Am I the only lady here that can't cornrow? Thank the Lord for Flat twist outs!


New York's Finest
Haha I am so ashamed. I tried and tried as a kid to learn, but my right-handed Mama could not teach this lefty how to cornrow. I wish I would've discovered flat twists a long time ago. I watched a YT vid last week and for some reason, I could not get it. I was playing around a couple days ago and I GOT IT! :D I love how defined my curls look and shoot..I feel like lil mis diva with my flat twist outs now. So, for you ladies who can't cornrow under those wigs..or want a cute heat-free style, try a flat twist out.

I learned by watching this lady here:

HTH somebody. I am officially in love.
Don't feel bad! Lol! I can't cornrow either. But learning how to flat twist has saved me. Eventually I will learn how to cornrow.
I can do both :king::lol:.

Flat twists I conquered recently, but I have always known how to cornrow (inside and out) and braid. I don't remember where or how I learnt, but I remember braiding and cornrowing my doll's hair so I have been able to do it for a while.
I can't cornrow for anything, I don't even try:nono: But in the last couple years I've learned how to flat twist, a flat twist at my hairline is my go to style once I'm into a stretch:yep:
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I can't do either. I tried flat twisting and it looked a mess. I guess I need to keep practicing.
I can't canerow, flat twist, nothing!

The most I can do is plaits, but not too small because my hands will get tired and it will come out a mess lol.

For argument's sake, my grandmother and mother cannot either so I grew up with no reference lol.
I cant cornrow and I cant flat twist ... I can barely part my hair straight ... I got a lotta 'lernin to do :lol:
Wow Its good to see Im no alone but I gonna practise next year. Gotta learn to at least do a flat twist.

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Lol I can't cornrow or flat twist at all. I tried watching videos and still can't. I get how it's done, but once I begin on my own head, it ends up looking awful lol. One day I hope I get it haha.
I was suppose to be practicing how to over the weekend but never got around to it.....

my arms won't let me learn :look:
I can't cornrow worth a darn. I always say that I'm a useless black girl, because I can't cornrow, flat twist and can barely plait without them going in all directions.
i cant cornrow

and i can only flat twist in one direction (going sideways...cant flat twist, at least not decently, going backward and i cant flat twist going upward)...ugh. i suck so bad.
I can't cornrow either, I've never tried flat twisting. Years ago, maybe my early or middle teens, a neighbor (Hispanic) asked me to cornrow his hair. I did one and it looked a HAM. I told him I couldn't do it because of his texture :nono: :lol: I was so embarrassed!
*Raises hand* I can't cornrow at all. I can only flat twist to the side, like someone else said.

I can flat twist to the back decent enough to make it work for a pretty nice twist out. But I haven't done that in about 2 years.
I can cornrow, but the flat twist gets the best of mem, welll I can do my right side but the left is always a fail of epic portions... gotta keep trying though...
I can't cornrow either, I've never tried flat twisting. Years ago, maybe my early or middle teens, a neighbor (Hispanic) asked me to cornrow his hair. I did one and it looked a HAM. I told him I couldn't do it because of his texture :nono: :lol: I was so embarrassed!
OMG this happened to me! He was pissed when I was done.
Great thread...I too have 10 thumbs when it comes to cornrows. Such a shame, lol. But then I watched a video on two strand flat twists and honeyyyyyy I SAW THE LIGHT! Now, you can't tell me NOTHING. And the results look so cute. I can't wait until I have the length to do more twist out styles. :)
I can't cornrow and my flat twists are hit and miss. My mom said she learned by practicing on her baby dolls growing up, maybe that's what I need to do
I couldn't flat twist, twist or braid and I learned! I watched Naptural85's youtube video on flat twisting and I was inspired!

I'm really happy with my results, because it was enough to make me go natural again. Now I wear twist outs, buns (twist out buns),etc. I finally know what to "do" for my texture without heat. It's been an amazing journey and I challenge anyone to learn.

Plus my hair reached longer lengths without heat and the constant moisture helped with retention. I'm about BSL and hanging in there. My final goal is Mid back length hair. I hope this inspires someone to try. Everything I learned about healthy hair practices - I learned on LHCF.