Am I being too picky?

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I've been looking for a new hair dresser since my last one jacked up my hair. I've had several consultations with different hair dressers, and I had each one do a wash, deep condition, and set/wrap, just to get a feel of how they work. So far, I haven't found "the one". It's been about 10 weeks since my last relaxer, so I feel like I have to make a decision soon. Here are my impressions of the hair dressers I've seen so far.

Hair dresser #1 (male, owner of the salon):
His idea of a deep conditioning was to slap some conditioner (refused to tell me what brand. Strike one!) on my hair, and leave me with my head in the shampoo bowl for 10 minutes. Didn't even bother to put a plastic cap on me. He styled my hair well, but I didn't like his answers to some of my questions. He said he doesn't use anything to protect previously relaxed hair, he "goes by feel". He also wanted to use the relaxer brand that *he* liked (Designer's Touch, I think) instead of the one *I* liked (Affirm, since he doesn't have Motions).

Hair dresser #2 (white female; sounded black on the phone /images/graemlins/blush.gif):
I liked that she mixes conditioner into the relaxer to buffer it and also condition the hair while relaxing. But, when I asked her how she determines where to start applying the relaxer, she said she always starts from the edges and works her way in! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif She said she does this because body temperature is higher at the crown than other areas of the head, and therefore the heat would activate the relaxer causing it to take too fast in that area. /images/graemlins/confused.gif I've never heard of that in my life! The outer areas of my head are extremely easy to relax, and the crown is more difficult, so I didn't like the sound of that at all. She was also confused about lye vs. no-lye. I did like how she styled my hair and even picked up a new wrapping technique from her, but I don't feel comfortable going to her for a relaxer. She was also very knowledgeable about color, conditioning, and styling, so I may go to her for coloring and styling.

Hair dresser #3 (female):
When I went in to schedule my consultation appointment, she left her client, who had relaxer in her hair, to come up and check her schedule on the computer. Strike 1 /images/graemlins/shocked.gif, 2 /images/graemlins/shocked.gif, and 3 /images/graemlins/shocked.gif!!! I did schedule an appointment since she was right there, but later cancelled.

Hair dresser #4 (male, owner of the salon):
Ouch!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif Homeboy really hurt me and I didn't even get a relaxer. All I had done was a wash, deep condition, and curl, and my scalp is so sore! I'm talking relaxer burn sore! He tore my scalp up with his Lee press-on nails while shampooing me (yes, dude had acrylic nails, with a french manicure. I kid you not!). Also, he talked me into using heat since, in his words, "those roots aren't working for you, honey!". He also was confused about no lye vs. lye. And he was a bit too pushy. He wanted me to pre-book bi-monthly apointments to get special "amino acid" treatments. I asked him, isn't that a protein treatment? He said no, protein coats the hair, and amino acids strengthen the hair. Okay, whatever... /images/graemlins/confused.gif Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but amino acids = protein, right?

So anyway, I'm at 10 weeks of new growth and I have to make a decision asap! If you were in my shoes, would you go to one of these hair dressers or would you keep on looking? Or would you give up and do the relaxer yourself? I have a consultation with another hair dresser next week, and I desparately need her to be "the one". I'm so tired of looking for someone I can trust.
Before I finished reading your post, I was going to try to find the least of all that I have finsihed reading your post..I say try to hold out on the relaxer because the search must continue. And no I don't think you are being too picky.

Good Luck!!!!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
i'm with you, daviine! hold out, girl! don't let anyone undo all your progress, and be glad that those signs were there to warn you about them!!

LMFAO @ dude with the lee press-on nails...

Girl, you are not being too picky. Well, it sounds like you should hold out. However, I wanted to ask you a question. Are you speaking up to any of these stylists that don't agree with what YOU want done to YOUR hair? If not, make sure you do because it's your hair. If any hair stylist has a problem with what you want done, just leave them alone. Don't be fooled by a white hair stylist. We have a ton of white hair stylists in my area that mainly do black hair (and a wonderful job I might add). Hair stylist #2 sounded good since she's very knowledgeable about color, conditioning and styling. I think quite a few hair stylists are confused about the whole lye and no lye issue(s). They don't really teach them this is school. They basically teach them how to apply relaxers to virgin hair and to new growth. I know. Sad, but true. Well, keep looking until you find someone who can do a good relaxer touch up. I hope you find one soon. Good luck.
When it comes to the hair on my head I don't think you could EVER be too picky. I'm a firm believer in being safe...than sorry. Stick to your guns girl! /images/graemlins/orders.gif
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When it comes to the hair on my head I don't think you could EVER be too picky. I'm a firm believer in being safe...than sorry. Stick to your guns girl!

