Am I ruining his repuation?


Well-Known Member
There is an elder at my grannie's church who found out that i can sing, and asked my granny for my number so he could talk to me about it. The first convo he shared a little about his family and his former gospel group. Cool. Then he asked me to do a solo and insisted i sing to him on the phone. I told him i didn't want to and he told me to call and sing on his machine, but i didn't. He even called back to inquire why i hadn't done it.:nono: I simply told him he would hear me sing in church like everyone else.:yep: Then he would call me about 3 times a day and the convo's were making me uncomfortable:nono:. I told my parents the things he was talking about and my stepmom knows him and is familiar with his ways. I feel bad because my mom is pissed and said "oh he'll never call you again!" I didn't want a confrontation but i realize that i need to tell him that i am not comfortable with his conversations. He told me his wife knows that he has female friends in the ministry and sometimes i think i'm making a big deal of nothing. *sigh* I just don't want to ruin his reputation:rolleyes::sad:. There is sooo much i wanted to add but i don't wanna go in detail because i already feel like i'm dragging his name in the mud:sad::wallbash:
Even if his wife is okay with female friends, you're still uncomfortable with the friendship. Ask him to respect that and to stop contacting you, but there's no need to speak of it to anyone else in the church unless it becomes something serious and pastoral leadership needs to get involved.
The only people i've told are my parents, my granny, and my sister. I've taken this matter up in prayer and avoided all contact with him. Then he caught me off guard this morning with "i haven't heard from you or seen you in a while soo...:perplexed"
If it makes you uncomfortable you need to convey that to him. I think there is a reason you feel the way you do. There is a such thing as discernment. There could be something your spirit is trying to tell you. Keep praying about it. Then see how he responds and more importantly what God reveals to you.

BTW, I don't think you are ruining his reputation.
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I think you should not contact him to tell him anything at all. You've told your parents and he needs to understand that this is your support, your family, and that no one can trespass that way. Let your mom and dad (specifically him) handle it.

Something similar happened to a friend of mine but she's a very grown woman...and her "parents" handled it so well, the guy never looks her way again.
Thx for the replies ladies- I have never been thru anything like this and didn't know if I was going about this the wrong way- seeing that he has a high position in the church and all
There is an elder at my grannie's church who found out that i can sing, and asked my granny for my number so he could talk to me about it.

The first convo he shared a little about his family and his former gospel group. Cool. Then he asked me to do a solo and insisted i sing to him on the phone.

I told him i didn't want to and he told me to call and sing on his machine, but i didn't. He even called back to inquire why i hadn't done it.:nono:

I simply told him he would hear me sing in church like everyone else.:yep: Then he would call me about 3 times a day and the convo's were making me uncomfortable:nono:.

I told my parents the things he was talking about and my stepmom knows him and is familiar with his ways. I feel bad because my mom is pissed and said "oh he'll never call you again!" I didn't want a confrontation but i realize that i need to tell him that i am not comfortable with his conversations.

He told me his wife knows that he has female friends in the ministry and sometimes i think i'm making a big deal of nothing. *sigh* I just don't want to ruin his reputation:rolleyes::sad:.

There is sooo much i wanted to add but i don't wanna go in detail because i already feel like i'm dragging his name in the mud :sad:

GOOD FOR YOU! :clap: :clap: :clap:


God is so proud of you, His Precious Daughter of Love and Wisdom!

You had the guts to say, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo! to this mess.

His rep is already ruined and he truly needs to be called out. He's using the oldest trick in the world and with you he did not succeed.

You have class Babygirl and you've given him the message loud and clear that you're not giving up your :censored: to him and no other dog fool who's a 'tail hound'.

Just because he's hiding behind the Church doesn't mean he has a good reputation. It is HIS OWN actions, of HIS CHOICE which are ruining his reputation....not you!

:nono: :nono: :nono: Please don't get me started on this.

But I will....... I need to sip my Green Tea first.

Give me a minute, okay? :coffee: Hmmmmmm, yum. :yep:

Okay... I had to take sip of 'calm' before I lost my Jesus over this fool.

Now, back to you Little Angel, for being so full of God's Holy Spirit and Wisdom. And you are. :yep: Yes, you are.

The Holy Spirit who dwells within you was made so evident by your actions in this. You 'knew' what he was up to and he not only disrespected you but he also disrepected and grieved the Holy Spirit of God.

He LIED! He plain and flat out lied when he said that his wife knows he has female friends. Please! Next he'll say the sky is green and the grass is purple and there's no such thing as summer in July.

Does he really think that folks 'in Church' who KNOW the Bible will believe that chicken feather foolery?

Any Church going woman who sits up in Church and knows "Let no man put assunder" and also knows about Sarah and Haggai, she ain't havin' it. No way... :nono:

AND just suppose she does 'know' (as her husband lied); I'll bet she's not happy with it. She's just stuck with an immature, selfish, man who disrepects God, his wife, his marriage, his Church and 'all' women. He is totally dispectful of all there is regarding the holiness of God and what His love for the Body of Christ stands for.

