Am I going to regret doing this?

Desert Skye

Well-Known Member
My hair has been growing since I have been using suppliments. I want to relax the NG but only at the front because it looks frizzy when I try to make a slick ponytail. The NG on the rest of my head is not that noticable.

Ok so I was thinking of just buying a kiddie perm from the drugstore and doing it myself instead to save $$. Is this a bad idea? Will I have a problem when I finally want to relax the rest of my head? I'm scared its going to break.
No I havent yet. Thats why I wanted to try doing it with a kiddie perm because I am assuming that it is not as strong as regular relaxers.
glossyxlipz said:
No I havent yet. Thats why I wanted to try doing it with a kiddie perm because I am assuming that it is not as strong as regular relaxers.
Are you willing to take a chance like that on your hair? I know I wouldn't.
I believe the Kiddie Relaxer is just the same as an Adult Relaxer, I mean you can still overlap,over proccess or under etc. if you read the ingredients they are basically the same. Some relaxers are mild so, whichever you choose just be careful.

Good Luck!
Yeh I would be careful. My friend did this when she came to college, and she had grown it out. She started using kiddie perms, and they really broke off her hair. I don't know if this was b/c of regular usage though
bLackButtaFly said:
Yeh I would be careful. My friend did this when she came to college, and she had grown it out. She started using kiddie perms, and they really broke off her hair. I don't know if this was b/c of regular usage though

I have a bald spot from "Just for Me" kiddie relaxer (May 2005).
Allandra said:
Are you willing to take a chance like that on your hair? I know I wouldn't.

I definitely agree with Allandra. Be very careful if you decide to do it. Especially since you have never relaxed your hair yourself.

Like other posters said, kiddie perms do not necessarily mean they are safer to use than regular perms.
It looks and sounds like you already have permed hair. Don't bother w/ a kiddie perm. Just get an adult relaxer like Creme of Nature in mild from your local beauty supply store. It doesn't take rocket science to do a good perm. I started doing my own when I started college..way back then:cool:. Just follow the directions exactly and maybe have a friend help you. But if you only want to relax the front, then don't bother getting a relaxer until you are ready to do your whole head. There are products that will temporarily straighten that hair like Pantene's Extra Liso Combing Creme and Extra Liso line that will help you get the look you want and help you stretch a little until your next relaxer. You can pick up that at a CVS, Target, Walmart, Kmart, etc....... HTH:)
Thank you so much ladies from a potential disaster ( i got a bad habit of wanting to experiement with my hair). See I thank God for LHCF for moments like this. I will def look into the Pantene products in the mean time.
DON'T DO IT, Glossyxlipz!!!! :kiss:

My friend used to relax her hair with "Just for Me" perms because she was convinced that they weren't as harsh as so-called "regular" relaxers. Please don't do this. Her hair broke off badly, and she started getting penny-sized bald spots in her crown area.

You're hair is far too beautiful to destroy all that hard work and determination.

Good luck! Find a relaxer that is mild and gentle on your hair. I'm finally going to relax with Phyto Index I this weeked. Yay!!! :yay:
From what I heard kiddie perms are stronger or just as strong as adult relaxer.

What kind of relaxer are you using now?
glossyxlipz said:
My hair has been growing since I have been using suppliments. I want to relax the NG but only at the front because it looks frizzy when I try to make a slick ponytail. The NG on the rest of my head is not that noticable.

Ok so I was thinking of just buying a kiddie perm from the drugstore and doing it myself instead to save $$. Is this a bad idea? Will I have a problem when I finally want to relax the rest of my head? I'm scared its going to break.

Girl, NO! DON"T. Just enjoy the ng and wait for your relaxer. You hair is too beautiful to take a chane lik that.
jasmin said:
From what I heard kiddie perms are stronger or just as strong as adult relaxer.

What kind of relaxer are you using now?

My stylist is using Mizani.

I am kinda ignorant when it comes to relaxers ( which is embarassing considering the length of time I have been a member of LHCF) I am still too afraid to do my whole head because my hair is pretty thick and I will have trouble towards the back of my head.

I got this idea when I was in CVS looking at the kiddie relaxers and I began talking to a woman next to me who was buying one. She said she uses them when she doesnt feel like spending the extra $$ to go to the salon, so I thought hmm maybe thet arent that bad. ( I dont know what the state of her hair was because it was under a scarf)
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glossyxlipz said:
My stylist is using Mizani.

I am kinda ignorant when it comes to relaxers because I've always depended on stylists for that. I am still too afraid to do my whole head because my hair is pretty thick and I will have trouble towards the back of my head.

I got this idea when I was in CVS looking at the kiddie relaxers and I began talking to a woman next to me who was buying one. She said she uses them when she doesnt feel like spending the extra $$ to go to the salon, so I thought hmm maybe thet arent that bad. ( I dont know what the state of her hair was because it was under a scarf)[/quote]

Now I know you know better than to take hair advice from some random lady with her hair in a scarf!:lachen:
NappyParadise said:
I believe the Kiddie Relaxer is just the same as an Adult Relaxer, I mean you can still overlap,over proccess or under etc. if you read the ingredients they are basically the same. Some relaxers are mild so, whichever you choose just be careful.

Good Luck!

