Am I In Trouble???


New Member
Okay this is the deal. Today was the first time I have washed my hair since getting it permed. When I washed it I noticed that one side of my hair was straight at the roots and half way down it was wavy which leads me to believe that my hair is underprocessed.

Am I in trouble??? I am wondering will my hair will become damaged?? There does not seem to be a great different between the two textures. It really looks like that side is texturized. What are some of the things that can happen if I let her try and fix it? Would it be better just to leave it?

Any suggestions you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.
A similar thing happened to me years ago. It was a virgin relaxer. If I remember correctly, it was then that I decided to start doing my own touchups, and I re-did the relaxer myself, not trusting the stylist to correct it.
That happens to me a lot because my hair's so resistant (actually, right now it's out of control). But if there's not a huge difference in textures, I wouldn't worry about it. It shouldn't break your hair off or anything. Trying to fix something that's only a little underprocessed could end up causing more damage.

Unless it really gets in the way style wise, don't let it bother you. :)