This elder is not an elder. Titles don't mean a thing unless you live up to what it requires of you. He's out of order. Singing auditions are held in Church with 'other' witnesses, not just him and a female alone.

He's horney. He's horney and he's low. Horney, meaning he's filled with a spirit of lust and he has absolutely no desire to control it or be set free from it's power of influence over him.

Babygirl, he has no rep that you could ever ruin. He's done it to himself. He's a player... straight up player! And I'm not passing judgment either. It's too obvious and it's been confirmed in your spirit.

Angel, I'm so proud of you. And your parents ought to be too. What they don't 'see' (now) is how well they raised you; to be the beautiful and faithful woman of God that you are.

Jenibo, God bless you :kiss: . What a beautiful example of Holiness you are. :love3:

God is grinning from ear to ear over you. :yep: Yes He is. :yep:

Okay... back to my Green Tea.... :coffee:
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If what he is saying is making you uncomfortable, no matter how innocent it may seem, then Thank God for the discernment to recognize it for what it is. God sees him and will deal with him too. It is good that you let your parents know what is going on, so that if he chooses not to stop, then nothing can be turned around on you as if you were in the wrong.
:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: well i've never seen this side of you shimmie but thanks for the support and chuckles!
GOOD FOR YOU! :clap: :clap: :clap:


God is so proud of you, His Precious Daughter of Love and Wisdom!

You had the guts to say, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo! to this mess.

His rep is already ruined and he truly needs to be called out. He's using the oldest trick in the world and with you he did not succeed.

You have class Babygirl and you've given him the message loud and clear that you're not giving up your :censored: to him and no other dog fool who's a 'tail hound'.

Just because he's hiding behind the Church doesn't mean he has a good reputation. It is HIS OWN actions, of HIS CHOICE which are ruining his reputation....not you!

:nono: :nono: :nono: Please don't get me started on this.

But I will....... I need to sip my Green Tea first.

Give me a minute, okay? :coffee: Hmmmmmm, yum. :yep:

Okay... I had to take sip of 'calm' before I lost my Jesus over this fool.

Now, back to you Little Angel, for being so full of God's Holy Spirit and Wisdom. And you are. :yep: Yes, you are.

The Holy Spirit who dwells within you was made so evident by your actions in this. You 'knew' what he was up to and he not only disrespected you but he also disrepected and grieved the Holy Spirit of God.

He LIED! He plain and flat out lied when he said that his wife knows he has female friends. Please! Next he'll say the sky is green and the grass is purple and there's no such thing as summer in July.

Does he really think that folks 'in Church' who KNOW the Bible will believe that chicken feather foolery?

Any Church going woman who sits up in Church and knows "Let no man put assunder" and also knows about Sarah and Haggai, she ain't havin' it. No way... :nono:

AND just suppose she does 'know' (as her husband lied); I'll bet she's not happy with it. She's just stuck with an immature, selfish, man who disrepects God, his wife, his marriage, his Church and 'all' women. He is totally dispectful of all there is regarding the holiness of God and what His love for the Body of Christ stands for.

This elder is not an elder. Titles don't mean a thing unless you live up to what it requires of you. He's out of order. Singing auditions are held in Church with 'other' witnesses, not just him and a female alone.

He's horney. He's horney and he's low. Horney, meaning he's filled with a spirit of lust and he has absolutely no desire to control it or be set free from it's power of influence over him.

Babygirl, he has no rep that you could ever ruin. He's done it to himself. He's a player... straight up player! And I'm not passing judgment either. It's too obvious and it's been confirmed in your spirit.

Angel, I'm so proud of you. And your parents ought to be too. What they don't 'see' (now) is how well they raised you; to be the beautiful and faithful woman of God that you are.

Jenibo, God bless you :kiss: . What a beautiful example of Holiness you are. :love3:

God is grinning from ear to ear over you. :yep: Yes He is. :yep:

Okay... back to my Green Tea.... :coffee:
:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: well i've never seen this side of you shimmie but thanks for the support and chuckles!
I turned the other 'cheek'... :grin:


Blessings Sweetheart and I pray that all continues to go well with you in this situation. :Rose:
Michael Baisden is making a big deal of his tuesday show PIMPS IN THE PULPIT.... it seens any chance he has to clown Christianity he takes it. I personally know about several of these instances though and I can't believe how common it is....
Yes, they love to read into hurting women and "minister" to them, eventually ending up compromising them in some way (if they allow it). That's a wolf in sheep's clothing if ever. Disgusting pulpit pimps. And I'm including our own church as well because G-d knows how many girls ended up pregnant and boys were sodomized...innocents....from those who took the vow of the priesthood. I hope they repent, tis all. Hell has degrees.
Michael Baisden is making a big deal of his tuesday show PIMPS IN THE PULPIT.... it seens any chance he has to clown Christianity he takes it. I personally know about several of these instances though and I can't believe how common it is....

Yes, they love to read into hurting women and "minister" to them, eventually ending up compromising them in some way (if they allow it). That's a wolf in sheep's clothing if ever. Disgusting pulpit pimps. And I'm including our own church as well because G-d knows how many girls ended up pregnant and boys were sodomized...innocents....from those who took the vow of the priesthood. I hope they repent, tis all. Hell has degrees.

