Am I Out of Control????

Ok Empressi can you help a sista out? I need some heavy hair butter?:grin:

I must have been in stage 1 of product junkism:lick:
I'm showing my mom these pics first thing in the morning, so that she can see I'm not thatttt bad :)

But seriously I can't walk past a BSS without stopping in and buying something, even when I don't need anything...if I see the store I start twitching and need to walk in to satisfy my craving lmao
Op, take a look at this.

Compliments of @empressri




i swear on err thang this pic made my mouth water:yep:
its a beautiful sight to see.
im locking my door and tossing the key!!!!! lmao

it's smaller than that now, ive used up a bunch of stuff. the floor is clear and the stash has gone down some.
OP as long as the products don't expire before you have a chance to use them, I say you're not hoarding, you're being smart and thrifty :)
Well since you are asking my opinion, I will state my opinion here :)spinning:) :

- Are you out of control?

If you have the space, I would presume not.

- And if so, what do you consider reasonable quantities to maintain for each item?

Well....I think the best way to determine what is reasonable lies solely with how often you use your products.

For me, I don't use my products up quickly at all. So multiple bottles of stuff can (and have literally) lasted well into 2+ year range. Also, given how I tend to get bored with a product (or find the next best thing...), it hasn't been unreasonable for me to find products that have been around for more than three years. So for me, it never makes sense to have more than TWO of any one product UNLESS there is a real and verifiable danger that the product has been discontinued/reformulated or is no longer available. Even then I think twice about stocking more.
Listen, if a product works for you, you need to stock up! I say have at least 4 of whatever it is that you like because honey, there will come a day when ethier they will run out at your particualr place of patronage...or the forumla will change and you have to be prepared! Getchu some mo' gel!
Man! Y'all go hawrd!!:blush:....shoooott my stash ain't nowhere NEAR any of those pics!:lol:

And @empressri ...aye...if ur not intrested in the Banana Brulee u have on that middle shelf in the a susta!:grin:

You are truly one gifted Sista to have spotted a particular product in a specific area.:lachen:

(BTW, my stash is roughly the size of yaya’s X2 – give or take a few tubs of conditioner; so, no OP, t’aint nothin’ wrong with your stash.)
I'm just in awe that you have the room to store all of this.

Where there is a will there is a way. You just have to get creative with storage. Yanno, shimmy this bottle to the left, squeeze that tube in on the right..:lachen::lachen:stuff plastic caps into the tiny crevices.

But I don't judge. I'm a (beginner) nail polish and (recovering) jewelry hoarder... :look:

:lachen:Here's the thing: If you use and consume those products--fantastico! However, if you are like me and will get all wide-eyed and trance-like when you see a hot new sexy product (which we see every week here on LHCF) and you buy more stuff, and more stuff and more stuff and then you have an entire "product closet" that used to be your linen closet...I'm sorry...what were you saying? :drunk:
I go through about a bottle of 25 oz conditioner a month (while mixing it with other products/conditioners and boosters) so if I has 12 of those, It would take me a little less than a year to go through it. Same with some other products (leave in's etc). I don't think its excessive if you have the hair to back it up with. If you had a TWA, I would say you're out of control though!
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I'm showing my mom these pics first thing in the morning, so that she can see I'm not thatttt bad :)

But seriously I can't walk past a BSS without stopping in and buying something, even when I don't need anything...if I see the store I start twitching and need to walk in to satisfy my craving lmao

Twitching hunh........just remember to back away SLOWLY :lachen::lachen:
I go through about a bottle of 25 oz conditioner a month (while mixing it with other products/conditioners and boosters) so if I has 12 of those, It would take me a little less than a year to go through it. Same with some other products (leave in's etc). I don't think its excessive if you have the hair to back it up. with If you had a TWA, I would say you're out of control though!

I'm probably somewhere between BSL and MBL...I haven't straightened my hair in about a year so that's just a guess but it's not exceptionally long....perhaps I will try to scale down a little....but i so want to be like empressri and yaya when I grow up lol:lachen::lachen:
You are truly one gifted Sista to have spotted a particular product in a specific area.:lachen:

(BTW, my stash is roughly the size of yaya’s X2 – give or take a few tubs of conditioner; so, no OP, t’aint nothin’ wrong with your stash.)

:lol: thank you! I know my labels nah...don't get me started!:lachen:

empressri...after I typed my post I discovered that that thread was old. :grin:...I'll get ya one day!:lol:'re good, girl...coming from a fellow certified PJ! :)

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:blush: !! My stash has reduced tremendously since I posted those pics. :lol:

I gave away products and used the things that work well with my natural hair.

Any regrets?-- naw.

Side note::: They were posted on my dresser like that for picture purposes only :yep:
it's not horribly bad, esp. since you cowash often...but i was going to say to consolidate all those packets and the trouble of ripping the pack open and throwing it out and all of that, next time you repurchase you can just buy the bottle.
Listen, if a product works for you, you need to stock up! I say have at least 4 of whatever it is that you like because honey, there will come a day when ethier they will run out at your particualr place of patronage...or the forumla will change and you have to be prepared! Getchu some mo' gel!

I wholeheartedly agree!

I wish I had stocked up on the old formula of Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo; now I'm SOL without a staple.
:blush: !! My stash has reduced tremendously since I posted those pics. :lol:

I gave away products and used the things that work well with my natural hair.

Any regrets?-- naw.

Side note::: They were posted on my dresser like that for picture purposes only :yep:

yaya24 Aww man oyu gave them away?? I would have paid you for some of those products. Even if they were used.
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I gave away/swapped out the items that I purchased to try out (while relaxed and natural). I let go of the ones that did not work well with my natural hair.

If I come up on anything new worth bringing up, you'll be the first to know..:yep:

I am going to need to get rid of my Kinky Curly Curling Custard.. I used it 1 or 2 times.. shipping would be high b/c its the bigger 16oz.. so it would have to be a local swap/sale
Nah OP it's not too much. Even compared to regular hair folk its not extreme.
It just seems like you have a slight fear you may run out of something and don't
want to. I think it's good to be prepared and you never have to run out and
get whatever you don't have.
Right now I'm void of gpb and gotta get like u ordering in bulk lol
Safety in numbers safety in numbers
Now if it was random products I'd commit you to the Product Assylum
It's not your voice but it is your money - charter remix
OP I find it impressive that you know exactly what your hair likes. Stocking up on those things is only natural.

Now, a former junkie like me has a bunch of 2nd class products I have to deal with.

I bow down to @empressri and @yaya24.
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