Am I the only one....

Miss AJ

New Member
that DIDN'T buy anything during Black Friday sales? I mean I had a whole list written down and even had websites bookmarked but I bought nada cuz I looked at my stash and realized I don't need anything nor do I need to try anything new. What I have now is working and I'm not buying JACK until I use this stuff up. It is funny that I splurge on hair products any other time of the year but on Black Friday I didn't buy squat :lachen:
Add me to the list!

I didn't buy a damn thing! Woot woot! I'm so proud of myself.

I was very disappointed in the black Friday sale last year. I ordered stuff and received it like 6 weeks later, well close to January LOL It was just too crazy and hectic. Besides, I'd rather spend the money on my children's Christmas presents.
I didn't buy anything; I have way too much stuff now!!

I still remember that one picture you posted of all your haircare stuff. GEESHUSH! :lachen:

I didn't buy anything for Black Friday. I'm trying to cut back on unnecessary spending, and build back up my bank account.
I did Black Friday shopping once ten years ago and it was a waste of time and sleep, so I just shop when I feel like it and get my best deals closer to Christmas.
According to the local news.. they claim the internet's black Friday is tomorrow, they call it Cyber monday. I'm going to check out all those website to see if they were talking the truth.
Man, I didn't buy anything either.
I had shopping carts with stuff in them and I was about ready to check out, but at the last minute, I changed my mind.
It was like Jesus came down and went upside my head.
So I didn't buy anything at all.
I passed on the Black friday sales trying to save more money these days.

I even set my alarm to get up too! just didnt feel right