Am I Out of Control????


New Member
I think i'm starting to lose touch with reality. My stash has grown outside of what I "think" may be normal so i'm asking you......Am I out of Control???

Note: all of these items are my staples....I don't buy anything additional.

8 - 8 oz bottles kinky curly knot today
12- 8 oz bottles of africa best herbal oil (old formula)
7 bottles HE LTR leave in
6 bottles african royale braid spray
10 jars SE Mega Olive Conditioner
43 packets of ORS replenishing pack
3-1 liter bottles rusk sensories smoother
4-1 liter bottles of aussie moist conditioner
3 small bottles HE HH shampoo
115 plastic caps

Now keep in mind my routine consists of
pre-pooing with olive oil and cowashing every other day. Apply a leave in and seal with AB herbal oil
on non wash days i spray with braid spray
and DC 2x per week alternating between SE and ORS.

I estimate that my stash will last about 1 and 1/2 this excessive? I try to buy things only when they are massively on sale. For instance I bought my AB herbal oil when it was on sale for 1.99 a bottle (I bought 15) and I bought my SE mega olive when it was 6.99(sale) a jar (regularly) 11.99 + free shipping and a 20% off coupon, I bought 15 jars. These are the only things I have in my stash. Am I out of control? And if so, what do you consider reasonable quantities to maintain for each item?:perplexed
I say as long as you're still in your house and able to drive your car with money in the bank, and you got a fab deal, why ask why!

Oh, and food to feed you, the fam, and whomever else!

Nothing is being sacrificed. In part I buy in bulk because I hate to go out in the winter and i'm tired of my staples getting reformulated. I also love saving money. But today my sister came over, saw my stash and gave me the side made me wonder if i've developed hoarding tendencies lol
Speaking as a PJ, it's not too bad :lol:. And you are only buying staples so that's pretty good.
I want to help you with your you my address now, because I think it will be theraputic for you to send half of your stash to me....:look::grin:
I'm just in awe that you have the room to store all of this.
:lol: I bought a small cabinet from ikea with a door that I keep in the bathroom. I stock the shelves till they are full and call it a day. I hate clutter on work surfaces so i refuse to buy more than the cabinet will accommodate.

But I don't judge. I'm a (beginner) nail polish and (recovering) jewelry hoarder... :look:
I want to help you with your you my address now, because I think it will be theraputic for you to send half of your stash to me....:look::grin:

Now see....if I was to part with half my stash I would feel obligated to restock asap! You wouldn't want me to have an anxiety attach now would you??????:lachen::lachen:
OH my......:blush::blush::blush::blush:

Is it wrong that I am green with envy over all of the goodies in that stash.......??????

I feel faint.....:grin::grin::grin:


Uhhhhh Noooo.... :look:......okay,okay, okay, this answer is coming from a product junky. I will tell someone that their stash isn't bad, yet I try to match mines up to theirs.. :look: I am a terrible person :perplexed :lol:

...hmm I'm itching to go next door to Wal-Mart right now, and buy some hair oil.

^^ We should go shopping at empressri's house.

Nelle Oh my gosh that would be so much fun :yay:
Problem??? What Problem....I ain't got no problem....that's the stuff that dreams are made of......

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem and I tell you this while I'm ordering more hair products online all while petting my bottle of Castor Oil.... :look:
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem and I tell you this while I'm ordering more hair products online all while petting my bottle of Castor Oil.... :look:

And while your doing that i'm searching for sales like i do every week......cause of course i'm always certain i can fit a couple of new bottles in my cabinet. lol
And while your doing that i'm searching for sales like i do every week......cause of course i'm always certain i can fit a couple of new bottles in my cabinet. lol

I think buying products give me the high similar to a junkie smoking that good crack rock.......:lovedrool: :lovedrool::lovedrool::lovedrool:

:look: you know what?? Its time for me to go to bed. lol
I don't think it's bad, co-washing often needs a lot of product (at least, conditioner, leave-in, oil and some protein treatments so the hair isn't overmoisturized)
@Anne26, thanks hunny...after seeing the pics that drC and company posted I feel much better.......isn't it crazy how family will make you second guess yourself and your habits?
Thanks ladies now I have some pictures to show my DH when he complains about my 4 bottles in the shower and 6 on the shelf.... :) esp when I've got him growing out his hair too. (He can make pig tails) and he wants me to flat iron it for him..... so he's using all of this too.
Those pics should def. silence him with a quickness lol. I'm soooo thankful i live alone and don't have to hear anyone's comments on a regular basis..... lol
Man! Y'all go hawrd!!:blush:....shoooott my stash ain't nowhere NEAR any of those pics!:lol:

And empressri ...aye...if ur not intrested in the Banana Brulee u have on that middle shelf in the a susta!:grin: