Am I nuts...or do others feel this way????


New Member
I've reached my BSL goal...I've been in full protect MODE for 2years. I am very happy with my hair and soooo want to wear it out, but I am really freaking out about everything that could go wrong...

Those who are BSL and longer (actually anyone whose ever had this thought-chime in- PLEASE) who got there with the use of protective styles- how did you break yourself into wearing your hair OUT-OUT.

Maybe, I'm just being a little paranoid. I need some ADVICE. The thought of all my progress being flushed all away has just consumed me of late.

*I plan on wearing my natural hair- straight. With all the searching and Pm's I've sent I'm still SCURRRDDDD!

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kinicakes, babygurl, simplycee, pinkskates, nume2004, isis,caligirl, mochamadness,spiceykitten, stargazer613, jenteel- I really want to hear from you ladies.....

When will you if ever- discontinue the use of protective styles on a daily basis????


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i feel so freaked out:eek: when my hair down for one day, its kinda gettin on my nerve as i am thinkin it gettin abused by me when takin out of a bun cuse i dont do BAGGIE METHOD no more tha enough abuse righ there:)
I have thought about what you're
going through now. My whole
process to get to natural will
take two years to get to BSL all natural.
I am very paranoid to let me hair down even for
a little while. Your story is
inspiring though, you wore
protective styles for 2 years...
that's awesome...

... bumping...
maybe you can ease into it by wearing styles that are no heat but allow you the ability to wear your hair down like a braidout, twistout, flexirod set, rollerset etc. There is less guilt because you know the style is not damaging your progress :yep:

Also carry a hairsafe clip/hair elastic in your purse in case you get nervous during the day and you just have to put your hair up:)
Congrats on making BSL!!!!!!!!
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

When I reach BSL I'm gonna be like :woot: :woot: :woot:

I sure understand being scared to lose that progress! I grew my hair out once before and it all broke off when I started wearing it down... of course I didn't take care of it at all. I'm sure you won't slack off, though, not after 2 years!!!

Enjoy your success!!!!!!
When I wear my hair out; I don't really think that much about it. My idea of a protective style is a ponytail. I believe in the..."what's the point of having long hair if you can't wear it down to show the length" school of thought. I do keep velvet scrunchies in my car and purse, in case I feel the need to put it up at any time. I do tuck my hair into my shirts when I sit in chairs that have metal knob things, 'cause they can snag the hair strands out. Other than that, when my hair is pressed out and swinging; I just enjoy it; and remember your hair is natural and healthy now; so the strands are pretty strong, they are not going to break off for no reason. Enjoy your BSL hair.:)
Thanks ladies....

I guess its really about being mindful. And of course continually practicing healthy hair care...

Still awaiting more responses...i know others have had the OMG- now what-paranoia....

Pinkskates- the ponytail protective style- I will definitely do often.
Congrats on reaching bsl. Your hair is very pretty. I agree with the poster who suggested baby steps. If I were you I think I would be worried too. I hope you will get to enjoy all of that lovely hair.
I understand what you are saying. I only straighten my hair a few times a year so when it is "down" I enjoy switching up my look but I am paranoid. I'm constantly worrying about breakage on my ends and I don't leave the house without a ponytail holder so I can make a quick bun and tuck the ends under. I will never stop the protective styling but I think there should be balance between enjoying your hair and retaining your length.....and I'm still trying to find it:ohwell: .
Nowhere near BSL, but I totally get where yu're coming from. I made a thread similar to this topic a few weeks ago. I'll see if I can bump it fr you!

Your hair is :love: CurlyJ
I wore my hair out for the couple of months after reaching BSL, but I don't think I've broken myself into wearing it out. I'm back on yet another protective style challenge!!! I guess I'm addicted to protective, but I've told myself I will quit once i'm MBL.
CurlyJ, i feel your pain girl! :lol: I just posted in a thread about this. You are not nuts.... it is REALLY hard to break the habit.... and once you do start to wear it down more frequently, you are still gonna hear those little voices nagging you in the back of your mind like "Girl you better go bun that hair before you destroy all your progress." :mad: :lol:

At this point, protective styles have become more than just a means of growing out my hair..... they are a habit and a way of life. Although i do love how i look with my hair out, i am far more comfortable with it bunned. So i try to compromise (with my internal demons that are battling :lol: ) by wearing my lil protective styles at work Mon-Friday (and this is more conservative/professional anyway.... im a psychotherapist, and prefer to "de-emphasize" my cuteness (lol) with clients, esp. males) and then Friday evening and Saturday i treat myself to wearing it out. I typically like to wear a silk/satin type shirt anyway (a la Bebe/Arden B./OhSoChic style), so i dont feel as guilty/scared about wearing it down. By Sunday im sick of having it out, plus want to avoid excessive combing/dry manipulation.... so its back to the buns.

So i kinda feel like i have the best of both worlds that way. ;) Sunday thru Friday, my School Marm bun is in full effect. But on the weekends Hot Mama is biz-aaaackk!!!!! And its all good! (As long as my BF doesnt try to get too frisky and pull on my hair when its out.... not having that!!! :look: But thats another story for another day) :lol:

HTH!!!!! :grin:

ETA: I dont ever plan on quitting my protective styling. Even when im TB length or Classic (lmaoo) god-willing *yeah right!* i will still be bunning. Long hair gets in the way, it gets caught in things, it snaps, crackles, pops when you're not super vigilant...... while it looks lovely, its quite hard to maintain when worn out.... and updo's are just more practical. So i think protective styles (on the weekdays) are here to stay for The Kid! ;)
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chile, I'm past shoulder length in back and collar bone in front and while I'm no where near my goal length, I am PSYCHED about my progress and resorted to wearing my hair down for a few days.(fresh relaxer and progress pics to follow soon) however, I'm serious about my growth and I am expecting to hit almost armpit length by December. So I have to chill and just bun the sucker up. I wore it down Friday and my hair got stuck in my purse strap on my shoulder, I dangone near had a convulsion in Walmart! :lol:
Okay- I get it balance is key.

kinicakes- i like the idea of bunning during the week and letting it out on the weekends/special occassions. I work as an Account Coordinator at a Architectual whose clients are all high-end fashion- so I gotta keep up in the looks dept., but I think the bun can very chic...I've done it before.

Thanks again ladies for the ideas and support.