
New Member
Ok, so I just finished COW my hair. And OMG it felt HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! t didnt feel soft OR moisturize. Oh why oh why KeraCare did I ever stray even for COW??????

Dear KeraCare Moisturizing for Color Treated Hair:

I owe you a HUGE apology. Never again will I use anything to condition my hair with than you. You have been so good to me. Providing luxurious moisturized soft supple hair. People see you and they stop and want to run their fingers through my hair after I have used you. I even gave up your beloved brother humecto conditioner. I know that I have never truly been faithful to a line, because there are so many other new and improved products out there, yet I still find my way back to you. I will use you for co-washes and deep conditioning for the rest of my days....(at least until I can afford to try aveda....but I digress). I love you and please forgive me.


P.S. Am I the only one that this conditioner Suave Honey & Milk(that everyone on the board raves about) did nothing for??????
Cholet112 said:
Ok, so I just finished COW my hair. And OMG it felt HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! t didnt feel soft OR moisturize. Oh why oh why KeraCare did I ever stray even for COW??????

Dear KeraCare Moisturizing for Color Treated Hair:

I owe you a HUGE apology. Never again will I use anything to condition my hair with than you. You have been so good to me. Providing luxurious moisturized soft supple hair. People see you and they stop and want to run their fingers through my hair after I have used you. I even gave up your beloved brother humecto conditioner. I know that I have never truly been faithful to a line, because there are so many other new and improved products out there, yet I still find my way back to you. I will use you for co-washes and deep conditioning for the rest of my days....(at least until I can afford to try aveda....but I digress). I love you and please forgive me.


P.S. Am I the only one that this conditioner Suave Honey & Milk(that everyone on the board raves about) did nothing for??????

No, you are not the only one. (I sure thought I was for the longest. lol) I add this with my spray bottle mixture just to get rid of it.

**I tried it as a CoWash.
I hated it!! I really tried to love it, the smell, the reviews. But sadly, no. I finally had to give it up after using it for a entire month. I won't be revisiting this 'PJ itch' again.:nono:
EWWWWWWWWWWW! CO-signing cause this stuff did nothing for my hair. My kids use it in the tub when they "pretend shave".

Letitia, you gotta be my hair twin cause our hair likes and hates the same things!
I haven't tried this one, but the Suave Tropical Coconut makes my hair feel weird - almost dry. I think it's the protein in it. I think the Milk & Honey also contains protein, so I'd probably hate that one too.

I'm sticking to the protein-free cheapie conditioners for cowashes from now on.

My hair feels like Who did it and WHY?????? Man, even after putting my leave-in and silken sirum my hair still feels like garbage. I will be washing my hair tonight just to get it back to normal. Maybe it was the proteins but I wont be on the PJ bandwagon for a longtime......:(
Yeah, it might be the protein. This is the kind of product with which I would have to tread very lightly. If I used that as a daily cowash, I think all hell might break loose. Sorry you had such a bad experience with it.
Cichelle said:
Yeah, it might be the protein. This is the kind of product with which I would have to tread very lightly. If I used that as a daily cowash, I think all hell might break loose. Sorry you had such a bad experience with it.

Girl all hell HAS broken loose. I cant stress how horrible my hair feels this morning. I was so tempted to wash it when I woke but that would have made me late for work. I guess I have had my first live and learn experience since joining LHCF.
I am sorry to hear that it didn't work for you. I finally found this at Kmart last night and purchased two bottles of it. Hopefully it will give my hair shine and slip or something.
I guess Im glad it only cost me like a dollar. I was expecting some kind of Hallelujah moment when I washed it out because of the way the boards raved about it. Instead it was a Lord why me moment.
I searched for months until I found the Suave. It was such an disappointment; it only took the one time for me to realize that this product was not for me, my hair felt horrible!!!:eek: I gave the Suave to my DH; he can handle the protein & he said he liked the way his hair felt afterwards.:grin: Go figure, everyone is different.:perplexed
dlewis said:
I saw nothing special about this conditioner, but I did co-wash with it until I used the bottle up.

I dont think I will survive another co-wash with it. I guess I will be using my keracare on a daily basis. I will just have to stick with what works and I will never go wrong. Its just so many products out there that you ladies rave about and that makes it very hard to remain faithful.
Cholet112 said:
I dont think I will survive another co-wash with it. I guess I will be using my keracare on a daily basis. I will just have to stick with what works and I will never go wrong. Its just so many products out there that you ladies rave about and that makes it very hard to remain faithful.

Now don't go giving up on all cheap conditioners just yet. Suave and VO5 make some great moisturizing conditioners (w/o protein) that I prefer. I don't know about you, but using Keracare for cowashes several times per week would hurt my lil' pocketbook! At least with the Suave, I can use a ton of conditioner and not feel too bad about it.;)
preciousjewel76 said:

Now don't go giving up on all cheap conditioners just yet. Suave and VO5 make some great moisturizing conditioners (w/o protein) that I prefer. I don't know about you, but using Keracare for cowashes several times per week would hurt my lil' pocketbook! At least with the Suave, I can use a ton of conditioner and not feel too bad about it.;)

Well, I need something because you are right KC is expensive. But I dont know if my hair can take another trial and error this week. I have thick resistant 4a/b if I can find a good cheapie moisturizing conditioner I will give it another try.
No you're not. It didn't do anything for me. My hair felt the same as it always did, soft, but it was nothing to brag about. I looked all over the place before I found 2 bottles and now I'm trying to use it all up... :ohwell: Even if it was only 79 cents... I'll stick with my Humectress. I get the feeling cheap products are CHEAP for a reason despite what people rave about on the board.
I hate Suave Milk & Honey, I even hate the smell. It did nothing for my hair when it was relaxed. I gave it another try since the BC and it made my natural hair hard. I like Suave Moisture, I first tried it while I was transitioning for COW and it worked great. That's the only Suave I use.
You could try a VO5 conditioner instead. I find it to be more moisturizing than Suave. If all fails, then try Herbal Essence, Garnier Fructis, Tresemme or Loreal. They are way cheaper than Keracare and just as effective.
I've never used Suave Milk & Honey for co-washes, but it does work really well for my hair as a regular conditioner. Sorry it didn't work for you.:(
Suave in gerneral has never done anything for my hair! I have tried almost all of them. I think that in this case you get what you pay for. I think some people use it for a CW only because it is cheap but I wont touch the stuff because it doesn't do anything to my hair! Suave (Any type) Yuk!
I think I will be stick to KeraCare. You are so right, you get EXACTLY what you pay for. Sometimes you may luck up on a product that is very effective and cost friendly. Im just going charge this to the hair game.
Cholet112 said:
Well, I need something because you are right KC is expensive. But I dont know if my hair can take another trial and error this week. I have thick resistant 4a/b if I can find a good cheapie moisturizing conditioner I will give it another try.

Try Motions Moisture Plus. :love: :love: It is really cheap at Sally's and so good.
co-signing on the Motions! I love this stuff and I have the 5 lb tub of it! :)

Honeydew I didn't know you had joined the Motions bandwagon!