Am I the only one that wants length ..

I want length.. but I wouldn't give up the thickness I've gotten for anything. I'd rather my hair be thicker then longer than longer and thin as a piece of plastic wrap.
Oh I hear ya. My hair grows faster on the left than the right but I don't plan on evening it out anytime soon. When I wear it down (1x every 3 months or the only person who knows is me
SexyC said:
First? I refuse to cut my hair at this point cause I made so much progress. Yeah its thin and my ends are not blunt but at this point I don't care. I wear wigs and braided styles all the time so therefor I want to see how long I can go without cutting it. Come on someone speak up with me, I know I can't be alone here.

I don't know but I'm going to get my hair trimmed this wekend because the breakage is getting on my nerves. But if you want to hold on to your length, no problem.
You're definitely not alone. This weekend I cut about a half inch off of the left side because it was a little longer than the right (grows faster). I am still regretting it even though I can't see the difference. I want length and then I'll trim regularly to get rid of any thin ends.
I had a Halle Berry cut in 1995. It got trimmed in September 1996.
I didn't get another trim or cut until Jan 1998. Hair was good and still healthy.
I am just like you. I am so glad to have hair past the base of my neck I hate to cut it. However I had pretty much decide to cut about 2-3 inches off last week. Now that I read this I am about to change my mind.

But let me put my two cents in:

1. I have noticed that the split ends have travel a long ways up the strand. WHich is why I decided to go ahead and cut it. In a very cute style

2. If you do cut it, I understand that March 18-19 is the strongest day of the yr to cut your hair for length.

That's my 2
SexyC said:
First? I refuse to cut my hair at this point cause I made so much progress. Yeah its thin and my ends are not blunt but at this point I don't care. I wear wigs and braided styles all the time so therefor I want to see how long I can go without cutting it. Come on someone speak up with me, I know I can't be alone here.

I want length, but not at the expense of thick, healthy, hair. I have discovered that if I cut my hair off to where it is uniformly thick, it looks longer and thicker. I don't have to do as much styling either. If I want to wear it down straight with only a slight curl, it looks fine. If I get caught in the rain or it falls down due to humidity, it still looks good. I can't do that with thin uneven hair.
SexyC said:
Thanks ladies
I've been taking pictures of my progress but after seeing some of the pics with everybodies hair looking all nice and thick , I think I might be a little embarrassed to post pictures of my see through hair when I do decide to relax it again. The one good thing I can say is that ever since I joined this forum, I have retained almost 3 inches since Oct. For me thats major. My hair would never pass my shoulder and now it is at my armpit with about 5 months worth of new growth.

That's awesome Sexy!

Don't feel bad about that. I NEVER used to trim my hair back in the (pre-blunt cut) and it was fine because I wore ponytails all the time. Your hair will continue to flourish even if you don't cut it. Just monitor the ends every now and then to make sure you don't have any splits. Those you can just clip individually as opposed to straight across.

Hey I haven't trimmed my hair since march 2004 , it will be a whole year by next month. I just don't have the need to trim the ends! they're not damaged and my main goal is to have it all one length .I will not be ready to cut/trim until the last layer is at my brastrap!
I'm definitely following the Cathy Howse method of not trimming for 6 months to a year. As long as I don't see split ends {I check individual strands} I'm cool...the last time I pressed my hair I didn't see any...but now I have extensions in so I might "dust" not trim once they are out and when that happens it would have been 8 months or so since the last "dusting".
Porsche19 said:
I'm like the exact opposite. I have problems with cutting my hair too much because I don't want ANY splits, see through ends and I want my hair to be perfectly blunt. Go figure :)

I'm not going to cut my hair again until June, just a little dusting here and there until then. Hopefully, I'll see more progress.

I have to say I am not afraid to cut off those raggedy ends. In the past I had a problem with cutting off the ends and I used to have words with the hairderesser when she cut too much but now I have a very sharp scissors and I prefer to do the cutting myself.

Today, for instance, I have cut about 1/2" off my ends because they are just very dry and needed the trim. In future the hair will be much more healthier without splits all the way up the hairshaft.

I believe "dusting" is also a good idea to keep the hair and ends in general, looking healthy.

That's my opinion.
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I want length also but I think thickness is part of that whole healthier hair equation. I tried doing the "not trimming often" for about a year and only did light dustings. My ends are too thin, fragile, and always breaking no matter what conditioner or moisture regime I follow.
Eventually, the thinner ends would just break and put me a step back from my hair goal. So, for me; I'm sticking w/ the trims every 8 weeks because my hair in general can't take it :)

I guess it would depend on your hair on how you feel. If it looks thin and sickly, cut it :grin: If it looks thin and healthy, grow it :)