I use kiddie perm now, I've been using Just for Me for the past 3 years. And trust sure feels the same as an adult relaxer. I think the only difference is the amount given (kids have smaller heads=less relaxer).
I wouldn't relax just the front. You may risk overprcessing the front when you do decide to relax your whole head. Grin and bear with it, Chica. I think Gymfreak started a thread about porosity control. It may help your hair retain the moisture so it won't frizz. Make sure you're tying it down at night. Check the stretching support thread too. You may find some good products in there to help as well.

If you decide to do a kiddie relaxer, you could always try the Just for Me Texture Softener. It comes with sunflower oil that you mix in with the relaxer. But you could always add oil to an adult relaxer too.
Mocha5 said:
I wouldn't relax just the front. You may risk overprcessing the front when you do decide to relax your whole head. Grin and bear with it, Chica.

Yeah thats what I was afraid of. I remeber one time when I just started relaxing my hair, this stylist suggested that I come back more frequently. However my hair did not grow that fast so the hair became overprocessed and began to break. Would you believe when I asked her what these little pieces of broken hair were, she told me it was just old peices of dead hair. :nono:
Glossy, do note that a kiddie perm is the same thing as a regular perm. The only thing different is the marketing and advertisement. :perplexed That sucks that they are fooling us, but in this case (or any case when it comes to cosmetics) it just helps to be a smart consumer and learn how to read ingredient labels.

If you really want to relax, I suggest you go with a relaxer marked "texturizer." The one made by Africa's Best laughed at my hair, so that's the one that I can guarantee isn't a 'regular' relaxer. Just read the ingredients. The further down the list the lye/no lye the less harsh the relaxer usually is. Africa's Best makes some relaxers that has a boat load of other stuff in it which decreases the effectiveness of the relaxer or you can just dilute a regular with conditioner and/or oil.

But I would just wait it out and find other ways to deal with the fuzzies. How many weeks post relaxer are you?
Kiddie perms arent any weaker than regular perms and you may end up using one with contrasting active ingredients which would be a disaster. I have done it before with no problems but I used the same relaxer brand and type that is regularly used for my relaxers.
glossyxlipz said:
My stylist is using Mizani.

I am kinda ignorant when it comes to relaxers ( which is embarassing considering the length of time I have been a member of LHCF) I am still too afraid to do my whole head because my hair is pretty thick and I will have trouble towards the back of my head.

I got this idea when I was in CVS looking at the kiddie relaxers and I began talking to a woman next to me who was buying one. She said she uses them when she doesnt feel like spending the extra $$ to go to the salon, so I thought hmm maybe thet arent that bad. ( I dont know what the state of her hair was because it was under a scarf)
Girl, enough said. :lol:
LocksOfLuV said:
Glossy, do note that a kiddie perm is the same thing as a regular perm. The only thing different is the marketing and advertisement. :perplexed That sucks that they are fooling us, but in this case (or any case when it comes to cosmetics) it just helps to be a smart consumer and learn how to read ingredient labels.

If you really want to relax, I suggest you go with a relaxer marked "texturizer." The one made by Africa's Best laughed at my hair, so that's the one that I can guarantee isn't a 'regular' relaxer. Just read the ingredients. The further down the list the lye/no lye the less harsh the relaxer usually is. Africa's Best makes some relaxers that has a boat load of other stuff in it which decreases the effectiveness of the relaxer or you can just dilute a regular with conditioner and/or oil.

But I would just wait it out and find other ways to deal with the fuzzies. How many weeks post relaxer are you?

I honestly didnt know that. Wow I didnt realize that little kids could handle the harsh chemicals in regular relaxer. I mean I know there are some people putting relaxers on toddlers.

I got my last touch up in January.I normally wouldnt have to relax yet.
NappyParadise said:
I believe the Kiddie Relaxer is just the same as an Adult Relaxer, I mean you can still overlap,over proccess or under etc. if you read the ingredients they are basically the same. Some relaxers are mild so, whichever you choose just be careful.

Good Luck!

I agree. I wouldn't do it myself if I were you.
If you're trying to combat fuzzy edges, I highly recommend aloe vera gel (from drugstore/health food store) or the Beyond the Zone Stiff Head styling stick (from Sally's). I rarely use the BTZ nowadays because it's so waxy, but it does work.
:naughty: :spank:

I'm not saying don't do it because its freeing to not have to rely on someone else to do it for you. But, its also a big responsibility too.

Knowing what I do now, I've self relaxed and get great results. Oh the flipside, I've also had my share of some hellified disasters because I went into the process ignorant, which is why i'm telling you this.

1. Do your research first,

2, Make sure you have to tools to do the best job you can do. Lots of ladies here have foki tutorials with great techniques and tips.

3. Not everyone can slap any old relaxer on their head and be ok, so don't have that mentality and don't be fooled by the term "Kiddie Relaxer". Many of them are meant to be used on virgin hair and can be much harsher. Also, take into account that box relaxers generally are no-lye.

4. If you've only been relaxed with lye, you need to research exactly what the consequenses are of using a no-lye relaxer and how it can possibly change the condition of your hair.

Saving money on going to the salon is a great thing but not at the expense of your scalp and hair if you're not careful with what you do.

Glossy, use a regular relaxer and just touch up the front of your hair. You should be fine.. I use to do this all the time, especially since I use to stretch my relaxers for a long time. I use to just touch up the outer edges of my hair.

Good luck !

You're hair looks great :love: