Am I expecting too much from church?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I am in desperate need of commentary from you ladies (and gents...if there are any out there:grin:). I am trying to figure out if certain aspects of my personality are interfering with my decision to not attend church.

So I have been doing some soul searching and I have drawn a tentative conclusion that somewhat frightens me. I think I tend to nitpick things to the point that I prevent myself from living. I've noticed that I do this a lot with church, and I am afraid that my perception of what a church should be may be interfering with my decision to not attend it.

For example, I have huge problem with churches that sell things. My sister tells me that I am overreacting because every church (so she says) conducts business in the form of selling books, having a daycare, and things of that nature. She is basically saying to me that I should brush it aside and just go because in this day and age there is no way around it. However, prior to my soul searching I didn't agree with her. I mean, I don't agree with her now, but after several years of not attending I am starting to waver...just a little bit.

Am I overreacting? Am I looking too deep at what I think a church should be? Am I reading John 2:13-16 incorrectly? Is God angered by business that is conducted by a lot of churches? After many years of not attending church, I feel as if I am expecting too much, that I am judging churches too harshly, that I may be expecting something that I'm not going to get. Or am I right, and my depression over the current state of a lot of churches is causing me to waver?

Now, to those who may ask, I expect a church to follow the word of God and not draw their own conclusions about certain matters (such as the aforementioned scripture). I expect to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit within the physical house and be awakened through my own spirit as I am fed the word of God. My own confusion comes from the above mentioned personality trait which is concentrating on the negative (and Dear Father, please help me). But, I don't want to brush things to the side. I just want to see God everywhere in the one place that He should exist throughout.

I'd really appreciate feedback.
Yes, you are.

If your focus is on the church and not your own walk with God, then you are lost. There could be turmoil in the church but if your faith and walk with God is in line, then He will lead you to where you need to be or He will use you to make it better. Either way, you would have guidance from God and not lead to your own understanding/judgment about whether or not to attend a particular church.
You are serious about the standards of God and it's good that you feel this way.

You shared that you want to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and you will; it's your desire and God will fulfill this desire especially since it's in His perfect will to do so.

No lecture, just hugs of understanding here. Okay? :giveheart:

Allow yourself to 'enter in' into the presence of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to bypass your feelings of distrust and to take you directly into His presence, with nothing wavering nor distracting you.

God says to worship Him, lifting holy hands, without wraft and without doubting. No matter what we see on the outside or even beside us, the presence of God can bypass it and keep us in His presence.

The books aren't the issue so much as it is the 'enemy' using this to hinder your growth in the Lord to empower you against the enemy and his tactics of distractions.

Actually, the books are a tool and a weapon against him...for the weapons of our warfare are not carnel, but are mighty through God and the pulling down of strongholds. The books are an important resource and are conveniently placed where they can be easily accessed by those who can't get to a bookstore or for other reasons. What better place than the Church to have these resourceful treasures.

God is 'wooing' you. :yep: He is wooing you into His presence and He won't give up on you; you mean just that much to Hiim. He's going to pursue you, His darling daughter. He has showers of love, and blessings, and wisdom that await for you at His Altar. Don't let the book sales get in your way. Bypass the pages, skip past the chapters and bookmarks, and flow into His loving arms that await you. He'll be there. And you will, enter into His presence in the fullness thereof.

Blessings to you... :Rose:
So wise. So wise. Thanks for that response Shimmie. Very well said. I needed it too cuz I'm going through something similar with my beautiful church that I love so much but seeing things now (as if my eyes were suddenly opened) in my church (and the body of Christ) that I'm beginning to question and wonder about. :perplexed:huh: Prayerfully I can come out of this. Thank you so much.
Satan is not only the author of confusion but the accuser of the brethern. It is his JOB to point out to us every possible fault there is with our brothers and sisters and the body of Christ. But you have to keep in mind two things:

1. There is no perfect church...the same as there are no perfect people.
2. You may be the change that that particular church needs.

I think too often we expect the church to be perfect but remember...its full of a bunch of sinners saved by grace! We must belong to a church that the Lord leads us to. It was HIS order that we fail not to assemble ourselves and he showed us just how much we need each other.

