. They comb my hair like they don't give a crap with that rat teeth comb and when you suggest using your comb, no I'm fine.... And then I have did the picture thing where I show them I want and just like one of you said faked that I liked it because I know I couldn't do it over and didn't want to come back to get it done again so I just complained everyday until I washed the style out!
I got to the salon only for chemical procedures, relaxer, color other than that I don't do it. I go every 4 weeks for color and 10 weeks for a relaxer, that is it. Other than that I roller set and keep the curls or I would have to wrap it after I take the rollers out the next day because the longer I keep the curls the puffy and uncontrollable my hair will look. And when I get my hair done at the salon it looks thinner, when I do it it looks thicker, even though when it time for a relaxer I rather go to a salon because my hair would be more manageable but then I think about the way they comb and I say never mind, I will do it myself
You do realize that your hair will never look like the picture because A. you're not the person in the picture and B. the stylist can never fully re-create someone else's work?!

Black women are some of the hardest women on the planet to please, and I say this from years of experience. :-/
You do realize that your hair will never look like the picture because A. you're not the person in the picture and B. the stylist can never fully re-create someone else's work?!

Black women are some of the hardest women on the planet to please, and I say this from years of experience. :-/

Are you a hair stylist?
I have not been pleased with a salon style since going natural. All I want is a blow out and flat iron. Many salons just cannot work with hair that is not chemically relaxed....and this includes at least one natural salon that I tried this summer that claims to be a Natural Blow Dry bar.
The only time I was 100% happy with a salon visit was when I asked them to shave it all off!!! She also showed me how to rub gel in my half inch of hair. :lol: