Am I The Only One Who Loves Their Silver/White Hair?


Well-Known Member
I just turned 30 this past December and I have a bunch of silver and white strands, borderline patches of hair. I started seeing them shortly after I seperated from the military 5 years ago, my mom seems to think it was the stressful transition from militarty to civilian life but in speaking to my paternal aunt, I found out that that side of the family goes silver and white prematurely. Innitially, I myself thought that it was the stress from the Calculus class that I was taking because it was STRESSFUL however I have long finished that class and my silver and white strands are as long as the rest of my hair. I personally don't mind them, I think it would be cool to be young with a head full of silver and white hairs... If my hair turned white then I would change my name to Another reason is that I don't think that I have the time or patience to maintain the touch ups. I would like to try henna but I know that I would have to REALLY be dedicated to that color because I would have to grow it out. Does anyone else feel this way?
I see a lot of ladies with beautiful silver or white hair. My hair just made me feel old. I did a few years of the hair journey with henna. The orange to black did not work well. I now have an upline from Jazzing 12 week semi permanent. It covers a bit better. A hint of red is cool. I am not loving the silver and white.......
I'm 45 and only have a few, but I like them. Both my parents are 80 and neither are totally gray. They have salt and pepper, so I'll probably never be completely gray.

I'd love to have a streak like Cruella DeVille, though!

ETA: Stacey London (What Not To Wear) is one of my hair idols and she has a streak in front.

As long as the face and body is lean and looks young, I don't think it's really aging. More like - Wow, that older lady looks good! lol
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I'm 45 and only have a few, but I like them. Both my parents are 80 and neither are totally gray. They have salt and pepper, so I'll probably never be completely gray.

I'd love to have a streak like Cruella DeVille, though!

ETA: Stacey London (What Not To Wear) is one of my hair idols and she has a streak in front.

As long as the face and body is lean and looks young, I don't think it's really aging. More like - Wow, that older lady looks good! lol

I would too! I am hoping that I will have a nice big chunk of silver/white hair right in the front within the next few years. lol
I love it also. I am 30 but no grays yet. Dh has a few and he hates them but I think they are hot. Guess we are a minority lol. I guess I dont strive to be 25 forever so I never feel that old thing people whine about lol.
I call mine grey but they are actually silver. I started silvering at 17. I'm 40. It's weird because they come and go. My mom was completely silver and pepper and now her hair is jet again. Mine does the same. In my 20s I was a lot more silver than now naturally. We got weird jeans.

I wouldnt mind it so much if when they do appear, they were in a nice cool streak instead of sprinkled throughout my edges and crown. Just looks bad. And silver is VERY hard to dye IME.

Henna isnt the only natural option. I rock jet black hair using indigo.
I love love love my silver strands. I have enough to keep me content but I can't wait until I have more of those pretty strands. My mother hates them and always wants me to pluck hers out.. I do it very reluctantly. It reminds me of tinsel a bit. I've had them since I was 11 or 12 and gradually get more. I have a few that are grey at the ends but get darker towards the roots then the opposite on other strands. It's cool.
Nope I like silver, I have two so far and it's the coolest. Strange one of my white hair is ombre, orange at the bottom and white at the top.
I don't know why it's like that. I have that ombre white hair.:lachen::look: I saw this girl on yt, she had the silver white hair look, but towards the ends were a soft light purple. When I get older I would rock that look.
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The grey I have is actually white. If it was coming in further back on my head and actually growing out then I could probably make some peace with it.

As it is, most of it is concentrated in my hairline and only grows to be a couple inches long. That ish aint cute.

I've been camouflaging it with that Cover Your Gray stuff.

A streak would be cute though.
Always had gray hair since my teens. Bigen oriental black is the only color that works to cover the gray 100%. Maybe when I get older I'll let the gray take over, but definitely not now.
I love silver hair on OTHER people. :lol:

The grey I have is actually white. If it was coming in further back on my head and actually growing out then I could probably make some peace with it.

As it is, most of it is concentrated in my hairline and only grows to be a couple inches long. That ish aint cute.

I agree with this. If it didn't frame my face so much maybe I wouldn't mind it. When I take pictures it is horrible. It looks like it covers 1/2 of my head. :tantrum:

I am a little less stressed than in the past few months so it seems to not be as intolerable.

Fortunately, my hair is stark white and not gray which makes it look really clean.

In the past I colored every 2 to 3 months. For now I am foregoing coloring as long as I can. I am using Shea Moisture since it doesn't have ammonia. I am always on the hunt though for something to just cover my edges.