Am I Really a 4A?! *Video*


New Member
I just want to be sure that I'm categorizing my hair right.

I've assumed that I am a 4A for a while but I've never had anyone else confirm or deny it. So I've attached a video of my wash routine and I just want you all to let me know if I'm correct.

Hair typing is not the end all and be all of my natural hair journey, but I would like to be accurate for the sake of comparing similar textures, and the methods/products that worked for them, to mine.

I guess I'm just looking for a second opinion. :yep:

YouTube - 4A Natural Hair: Wash Routine & Curl Enhancing Smoothie Review!
if your hair isn't 4a will that change how you currently treat/manage your hair?

No, it won't. But when I first went natural, I looked for video's or threads of women with a texture like mine to help me decide my methods. So I just want to make sure I'm not misleading any newbies. :yep:
You look 4A to me also. Pretty hair!

Hair type (on the Andre system) ONLY refers to the size and diameter of your coils and perhaps, how they coil (S-shape vs O-shape vs. Z-shape etc)

It has nothing to do with the density, the actual texture, the width of your strands etc. Basically, the IMPORTANT things.

So a person can have the same size coil as another, but one 4a person will have silky, thin, medium sized coils that are always dry and the other can also be 4A and have hair that lacks natural shine, is very dense and has no problem staying moist.

This is why hair typing is worthless to a certain extent.

I find that for me (I'm 100% 4A) that a person whose hair is dense, with fine strands, leaning on the silky side regardless of the size of their coils (whether they are 4B or 3A) is closer to helping me find products that work for me. For my hair, I keep a look out for hair that's shiny and coils or curls up easily like my own. One that is dry dry dry and sucks humidity out of the air and stays frizzy. If that person is 3B, I'm likely to follow their regimen versus a 4A whose hair is completely different from my hair texturally.

I hope that makes sense and helps a little bit.
You look 4A to me also. Pretty hair!

I find that for me (I'm 100% 4A) that a person whose hair is dense, with fine strands, leaning on the silky side regardless of the size of their coils (whether they are 4B or 3A) is closer to helping me find products that work for me.

This is my next quest: to determine if my hair is fine or coarse. I'm pretty confident that my hair isn't thin. I do believe I have a lot of strands. But I haven't confirmed if my hair is fine or not. I definitely need help with that.

Your comment was very helpful. Thanks. :)
Y'all are makin a sista :blush: with the compliments! Thank you so much, ladies.

I thought I could possibly have some 3c in there but I wanted a second opinion in case someone tried to accuse me of trying to claim a different texture. Not that I should care, right? Lol. :spinning:
based on what i've seen on other heads I'd say 4a/3c

if you have z shaped strands what type does that make you?
Beautiful hair. As some people have stated, your hair looks like mine and I am mostly 4a with some looser curls sprinkled in there.