Am I the only one whose hair doesn't like 100% moisture DC's?


New Member
This question has been on my mind ever since I started my HHJ. My hair is relaxed 4B and has only liked (at least mild) protein DC's forever. Even before knowing anything about moisture vs protein DC's. They make my hair soft, detangled and all that, but just do not stop breakage like protein DC's do. My regimen is simple: basically I DC weekly, cornrows/braids every 2 weeks without extensions, M&S daily, touch up every 12 weeks. Could I be doing something wrong or some people's hair's just like that? ( I've tried AO HSR, Motions After Shampoo, CON nourishing conditioner, HE HH with oils etc. But nothing like my dear old mayo.):perplexed
nope, my natural hair and my texlaxed hair (35 weeks post) love protein. my hair is meh about moisture condish. i do moisture once a month or so or as a prepoo sometimes just to make sure i am balanced.
Every body (and head of hair) is different. If that works for you, stick to it! :) It's just like some people liking to put thick lotions on their skin vs some people like thin lotions. Our bodies' needs are different.