Also I personally believe that providing books, cds etc. in the church for a price is fine if the proceeds are going right back into the church to meet a need. Not selling for personal gain. But just imagine...if everyone belonged to a church and tithed 10% or more and gave an offering as the bible says, the church would be able to offer those services free of charge!
Well, I work at my church's private school so I see the ins and outs of what goes on at our church... My church is the best I have found when it comes to decency with their money, and as far as selling things, it will merely be things like $6 for a cd of the message, tickets to see Christian movie in the sanctuary, etc.
We don't have a store per say, but certain things require a contribution (ie, a ride to a Woman's Conference). But our church, has been diligent with its ministries, and with that, God has provided a way for us to serve the community as a TRUE non-profit organization... and do mostly everything for free (cookouts, outreaches, banquets, etc)! Which I think makes God VERY happy...
There is a difference between a church that is trusting in GOD to bring the funds that are necessary to bear fruit, and one that is trying to "make money."
If your spirit feels that the church isn't right for you, then it isn't, and you aren't asking too much. God will tell you (if you ask) what church is right for you, when you are being scammed, when something fishy is going on, etc. He will tell you, and you have every right to be cautious when weighing in on church finances.
Do any of these churches have financial meetings with the members to explain where offering and other contributions are going? Thats another thing that I believe is key. We have one every month for those over 18.
Also, if your spirit isn't "moved" per say following a service, then what is the point? I am not a vocal person at church... I don't scream and holler, etc. (we really don't do that at church) but my spirit is ALWAYS moved by what pastor is saying. He teaches, and I learn. That is really what is important.
I think you are very intelligent for considering all things before joining a church. That doesn't make you picky, that means that you have discernment. The decision shouldn't be taken lightly.
So wise. So wise. Thanks for that response Shimmie. Very well said. I needed it too cuz I'm going through something similar with my beautiful church that I love so much but seeing things now (as if my eyes were suddenly opened) in my church (and the body of Christ) that I'm beginning to question and wonder about. :perplexed:huh: Prayerfully I can come out of this. Thank you so much.
:giveheart: We're 'all' been through this. I know I have.

I have 'crowd' issues. I love mid-week services and Bible study when the classes are smaller. I've never enjoyed being with crowds of people, no matter where it is. I love people and I love ministering and helping those who are hurting, but I just have this thing about crowds; it's too much actvity going on in the spiritual realm.

But God has to deal with me on this, because He wants the crowds to be in of all places ... the Church. where God wants as many souls as possible to fit in and attend. God has to take me past this every single time and He does.

You see, it's always something that satan tries to use that he knows about us, to use a vehicle to keep us away from the Word that God has for us. For me, it's crowds, satan knows I don't like crowds and this is what he uses against me. Yet God always wins out and bypasses these feelings I have and takes me straight into His presence no matter who's around me.

And God always ends up 'usuing me' to His glory to someone in these crowds. Always.

Is this making any sense? :lol: I hope so. What I'm trying to convey is that there's something within the Church that God has for 'us' and satan is using what bothers us, to keep us away from God's blessings. It's a very easy tool and weapon for satan to use. This is why he able to be so sublte and clever, because it's feels 'right' to us to stay away for these reasons. We don't really 'catch it'.

If I listed all of the things that I don't like about Churches, I'd never go. :lachen: Because it all makes sense to ME, it's how I've felt about certain issues almost all my life. I don't like old lady soap smells.... so why they gotta sit next to me all the time. :rolleyes:

However, you get the picture. :yep: It's always something that we don't like that satan will use to justify not going to Church.

:blowkiss: Hugs and blessings, Precious One.
One more comment........

Sometimes I think when we find the one, we are blind to its flaws. Flaws = things we do not like, quick to notice, and basic deterrents.

That goes for people, places and things. There are plenty of churches where I visited and I did not go back bc I saw flaws. Flaws that went unnoticed by others bc that was the one place for them to be. Those places were not for me, and my seeing flaws made me to press on bc I was not meant to be there.

