Am I the only one?

The Girl

Well-Known Member
Who can't find Blossoms' thread? I started reading it earlier adn then the board was down for maintanence. Now when I refresh the page (cuz of course I just left the browser/page, it say I don't have the permission to view...:confused:
Here is the thread: Let me know if there is another board forum/membership that I am missing out on. Thank you ladies!
there are a lot of threads that seem to be "missing" since the board went back up. .
Blossom, Shima, pretty much anything that is controversial is gone
Even a thread about a chick asking for help on how to protect her relaxed hair cuz she MUST go to a certain stylist who MUST run the entire relaxer throught her hair and she MUST NOT say anything about it.
Apparently she got mad at us for voicing our concerns about how silly u can see that sounded..... so that thread ofcourse magically disappeared too. LMFAO!

Anyway they are ALL gone, Gone, GONE!!! lol

Please keep responses in harmony and agreeance with the everyone else and unopinionated, otherwise u r next :lol:
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there are a lot of threads that seem to be "missing" since the board went back up. .
Blossom, Shima, preety much anything that is controversial is gone
Even a thread about a chick asking for help on how to protect her relaxed hair cuz she MUST go to a certain stylist who MUST run the entire relaxer throught her hair and she MUST NOT say anything about it. LMFAO!

Anyway they are ALL gone!

Please keep responses n-sync with the OP and unopinionated, otherwise u r next :lol:

Oh wow I hope that's not the case! :perplexed I read the Shima and the perm thread. What was the blossom one about? I have a bad feeling people are gonna start keeping things to themselves out of fear of being deleted. Our differences as well as our likeness make this board interesting...IMO
? I have a bad feeling people are gonna start keeping things to themselves out of fear of being deleted.

Girl please, where have u been that has BEEN happening.

God forbid u disagree with certain folks here, or ur personal opinion is unpopular... someone is going to get offended, and ur post is going to get deleted.
If ENOUGH people share the same against-the-grain point of view then *POOF* the whole thread is gone! :lol:

That just the way it is.. no matter how many STickys they put up about maintianing board- harmony.. some people can never agree to just disagree.

HTH :), and JMHO!
*Laughs* *rubs Niko's back* *reads the latest announcement* *Starts speakin in big momma voice* Are you okay now baby?
Girl please, where have u been that has BEEN happening.

God forbid u disagree with certain folks here, or ur personal opinion is unpopular... someone is going to get offended, and ur post is going to get deleted.
If ENOUGH people share the same against-the-grain point of view then *POOF* the whole thread is gone! :lol:

That just the way it is.. no matter how many STickys they put up about maintianing board- harmony.. some people can never agree to just disagree.

HTH :), and JMHO!

ETA: And yes, you are more than entitled to your opinion...and I respect it. :grin:

I don't think that it's about members have an 'against the grain opinion'...I mean there are plenty of post by people using vagisil, monkey sweat, and the shed hair ends grinded up for consistency mixed with Henna of the ancient Chinese Ofolopogous...and the people who disagree with them. I think that threads go missing when people use very little tact and create post that are offensive (usually on purpose) to others. I mean, if the thread in question was used to create debate or discussion like, "For 4a/4b hair types, beyond APL is probably not possible due to a number of factors" or something of the like, it would still be up.
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Then again the Shima post did start out with a link to her website. Which definitely goes against the rules of placing ads on here.
Then again the Shima post did start out with a link to her website. Which definitely goes against the rules of placing ads on here.

Yea, but I dont think that was the reason why it disappeared.
There are lots and lottttsss of threads here linked to other websites.
Even the first Shima thread , called "look at her hair"... that was actually praising her was also linked to her website. It never got deleted.

In my opinion, I think Shima did something that was wrong, and people went crazy over it... and eventually it got taken away. :lol:
Oh wow I hope that's not the case! :perplexed I read the Shima and the perm thread. What was the blossom one about? I have a bad feeling people are gonna start keeping things to themselves out of fear of being deleted. Our differences as well as our likeness make this board interesting...IMO

Girl please, where have u been that has BEEN happening.

God forbid u disagree with certain folks here, or ur personal opinion is unpopular... someone is going to get offended, and ur post is going to get deleted.
If ENOUGH people share the same against-the-grain point of view then *POOF* the whole thread is gone! :lol:

That just the way it is.. no matter how many STickys they put up about maintianing board- harmony.. some people can never agree to just disagree.

HTH :), and JMHO!

There shouldnt be a "fear" of anything as long as you are following forum rules. If you refuse to follow the rules, you face the consequences. Regardless, to comply or not is a choice you make and therefore a result that each member has complete and total control over. No one here as a problem with anyone disagreeing with anyone else, but it is not necessary to call them names and get nasty to do so. These are basic skills that even children are expected to have cultivated at an early age. Since the majority of the posters here are adults, these simple social skills should not be beyond anyones ability.

Please remember that LHCF reserves the right to move or delete any thread for any reason. As far as the threads questioned here, they have either been locked and are still visible or removed at the request of the OP.
Girl please, where have u been that has BEEN happening.

God forbid u disagree with certain folks here, or ur personal opinion is unpopular... someone is going to get offended, and ur post is going to get deleted.
If ENOUGH people share the same against-the-grain point of view then *POOF* the whole thread is gone! :lol:

That just the way it is.. no matter how many STickys they put up about maintianing board- harmony.. some people can never agree to just disagree.

HTH :), and JMHO!
I dunno if you meant the threads disappearing or the fear of being the oddball...the latter i definitely agree with thus I have cut back a great deal on my replies unless its a topic I am hyped about (ie. the ones about children that relate to my baby).
There shouldnt be a "fear" of anything as long as you are following forum rules. If you refuse to follow the rules, you face the consequences. Regardless, to comply or not is a choice you make and therefore a result that each member has complete and total control over. No one here as a problem with anyone disagreeing with anyone else, but it is not necessary to call them names and get nasty to do so. These are basic skills that even children are expected to have cultivated at an early age. Since the majority of the posters here are adults, these simple social skills should not be beyond anyones ability.

Please remember that LHCF reserves the right to move or delete any thread for any reason. As far as the threads questioned here, they have either been locked and are still visible or removed at the request of the OP.

Thank you ma, I supposed I should have asked the mods first huh?
Thank you ma, I supposed I should have asked the mods first huh?

No problem! Trust me, if a thread gets locked, there is no doubt in the minds of most of the people who were posting in it that it was going to be locked. Normally they start a count down to the big "clink, clink" and try to get their comments in first. :lol:

We dont try to do anything underhanded with the posts. Often times the OP has asked us to move a thread. Unless a thread was so offensive that to continue to leave it present would continue to cause more controversy, (or it contained nudity, porn or explicit sexual language, etc) when we lock them because of conflict or whatever, we normally leave them where you can still read them. :)