Am I breaking my challenge??


New Member
I am on a protective-style/no-heat challenge right now. However, do you think I am breaking the challenge by sitting under the hood dryer for 15 min while I do a deep conditioning 1x a week? I have an Ion dryer and that sucka gets HOT so I put the setting on medium. Does this count as applied heat or not?
Most people would say that indirect heat is okay generally, although I would imagine that a no heat challenge literally means "no heat".

I do know that heat doesn't work for me anyway. I have one of the cholesterol caps (gold) that I use instead for my DT--my hair gets more moisturized than when I use (indirect) heat.

I don't count that as part of my "no heat" challenge. I look at it as beneficial heat, not the destructive kind say, from a hot curler, flat iron, etc. I see it this way: I have conditioner in my hair and heat can't hurt my hair if it's to make the conditioner work better.
naturallady, I am not on the challenge, but I cannot see that as breaking it.

I agree with Blackbird77 - this is beneficial heat that may be helping your deep conditioner work better.