Sometimes we meet the one and we don't notice flaws until much later...years even. At that point, it is our internal way of telling us to move on. God really bc He could have uncovered our eyes from days one.

That happened to me at my old church. When I went to that church the first day I was meant to be there, I fell in love. Loved the choir, the preacher, the congregation, the sidewalk, the birds and the bees. Fast forward and one day, my eyes opened. I didn't like the choir, the preacher, the congregation, the sidewalk, the birds, or the bees. They all got on my nerves. It was time for me to move on.

Now, I am at another church. Now, I love the choir, the preacher, the congregation, the sidewalk, the birds and the bees. I pray that I am here in this "flawless" place as long as God sees fit. This church meets my needs now. It could not have met my needs back then.....that other church met my needs back then.

That said, think about churches as individual places to be. Not all churches sell things in the same way. The church I am at now does not do fish fry, car washes, etc. but they will sell cds of the sermon. There are plenty of people who volunteer their time in the media ministry but the equipment, the blank cds, etc. all cost money. They are not selling them to gain a profit but simply to recover the cost. Why should they take money away from scholarships, food bank, bible study, etc. to cover the costs of cds? A price point will ensure those cds are given only to those willing to pay for them after service.
Also I personally believe that providing books, cds etc. in the church for a price is fine if the proceeds are going right back into the church to meet a need. Not selling for personal gain. But just imagine...if everyone belonged to a church and tithed 10% or more and gave an offering as the bible says, the church would be able to offer those services free of charge!

I agree with you.

I know a particular church that have vendors come in during conferences to sell purses, art work, jewelry, etc. And I truly think that the church is not the place for this venue :nono:. OP - if this is what you are witnessing then you have every right to be concerned.
I agree with you.

I know a particular church that have vendors come in during conferences to sell purses, art work, jewelry, etc. And I truly think that the church is not the place for this venue :nono:. OP - if this is what you are witnessing then you have every right to be concerned.

I agree, Pink Pebbles :yep: I'd be somewhat put off by this type of merchandising too.

Everything has it's place and time. We had a "Ladies" event where we shared 'girl time'. Everyone in our Church who had a business (Hair, Nails, Massages, Natural Care products, etc. were invited to share their businesses with us so that we as the Body of Christ could support each other, and build up each other's businesses.

This was a 'Fellowship' event that was designed to basically bring us together socially and to network rather than putting all of our money into the world's system which does not support the Body of Christ and the Church's needs. Christian businesses support their Churches, but they need to be known by us in order to support them.

I'm trying not to stray off topic.... (sorry about that) but I agree with you totally. :yep:
No church is going to feel like the absolute perfect place. But I'd concentrate on what is being taught. We sell books...there are bookshelves in the sanctuary in some churches and you write your check or drop the money in the slot and take the book. They are there to edify you and many of them are specialty books you will not find in any bookstore except for religious ones. Convenient to parishioners. Free rosaries, bulletins posted about seminars, some of them expensive...some free. It's all part of life.

Music? I can tell you, the youth band? Sometimes you have to listen with a parent's ear of praise lol. And there was one of our cantors at my former parish...OMG!!! She was a trained singer, kept a tune...but something about her vibrato and endings...OMG!!! She would bring some of us to tears...cracking up in service and trying to hold it in. I almost blew my face off red. Thank G-d we were in the cryroom because I busted out laughing that time. Even Father had to control himself once. But I know she does it to honor Christ so I can't judge her. She's just evidence that G-d has a sense of humor!

There are things you like, things you don't like...even some of the parishioners (eh, some of them :nono:..and I'm talking about evident prejudiced attitudes) but I know I'm where I'm supposed to be for right now. I just have to live through it at times lol.

Don't give up and you are not alone...but find one and stick it out for awhile. Listen to the teachings, seek the truth. Even if the choir sucks. When those feelings well up inside of you, ask the Father to help you deal with them. He will. He helped many of us. All is not perfect, but I've found a place where I can be faithful.
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Sometimes I think when we find the one, we are blind to its flaws. Flaws = things we do not like, quick to notice, and basic deterrents.

