Am I doing to much?


New Member
A couple of weeks ago I got board and pressed my hair. Whick was fine the first time. I turned around and let my God-mother do it again like two days later. (She told me she could get it straighter):perplexed not really. Anyway like this past weekend I went out and got a GVP flatiron and washed on my regular wash day which is Saturday and went on to not only press but to flatiron too. I did do a DC on Saturday which I do every wash sometimes I DC twice a week. I use my MN mix almost every night and I do CO/EVOO every morning. I haven't seen any real damage yet but we all know that can take a minute to show up. Do you ladies think that I can press and flatiron once a week or should I make it every two weeks? Or should I just do one or the other? I just made SL and want to be CBL by Dec and don't want to jack up what I have. I really love my hair being straight w/o the chemicals that I really don't want to do. TIA for any advice.
I don't mind heat on my hair, but I'm extremely careful. I think what you did was too much, but thank God it didn't cause any damage from what you said. If you are going to use a flatiron just make sure you deep condition for a few hours beforehand. I personally don't like to use a blow dryer or air dry before flatironing, but that's just me. I always rollerset. Oh I have natural hair and if I were to air dry it would be a nightmare to comb out LOL

You bought a great flatiron and it should get your hair straight. I would do it maximum once per week and do a doobie at night to hold it down. If you were to flatiron every day I think you'll end up with many split ends.
Thank you. I want to try roller setting but I'm scared that I'll look like fuzzy wuzzy and sleeping on rollers is something that I can't do. I do air dry in small twists and press and flatiron one to two at a time and use heat protection for each section. I might just have to break down and get some rollers. I need to stop buying stuff. LOL

ETA: Does your little girl give rollerset lessons cause I need them. LOL
I rollerset before flatironing. I hate blowdryers with a passion, and I will be a monkey's uncle before I let someone press my hair again (the memories, OH the memories!!). So I do a caramel treatment, followed by a shampoo and deep condition with steam, then rollerset and let dry under dryer, then flatiron in super small sections. That tends to work well for my hair. I've been rollersetting since I was 8 so I'm fairly comfortable with it; I just say try to make the ends lay flat. If it's fuzzy, well, that's what the flatiron is for :grin:. I agree with Maria about tying it down. I try my best not to touch the flatiron again for at least 3-4 days, and by then I'm washing anyway. Good luck!