Am I the only one that doesn't have a real regimine?


Well-Known Member
I've been on this healthy hair journey since 9/19/03 (2/03 if you count the months I was in braids that year). I know what products I like and which ones I don't but I can never seem to stick with a routine. I wash and deep condition once a week, sometimes I conditioner wash and sometimes I don't, depending on the weather and I always keep my hair moisturized as well as I can.

I guess my question is how important is it to stick to the same routine and products?
I don't have one either. I am very sparatic with my hair behavior. I have not been consitent with my vitamins. I am so random. I have not found the best products that work for me yet and I have been doing this for 18 months.
Well.... I Think Its Important To Have A Regimen Because In Order For Your Hair To Do What You Want It To Do It Has To Be Trained. It Wont Ever Get Trained If You Keep Changing Up The Routine. But Trust Me, I Know How You Feel When You Are Tired And You Dont Feel Like Doing That Co Wash....but Hey You Gotta Do It!!! Or When You So Tired You Dont Feel Like Wraping Your Hair.....but Hey You Gotta Do It!!! Just Think About The Good Results You'll Get With The Hard Work.

(just My 2 Cents)
laketta said:
I don't have one either. I am very sparatic with my hair behavior. I have not been consitent with my vitamins. I am so random. I have not found the best products that work for me yet and I have been doing this for 18 months.

Ok, I feel better knowing that I am not alone :lol:
I don't have a real regimen yet either, at least in terms of the products I use. I just find it so tempting to try all the different products that people talk about on the board. Slowly but surely, I am trying to keep track of everything that I try and why I like it or don't like so that eventually I can have a few good products that I can rotate between. It seems that the people with the healthiest hair follow some sort of consistent routine that is proven to give them results.
No, you aren't alone. I'll have a real regimen...for about a month, then I'll do something else. I have been trying to stay out of the salon, except for when I need a relaxer, because I find that throws off any consistency I have. It's so hard for me to get my hair set and blown out at the roots, and then say, ok, time for a CO wash two days later. The only thing I have managed to be consistent about is relaxing every 12 weeks. I try to Surge for at least 2 weeks every other month or so (note the or so...a sure pattern of a gal with no regimen :ohwell: ). I hate when anyone asks about my regimen, because I end of saying, "I usually", "Generally", "Most of the time"...I really just want to be at a place where I wash twice a week or even 3 times without fail. Deep condition once a week, alternating moisture and protein. It sounds so easy when I write it down, but I always slip up and next month, I'll think some other plan is JUST what I need to be doing :ohwell:. As far as products...I am still trying everything I want to try, but I am pretty comfortable with my staples. The extra stuff is just gravy :look:.
I dont have a real regimen either because I like to try different products especially conditioners.
I have my vitamin regimen in check but the hair thing I finally have my shampoo and leave in narrowed down.
I plan to deep conditioned weekly along with co washes.
I'm transitioning, it's winter, I am still a newbie, I'm in pj you tell me my regime!!!!!! :lachen: What is consistent is that I wash (either CW or shampoo), condition, use a detangler, use a leave-in, and use castor-oil on my ends every night. Any other regime and product use is based upon tooo many variables so......I guess the answer is NO.......You are not alone!!!!

I feel different from many of the ladies on this board as far a regime goes. I go to the hairdresser every 8 weeks to get a relaxer and my girlfriend does my hair every 2 weeks in between touch ups. That's pretty much it. I don't know what products my hairdresser uses on my hair and i don't know what products my girlfriend uses on my hair. I don't even really know how long my hair really is :spinning: . The only thing I know for sure is that my hair is healthy and has been for years.