That happened to me at my old church. When I went to that church the first day I was meant to be there, I fell in love. Loved the choir, the preacher, the congregation, the sidewalk, the birds and the bees. Fast forward and one day, my eyes opened. I didn't like the choir, the preacher, the congregation, the sidewalk, the birds, or the bees. They all got on my nerves. It was time for me to move on.
Hahahahahah!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen: Yup. So true. That's me.
But this is the church that I was saved in and I don't wanna leave. I have a huge attachment to it. I'm in turmoil about it; no peace. Some days I say I'm gone. Other days I say I'll hold on a little while longer. When I'm not there I miss it. When I am there I don't want to be. I look at people who've been in a particular church for yeeaaaarrrs and think what's wrong with me. Anyway, I'll keep asking for guidance. I haven't found any other place yet and I have been looking. This is a tough season.
:giveheart: We're 'all' been through this. I know I have.

I have 'crowd' issues. I love mid-week services and Bible study when the classes are smaller. I've never enjoyed being with crowds of people, no matter where it is. I love people and I love ministering and helping those who are hurting, but I just have this thing about crowds; it's too much actvity going on in the spiritual realm.

But God has to deal with me on this, because He wants the crowds to be in of all places ... the Church. where God wants as many souls as possible to fit in and attend. God has to take me past this every single time and He does.

You see, it's always something that satan tries to use that he knows about us, to use a vehicle to keep us away from the Word that God has for us. For me, it's crowds, satan knows I don't like crowds and this is what he uses against me. Yet God always wins out and bypasses these feelings I have and takes me straight into His presence no matter who's around me.

And God always ends up 'usuing me' to His glory to someone in these crowds. Always.

Is this making any sense? :lol: I hope so. What I'm trying to convey is that there's something within the Church that God has for 'us' and satan is using what bothers us, to keep us away from God's blessings. It's a very easy tool and weapon for satan to use. This is why he able to be so sublte and clever, because it's feels 'right' to us to stay away for these reasons. We don't really 'catch it'.

If I listed all of the things that I don't like about Churches, I'd never go. :lachen: Because it all makes sense to ME, it's how I've felt about certain issues almost all my life. I don't like old lady soap smells.... so why they gotta sit next to me all the time. :rolleyes:

However, you get the picture. :yep: It's always something that we don't like that satan will use to justify not going to Church.

:blowkiss: Hugs and blessings, Precious One.
Shimmie, do you EVER feel like you can't get through it? Do you EVER say "oh no not today"? How do you press your way through that? It is very easy to stay away and I do; more now than before. It is very subtle where I don't catch it. Many times I've looked back over a situation that I've fussed so badly about (I just knew I was right and they were wrong) and seen that it couldn't have been anybody but satan. I guess I have some learning to do and some principles to practice and apply.
MondoDismo, stay encouraged, keep seeking. God is faithful. He will put you right where you need to be and when you find that place you will definitely know it. I think you should be discerning because you don't want to go to just any church. Nitpick over relevant things though because sometimes those small things will throw you off focus and off your purpose. (I think I'm preaching to myself. Lol). Where ever you are, make sure your life is being transformed by the teaching of the Word.
Shimmie, do you EVER feel like you can't get through it? Do you EVER say "oh no not today"? How do you press your way through that? It is very easy to stay away and I do; more now than before.

It is very subtle where I don't catch it.

Many times I've looked back over a situation that I've fussed so badly about (I just knew I was right and they were wrong) and seen that it couldn't have been anybody but satan. I guess I have some learning to do and some principles to practice and apply.

Hi Precious J (there's nothing plain about you :Rose:).

To answer your questions... yes indeed it's very subtle; the enemy usuing my dislike of crowds to hinder me from attending Church.

But you know what happen? The Holy Spirit had a hold of me. I became so drawn to Him and my desire to be in His presence with the praise and worship of others, became stronger than my weakness. My dislike of crowds is indeed a weakness. But God surpasses that.