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I second that. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
i am dealing with the same problem with trying to find a stylist. i know of a place to get it done and its not too expensive but i always wanted to get feedback from others on the board before hand to see if they knew of any good places to get it done. i plan to ask them if they do affirm and go from there. its my only choice because the other places i saw recommended like marvin was 100 and up and that is out of my price range. i guess you have to go where they will do what you requested and not try to force anything on you that you do not agree with. did you get recommendations from family and friends? sometimes that could be a good thing and a bad thing depending on their knowledge of proper hair care. God bless you all.
Where are you located maybe someone on the board lives in your area and can recommend someone good to go to. Don't give up the search or fight to find the right stylist for you. Chemicals are dangerous weapons in the hands of the ignorant and you don't want someone messing up all your hard work! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Speaking as a person with a scabby scalp from relaxer burns, I must urgently insist that you hold out. I think that the lady you liked the most might be worth a second look. She seemed pretty knowledgeable so if you explain to her that she needs to start in the crown in your particular case, she may go for it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif If you say: "I'm sure that you've found working outside in to be beneficial for your clients, but as a professional I know you are aware that everyone is different. My particular hair is more easily relaxed on the sides than at the crown, so we would need to start there." If she says no, don't book the appt. If she agrees and you get a good vibe, maybe you should go with it. If she agreed and then started to apply at the outside anyway, remind her (sometimes pp. function on autopilot) and if she doesn't stop jump up, demand your neutralizing shampoo and never darken her door again.
I myself am learning to do my own touch-ups risk-free.
Girl, you're not being too picky. It's your hair, and it's too important to trust to some joker who tells you crap like there's a difference between amino and proteins!!! Stylist #2 sounds like she might have a clue, and I have heard the theory that heat activates relaxers and helps them to work. If you're uncomfortable with her, I say keep looking!!
Cross your fingers for me, ladies, because I think my search is over! I had a consultation yesterday with yet another hairdresser. I really liked her. Out of all the hairdressers I've talked to, she has been the most knowledgeable. She conducted herself really professionally, like she was at a job interview and she wanted to let me know why she was the best candidate. She said all the right things: "my focus is on healthy hair" (hallelujah!), "hair is my passion", and she went into how she applies a relaxer.

Overall, she made a good impression on me. She didn't do my hair at this appointment; we just talked. But I'm having her wash/deep condition/set my hair on Thursday to see how she handles my hair, and she has invited me to come watch her do a relaxer on one of her clients on Tuesday. She's expensive, but if she really is as good as she seems, I don't mind paying.
Sounds good Tee. /images/graemlins/up.gif We'll keep our fingers crossed. /images/graemlins/wink.gif Please keep us posted (and on the shampoo/deep conditioning/set on Thursday).
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Tee said:
She said all the right things: "my focus is on healthy hair" (hallelujah!), "hair is my passion", and she went into how she applies a relaxer.

Overall, she made a good impression on me. She didn't do my hair at this appointment; we just talked. But I'm having her wash/deep condition/set my hair on Thursday to see how she handles my hair, and she has invited me to come watch her do a relaxer on one of her clients on Tuesday. She's expensive, but if she really is as good as she seems, I don't mind paying.

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Tee promise us you'll give us an update. I'm really looking forward to finding out how this woman handled your hair. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Good Luck. BTW seeing as she said that hair was her passion, how did her hair look to you?
indeed she sed all the rite stuff and i'm very glad that she invited you to see her do a relaxer and i think his goes to show that she aint jus tryna 'catch u' by tellin u she does this and this wen u gonna b able to see 4 yoself how good she really is...good luck and i hope that she is 'the one'
Girl please you are NOT being too picky. I'm the same way. For some reason, I can't find anyone to cut my hair the way I want it, even though I explain what i want to a tee. You know what happens??? I get a cut and end up not liking it and then I have to let it grow out for 2 months or so...I go through that ALL the time /images/graemlins/confused.gif
So if anyone knows a person that cuts nice in the DC, MD,, VA area..please let me know /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Picky is what you wanna be when you are looking for a hairdresser. You seem to know exactly what you want. All the best! /images/graemlins/wave.gif
Well, my appointment was a total bust! I ended up leaving with my hair wet. Thank God I brought a scarf and hat (thanks to whoever made that suggestion a while ago!!). She just had way too much attitude for me. She attempted to use a brush on my wet hair! /images/graemlins/mad.gif When I asked her to please use a comb, she started using this tiny small tooth comb. When I complained about that, she was like "well, you said you don't like me using a brush... a brush is the best thing to detangle your hair". /images/graemlins/mad.gif And I lost count of how many times she kept saying "I know what I'm doing. I've been doing this for 15 years" or "If there's one thing I know, it's hair!" I understand that some of these hair dressers have quite a lot of experience, but some of them seem so set in their ways and refuse to adapt to what the client wants and needs. Yeah, you've been doing hair for a long time, but I've been handling my hair for longer than that!

