Am I Gonna Be The Guinea Pig? MT vs Aphogee


New Member
So lately I've been on a crusade to grow my hairline back to its original state. After seeing pictures of me in my grade school, early high school years, I realized my FIVEhead, used to actually be a FOREhead. I've been really interested in MTG..MT and all that jazz, but getting ahold of it has been too much of a hassle for me. After reading some interesting posts about the similarity between MT and aPHogee 2min reconstructor I decided.. "hey, this is right upstairs in my washroom, maybe I can experiment with this".

I think I'd be the perfect candidate... my hair is anything BUT protein sensitive so the increased protein won't affect my negatively, and I'll stop putting tension on my hairline (no more puffs for me). I'll give results at the end of August (with pics). Wish me luck :drunk:
My hair is loving protein. I use both. I use MT every other day and DC on my scalp only once per week. I use the Asphogee once per week to battle shedding or breakage. My hair feels very strong. I just make sure to follow it up with a good moisturizing DC on the rest of my hair.
I'm going to try using the aPHogee 2min the same way people have been using MT... I mixed 2parts aphogee with 1 part castor oil and applied generously to my hairline, I'll do this every night for the next month and a bit and see if using aphogee will give me the same results as someone else would get using MT
So lately I've been on a crusade to grow my hairline back to its original state. After seeing pictures of me in my grade school, early high school years, I realized my FIVEhead, used to actually be a FOREhead. I've been really interested in MTG..MT and all that jazz, but getting ahold of it has been too much of a hassle for me. After reading some interesting posts about the similarity between MT and aPHogee 2min reconstructor I decided.. "hey, this is right upstairs in my washroom, maybe I can experiment with this".

I think I'd be the perfect candidate... my hair is anything BUT protein sensitive so the increased protein won't affect my negatively, and I'll stop putting tension on my hairline (no more puffs for me). I'll give results at the end of August (with pics). Wish me luck :drunk:

Girl, thank you! Finally someone brave enough to try it first:grin: MT and Aphogee gives me the same results when I DC. I'll be looking forward to your results so be sure to keep us posted and I hope you will have pics:grin: Thanks.
This is great! I just bought MT yesterday and immediately noticed that it smelled just like the Aphogee 2 min resonstructor. I couldn't wait to get home and ask you ladies about it and lo and behold...a thread had already been posted about this. I for one believe your results are going to be great!

By the way, when I was in the horsey store paying for my MT, the guy was like "this stuff works really stopped me from losing my hair". Then the other cashier next to him took the stuff out of the bag, looked at it and was like "oh yeah, that stuff is great!" Meanwhile another store employee asks me if I'm a trainer and I very politely replied "no, but that would be fun". She just couldn't figure me out and I gave her no help! :lachen:Just thought I'd share...
This is great! I just bought MT yesterday and immediately noticed that it smelled just like the Aphogee 2 min resonstructor. I couldn't wait to get home and ask you ladies about it and lo and behold...a thread had already been posted about this. I for one believe your results are going to be great!

By the way, when I was in the horsey store paying for my MT, the guy was like "this stuff works really stopped me from losing my hair". Then the other cashier next to him took the stuff out of the bag, looked at it and was like "oh yeah, that stuff is great!" Meanwhile another store employee asks me if I'm a trainer and I very politely replied "no, but that would be fun". She just couldn't figure me out and I gave her no help! :lachen:Just thought I'd share...

LOL... I wonder if MT has seen a 'sudden' increase in their sales lately? I hope my results turn out well, my family is so nosy, my dad loves making fun of me when I wear my weaves (making horse sounds when I put it on after a break).. all in good fun, so if this aphogee works I'll be saving myself from what would probably the story of this generation in my family ...

My father to my aunties, uncles, grandparents family friends: Bri505 bought horse potion to grow her hair...

Their reactions: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I'll join you, Bri! I just got some ApHogee today (after searching through about 7 BSSs...dang all those youtube vids advertising this procuct!). What's the challenge? Holla at me!