There was something in the presence of of others that God wanted me to be a part of and He lovingly placed a desire in my heart so strong, that I just had to be 'there' among my brothers and sisters in full worship and praise unto Him.

It got to the point where I could not stay away. I'm up so early on Sunday morning because I can't to be there. I love the early morning prayers in the Sancutary before the people begin to arrive. It's worship into God as we pray and intercede for the Word of God to come forth in each service that takes place.

We pray for the safety of our Church family and their families as they prepare for Service and as they travel, we thank God dearly for their traveling mercies. We pray for their families. We pray for the husbands who never come to Church that this will be their day to come unto the Lord and be blessed. We pray for famiilies who have sons and daughters in prison, and those hooked on drugs.

We pray that wives will be the women that God has called them to be unto their husbands. We bind the spirit of divorce and adultery and disharmony and discord. We bind abusive relationships and those who are simply lost and do not know where to find their way.

Do you see how God has bypassed the crowds for me? Instead of me becoming frustrated trying to push through the crowds and becoming impatient with the ladies in the big hats and the jabber, jabber, jabber and hindering my passage into the Sanctuary, God has placed me inside ahead of all of them, and as His handmaiden to be ready for those in need of prayer and ministry.

Is it hard? Yes, but God promoted me over the enemy's tactic to use it against me. I love prayer, I love worship, I love God's word, and I do indeed love people, and I love God with all of my heart. With all of that, my crowd issues have been rendered, powerlsss and my prayers quite fruitful unto the Lord. :yep:

No matter what it is, God measures the degree of the issues and makes them nil.

:giveheart: Love and blessings Precious J...It's no longer hard. it's Jesus. :Rose:
Wow. I love that. I see the genuine women at my church like that and I think it's simply beautiful. I love to just watch them work (more than I like to be apart of it right now). I praise God for true Christian warriors like you and your anointing.
I looovvve to praise and worship too but privately mainly because I'm quiet and shy. I'm waiting patiently but impatiently for the Holy Spirit to take a hold of me just like that; to give me boldness. I know He will one day. I don't think I'm truly ready for it yet though.
Wow. I love that. I see the genuine women at my church like that and I think it's simply beautiful. I love to just watch them work (more than I like to be apart of it right now). I praise God for true Christian warriors like you and your anointing.

I looovvve to praise and worship too but privately mainly because I'm quiet and shy. I'm waiting patiently but impatiently for the Holy Spirit to take a hold of me just like that; to give me boldness. I know He will one day. I don't think I'm truly ready for it yet though.
Would you believe that I also very 'quiet'.

Before I continue: Note to My Friends who know me personally on this board.... HUSH! :lachen: Don't say a word to the contrary! :nono2:

Okay, back to you Precious J. But truly I am very quiet. Which all the more God gets the glory for His annointing that flows through me.

I love reading the Word of God and I love Ministry and how He places me and uses me in so many areas of life. It's He who gets the glory for His power that flows from within me.

You see, all I do is sit in His presence and 'absorb' His Word. God uses my quietness to get through to me. I just sit and absorb. When I'm walking, He's clearing my mind, just like in Psalm 23 "He restoreth my soul".

Precious J, whatever 'weakness' we have, God turns it into His glory. He uses my quiet to listen and to hear Him. He's always 'here' in me, communing with me and giving me more and more of His strength.

God can pull a chapter and verse from me at almost (almost) any given time. It's amazing how He does this. But it's because He's inside of me having His perfect will to do and to will His plan and purpose.

I wake up with Him everyday and He'll give me a word that captures me; a word in season that fits into whatever I'm going through at that moment in my life; and all day long, I meditate on that word until I receive His message relating to it.

This is how I am able to stay in Church. I can't leave where I've been drawn by God's heart and His spirit. I literally 'hunger' to be there.

It will happen to you. It will and you will love it. :yep:

Loving blessings Precious J :giveheart:
Hi Precious J (there's nothing plain about you :Rose:).

To answer your questions... yes indeed it's very subtle; the enemy usuing my dislike of crowds to hinder me from attending Church.