I'm so sick of this! Maybe this is God's way of telling me to give up relaxers. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif My friend gave me her hairdresser's number. I haven't wanted to go to him because her hair isn't looking too hot (way too straight and stringy looking), but I may give him a try. If anybody here knows of a good hairdresser in the Detroit area, please please please let me know.

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LondonDiva said:
BTW seeing as she said that hair was her passion, how did her hair look to you?

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She wairs a wig! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Yeah, I know that should have been a red flag, but I thought, hey, maybe she has some illness that's caused her to lose her hair or going through chemotherapy or something. With all my new growth, I'm close to investing in a wig my self!

Thanks, everyone, for being so supportive!
dang, that's too bad. i kinda had high hopes for that stylist... so she had attitude AND wears a wig? if she knows so much, why she hiding her hair? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

aww babes dont give up hope, if all fails at least u have info. from this board to do yo own hair...good luck wit yo frend's hairdresser

I'm really sorry about that. I do not go to a salon either. Like you, I haven't had much luck finding a hairdresser that will work with me and do what I want. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
wow, good thing you didnt get her to do a relaxer first! and it goes to show that actions speak louder than words (look how good she sounded at the consultation!). Did you actually walk out on her as she was doing your hair? Did you pay? Will you take her up on observing her do a relaxer (this should be interesting)?

She wasnt listening to you at all and that is terrible for a stylist /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif
/images/graemlins/mad.gifI am so sorry to hear about your experience, Tee. I feel your pain. I have experienced hair stylist in the past that didn't listen or adhere to any of the things I didn't like that they did. I recently went thru the same type of interviews w/ several different stylists about 3 weeks ago. I definitely didn't look at it like I was being too picky. I ended up going w/ the stylist that listened to me. I was definitely scared regardless of the stylist telling me that she wasn't going to pull my relaxer all the way to my ends. But I took the plunge!!! All of the other stylists said that they had to pull the relaxer to the ends because I went 32 weeks w/o a relaxer. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I know that sounds like a long time, but I normally go 24 weeks w/ no breakage.

I went to JCPennys here in Tenn. I arrived 15 min before my appt. The stylist walked thru the door @ 10min til and told me to come on back. She suggested putting an Affirm Sensitive relaxer in my hair. She said that it was like a no lye relaxer. I know that the majority of the ladies on this boards suggests a lye relaxer because of the drying effect of a no lye relaxer. Therefore, I asked her to use the Affirm Mild Lye relaxer. She had no problems w/ that!! She only applied the relaxer to my 4 inches of new growth. She only trimmed about 1/8" of my ends. Even after three weeks, I am still loving my mane.... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I wrote all of this to say that it pays off to be PICKY... Keep looking for the right stylist. It is your hair and your glory, and we have to suffer w/ the outcome. I will post some pictures once I figure out how to do them /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Sorry /images/graemlins/blush.gif that this was so long.....
Tee, I'm sorry to hear she wasn't good at all, I re-read your first post about this lady and I was getting all excited for you. I thought she'd be the one. I'm too "scared" to deal with these 'professionals' that I learnt to do it all myself.
Girl u arre not being too picky, I just had a not too pleasant experience myself. I wen to this lady that is around the corner from my job. She given me a roller set twice b/4 but that was when I had a full weave and it turned out okay. So I figured I'm just going for a roller set it can't be that bad -WRONG.

Strike 1 one her fingernails where jagged so it was ripping at my hair

Strike 2, I brought my own conditioner AO island creme spice and that thing melts the tangles away, why was she still yanking at my hair??? When detangling shouldn't you start from tip to root to minimize breakage. Why don't these so callled professionals know this????

Strike 3 after deep conditioning, she proceeded to comb me thru, fine why do these hair dressers reach for the tiniest comb possible. What ever happened to being gentle???

I'm tired of the quest for a good hair dresser /images/graemlins/nono.gif Going to the salon shouldn't make me feel like a vigilante, always on the lookout for errors. The salon experience should really be pampering. Just my 2 cents
Hairdresser 2, My comments:
Well Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) is basically a metal and non-metal or a polyatomic ionic compound. As far as heat conductivity, she actually may have some truth to it because you're bringing together a cation and anion which both have a positive charge and negative charge which neutralizes each other. Now the Alkaine metals (the Sodium) conducts heat and may in fact activate it in the areas she indicated.

I hope this makes sense lol....
Dang, I'm sorry that stylist didn't work out. She sounded so promising! And why do so many of them insist on approaching us with tiny rat tail combs, as if those combs are going to work for us? /images/graemlins/mad.gif Don't worry, you'll find the right hairdresser!