Am I obsessed with hair and hair cutting?


New Member
June last year I had a big chop from the salon because my hair was extremely damaged. Since then I had been trimming every month to make it grow healthy. Then couple weeks ago I got idea of shaving the back of my head-- because the hair on top of my head was short and long on the crown--so my hair can be even lengh when it reaches my neck and beyond; so I did. Man you won't see my head now, I have to wear a wig; I don't even want my habby to see my head until the hair grows back. I have to wear a wig because even braids can't work; until when I don't know :confused: :mad:. Now when I see ladies with thin, damaged, eneven, lenghts, I start to visualize how their hair would look good if they would cut it. I don't know if I am obsessed with sisors now :ohwell: . I have a mixed feeling about the fact that I cut off my hair. First I feel happy about the fact that my hair will grow healthy with even lenght since I will take batter care of it. Second wondering how I will be able to hide my hair in wigs for months, hiding it even from my husband. I am not even used to wigs; I didn't wear them before; however the one I have now it's very cute, I am getting compliments. Beside that I have been obsessed with hair such I spend more of my time thinking about hair and searching about it as well as spending more money than I should and fighting with my husband about it. I think my hair obsession is now distroying my life:wallbash: ,it messes up things I have to do as a wife, mother and student. :ohwell: What do you think? I was gona post a picture of my head, but suddenly I can't find my camera's cable.
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Put the scissors down and back away with your hands in the air.

I went though a cutting phase too. Mine lasted about 2 months... enough time to chop off 4 inches. I was obsessed until I cut it off too and I still see people and think 'What are you hanging on to THAT for?" Half of my chopped length is back and it's super-healthy and I love it. I'm glad I did. I wasn't happy with the new length either. I chose kinky twists to hide mine. About 1/2 of it is back now and I LOVE how it feels and looks. You'll recover... just find something else to occupy your mind.
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:( I'm sorry the love of hair is getting to be too much. I think you need to redirect your focus on something else. Your family comes first and you can't let something like hair cause conflicts in the home. Your hair is always growing so instead of allowing this obsession ruin your family life enjoy your hair journey at each stage. Yes you could be obsessed with scissors too. Just put them away and enjoy your hair the length it is. Every woman on this site has a hair journey and thats the beautiful thing about hair. We can cut it, relax it, color it, do whatever, but at the end of the day its just hair. Don't let it get too serious. I hope things will be calm in your home.
Thank yo very muchu ladies. You're right I am take my mind of the hair and focus on important people and important things in my life.
I think they have given you very good advice. I just wanted you to know there is one more person wishing you well (((hugs)))!
I know how you feel! ishaved mine off7th of march 06...and im still shaving...and its occupying could try prayer?