But you know what happen? The Holy Spirit had a hold of me. I became so drawn to Him and my desire to be in His presence with the praise and worship of others, became stronger than my weakness. My dislike of crowds is indeed a weakness. But God surpasses that.

There was something in the presence of of others that God wanted me to be a part of and He lovingly placed a desire in my heart so strong, that I just had to be 'there' among my brothers and sisters in full worship and praise unto Him.

It got to the point where I could not stay away. I'm up so early on Sunday morning because I can't to be there. I love the early morning prayers in the Sancutary before the people begin to arrive. It's worship into God as we pray and intercede for the Word of God to come forth in each service that takes place.

We pray for the safety of our Church family and their families as they prepare for Service and as they travel, we thank God dearly for their traveling mercies. We pray for their families. We pray for the husbands who never come to Church that this will be their day to come unto the Lord and be blessed. We pray for famiilies who have sons and daughters in prison, and those hooked on drugs.

We pray that wives will be the women that God has called them to be unto their husbands. We bind the spirit of divorce and adultery and disharmony and discord. We bind abusive relationships and those who are simply lost and do not know where to find their way.

Do you see how God has bypassed the crowds for me? Instead of me becoming frustrated trying to push through the crowds and becoming impatient with the ladies in the big hats and the jabber, jabber, jabber and hindering my passage into the Sanctuary, God has placed me inside ahead of all of them, and as His handmaiden to be ready for those in need of prayer and ministry.

Is it hard? Yes, but God promoted me over the enemy's tactic to use it against me. I love prayer, I love worship, I love God's word, and I do indeed love people, and I love God with all of my heart. With all of that, my crowd issues have been rendered, powerlsss and my prayers quite fruitful unto the Lord. :yep:

No matter what it is, God measures the degree of the issues and makes them nil.

:giveheart: Love and blessings Precious J...It's no longer hard. it's Jesus. :Rose:


This is a beautiful testimony. I have tears in my eyes because it has really touched me. Recently this guy from my past began to pop up at my church. I'm glad that he is attending church but I angrily asked the Lord why the same church!?!

After I prayed, peace came over me. The spirit of God let me know not to worry but to focus on the fact that He led me to this church. And I need to concentrate on the ministries that God placed me in and the Lord will take care of the rest.

Overall, I truly believe that God has given all of us spiritual gifts to advance His kingdom on earth. And if we focus on what we are called to do then God's presence will overtake us and cause distractions and the enemy's tactics to become null and void.

Again, thanks for sharing Shimmie :love2:.

I stand on Proverbs 3:5-8
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct[a] your paths.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
8 It will be health to your flesh,[b]
And strength[c] to your bones.
OP i dont think you're asking too much because i have the same ideals as you, but the truth is you'll never find what you're looking for in an organization which unfortunately, is what most churches are today. I dont know about in America but here in Jamaica the church invests in stocks and bonds just like everybody else and it irks me a great deal. As a result i dont go to church, i've found a group of people that share my ideals and we worship together. We have a ministry that produces materials that are distributed absolutely free, no matter what amount you request, the ministry is kept going strictly by donations.

I know not everybody can find a situation like this and if its not available, i think its better to go to an established church as opposed to staying home because 'iron sharpens iron'. At the same time if you're really unhappy about it and you can find likeminded people to worship with, that is good as well. The Bible says 'where 2 or 3 or gathered together, God will be there'.
I have been burned before on certain hair forums which is why I am no longer a member. That caused me to be a little hesitant to post my personal thoughts on here for fear of judgment, but you all have truly been vessels for God in opening up my eyes. I thank you all for your encouraging words and testimonies, I truly appreciate them all.

I think years of being alone and feeling lonesome have caused me to expect the worse, to focus on the negative and judge them by that. In my soul searching I have realized that I am so used to being alone that what a lot of you pointed out is true: the enemy knows this and is using it as a tool to keep me from attending church. I really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit when this was pointed out to me.
I have been burned before on certain hair forums which is why I am no longer a member. That caused me to be a little hesitant to post my personal thoughts on here for fear of judgment, but you all have truly been vessels for God in opening up my eyes. I thank you all for your encouraging words and testimonies, I truly appreciate them all.

I think years of being alone and feeling lonesome have caused me to expect the worse, to focus on the negative and judge them by that. In my soul searching I have realized that I am so used to being alone that what a lot of you pointed out is true: the enemy knows this and is using it as a tool to keep me from attending church. I really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit when this was pointed out to me.
MondoDismo I can truly understand this. Thanks for posting this thread because it has helped me too.

This is a beautiful testimony. I have tears in my eyes because it has really touched me. Recently this guy from my past began to pop up at my church. I'm glad that he is attending church but I angrily asked the Lord why the same church!?!

After I prayed, peace came over me. The spirit of God let me know not to worry but to focus on the fact that He led me to this church. And I need to concentrate on the ministries that God placed me in and the Lord will take care of the rest.

Overall, I truly believe that God has given all of us spiritual gifts to advance His kingdom on earth. And if we focus on what we are called to do then God's presence will overtake us and cause distractions and the enemy's tactics to become null and void.

Again, thanks for sharing Shimmie :love2:.

I stand on Proverbs 3:5-8
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct[a] your paths.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
8 It will be health to your flesh,[b]
And strength[c] to your bones.

When I first read this post of yours, I had to 'wait' for the right response. It's definitely good reason for you to feel as you do about your Church. I know that I would have a 'challenge' if I were in the same situation.

I can see this which is that you are such a sweet lady and it's your tenderness of heart that God cherishes about you. It's your tenderness of heart that God is also using to set others free. I don't have the answers as to why your 'friend' is 'there' but I can surely say that the enemy would love to use this against you.

However, God is using it 'For' you.

God has place three words in my heart for you and they are...

"This I know...."

Look at the scriptures that follow: :yep:

11 By THIS I KNOW that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me. --- Psalm 41:11

3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

4 In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

9 When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back:

THIS I KNOW; for God is for me.

10 In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.

11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

12 Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee.

Psalm 56

:Rose: Precious Pink Pebbles...

God's vows are upon you. His Word, His Commitment, His Covenant, His Promises, the Blood of Jesus.

Shimmie - thank you for your kind words:kiss:.

It has been a challenge for me. I tried to find a new church. And ended up at the church where the facilitator was teaching the wrong information to the new members class about the Holy Spirit (remember that thread).

In God's Sovereignty He led me back to where I belong and let me know that no weapons that form against me shall prosper. I have been blessed at this church and God's purpose for my life is being revealed before my very eyes.

I'm glad that I went back and will not allow the enemy to rob me of God's purpose and plans for my life!

When I first read this post of yours, I had to 'wait' for the right response. It's definitely good reason for you to feel as you do about your Church. I know that I would have a 'challenge' if I were in the same situation.

I can see this which is that you are such a sweet lady and it's your tenderness of heart that God cherishes about you. It's your tenderness of heart that God is also using to set others free. I don't have the answers as to why your 'friend' is 'there' but I can surely say that the enemy would love to use this against you.

However, God is using it 'For' you.

God has place three words in my heart for you and they are...

"This I know...."

Look at the scriptures that follow: :yep:

11 By THIS I KNOW that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me. --- Psalm 41:11

3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

4 In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

9 When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back:

THIS I KNOW; for God is for me.

10 In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.

11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

12 Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee.

Psalm 56

:Rose: Precious Pink Pebbles...

God's vows are upon you. His Word, His Commitment, His Covenant, His Promises, the Blood of Jesus.
Oh, yeah.... I remember that thread... :yep: I'm glad you got the victory on that one!

God bless

Shimmie - thank you for your kind words:kiss:.

It has been a challenge for me. I tried to find a new church. And ended up at the church where the facilitator was teaching the wrong information to the new members class about the Holy Spirit (remember that thread).

In God's Sovereignty He led me back to where I belong and let me know that no weapons that form against me shall prosper. I have been blessed at this church and God's purpose for my life is being revealed before my very eyes.

I'm glad that I went back and will not allow the enemy to rob me of God's purpose and plans for my life!