It's always 'that' one or two that makes it look bad for the rest who aren't Pimps and Molestors. The good men and women of God STILL outnumber the wolves and counterfeits.

satan has his pawns in the Church only to bring shame and doubt and mockery from those who still refuse to bow to God and to honor Jesus.

However, his pawns of evil doing may be in the Church but they are not 'OF' the Church. God will have His glory in spite of them. Praise God, He will have His glory. :Rose:
I think the next time he calls firmly but politely explian to him you feel uncomfortable in a male female frnshp with a married man and he needs to respect that.
He already has a reputation and you're not ruining it.. he's a dirty old man.

Please pray for him, that God will have mercy on him before it's too late.

There is an elder at my grannie's church who found out that i can sing, and asked my granny for my number so he could talk to me about it. The first convo he shared a little about his family and his former gospel group. Cool. Then he asked me to do a solo and insisted i sing to him on the phone. I told him i didn't want to and he told me to call and sing on his machine, but i didn't. He even called back to inquire why i hadn't done it.:nono: I simply told him he would hear me sing in church like everyone else.:yep: Then he would call me about 3 times a day and the convo's were making me uncomfortable:nono:. I told my parents the things he was talking about and my stepmom knows him and is familiar with his ways. I feel bad because my mom is pissed and said "oh he'll never call you again!" I didn't want a confrontation but i realize that i need to tell him that i am not comfortable with his conversations. He told me his wife knows that he has female friends in the ministry and sometimes i think i'm making a big deal of nothing. *sigh* I just don't want to ruin his reputation:rolleyes::sad:. There is sooo much i wanted to add but i don't wanna go in detail because i already feel like i'm dragging his name in the mud:sad::wallbash:
It's one thing to expose sin and shame in the church for the edification of the church (like when Dr. Betty Price wrote her book)'s a whole other ball game to criticize the church, just because.
Baisden, IMHO, is causing people to be an accuser of the brethren handling the issue this way. He needs to be careful with that. :ohwell:

Michael Baisden is making a big deal of his tuesday show PIMPS IN THE PULPIT.... it seens any chance he has to clown Christianity he takes it. I personally know about several of these instances though and I can't believe how common it is....
It's always 'that' one or two that makes it look bad for the rest who aren't Pimps and Molestors. The good men and women of God STILL outnumber the wolves and counterfeits.

satan has his pawns in the Church only to bring shame and doubt and mockery from those who still refuse to bow to God and to honor Jesus.

However, his pawns of evil doing may be in the Church but they are not 'OF' the Church. God will have His glory in spite of them. Praise God, He will have His glory. :Rose:

Of course G-d is glorified..He doesn't exactly need us (I know some folks in my past who would find that news :lachen:). Sure, a few ugly people make the rest look bad in most situations and they were not "of" the Church...but they operated within it...still bad.
There are thousands of victimized and hundreds of priests with millions and millions of reparations. People just don't know most of the perpetrators were reassigned elsewhere after striking a deal with and civil. :nono: Well, we have accountability on the real now! Visit any diocese/archdiocese website and/or parish's a statement up front. About time! If it weren't for the truth of G-d, nobody would be left attending any church. So, I agree.

But thank G-d that this has made it to the press rather than the decades of under the carpet. It needed to be. I honestly am happy that all these cretons are being exposed for all the world to see. The Church has always faced persecution...but this is not is chastisement for allowing it. We need repentance (from all churches) like everyone else we preach to rather than slapping on holy face every single minute as though we're above it.

I don't know anything about Baisden but I'm kinda angry about the situation in our churches...from Swaggart onwards. Trangressions were committed and they should apologize to the victims first, then make reparations. All people sin, even christians. I can't say that they were acting within christian standards...but some of these people, like Swaggart, certainly were christians (true believers...they took a detour one day). Maybe people see this transparency more attractive as in "oh, they are honest and admit their that's different." Attacking the church for it being the church is one thing ( I may be mad but I ain't crayzeee) but we all got egg on our faces...time to wipe it up and get to the spiritual task at hand. Tell 'em why ur mad son lolol!:lachen:
I think the next time he calls firmly but politely explian to him you feel uncomfortable in a male female frnshp with a married man and he needs to respect that.

Hand the phone over to your daddy to answer. He'll never call back. He'll probably be looking behind him for the rest of his life. My daddy threated to shoot someone before...and he was military. Big guns lol!
Hand the phone over to your daddy to answer. He'll never call back. He'll probably be looking behind him for the rest of his life. My daddy threated to shoot someone before...and he was military. Big guns lol!
I had to come in and agree with this. He most definitely would 'run' when Daddie or Big Brother comes into the picture. :yep:

From personal experience, when my Dad showed up, the 'party' was over for any and those who had ill intentions towards me or my sisters. Daddy didn't play and he didn't mence words. He just showed up. That's all that was needed.

Like roaches when the lights come on, the fools would flee. :duck:
Excellent advise! :up: