Am I being Shallow?


New Member
There's a guy who has really been on my case. Don't get me wrong, he's sooooooo sweet. He'll do anything to make me happy. I really wish I fancied him. We can talk for hours, and we have sooooo much in common.

He always tries to flirt, but I brush it off... and change the topic :rolleyes:. So now he has started to distant himself. I've noticed how much I miss him... but he's really not my type at all. Am I being shallow for not wanting to give him a chance because he's short with some big hexagon head.. and funny looking teeth.

I'm not perfect.. but come on now :grin:
Lol do you miss him or do you miss the attention?

I wouldn't say you're shallow for not dating him if you're totally not attracted to him.
I actually miss him but it seems he doesn't want to be my friend unless there's more.. and I can't seem to get past the looks. I'm not attracted to him at all but I wish I was.

Perhaps I should give it a try anyway, and Sparks may fly :superbanana:

sometimes I just look over at him and think ''Oh my god that head shape is weird'' I just can't help it.... :pullhair:

I'm just being silly right and childish. I should be able to look past his head size, and into his heart.
I dont think you are, I think you just miss the attention.
I used to let men grow on me, but then I realized if they're not just doing it for me, I dont have to sit around and wait till they do...
This is my exact same situation. I feel bad cause he is such a great person, but He is older than me and looking for something serious, someone to marry. And I can't promise him that cause he aint cute without a hat on 0_o
So you wasn't feeling him until he left you alone? Mmmmmmm, do him a favor and let him find a woman who really wants to be with him. You don't want him, you just miss the attention. Hey, it happens all the time and you are not shallow, tis life is all.
There's a guy who has really been on my case. Don't get me wrong, he's sooooooo sweet. He'll do anything to make me happy. I really wish I fancied him. We can talk for hours, and we have sooooo much in common.

He always tries to flirt, but I brush it off... and change the topic :rolleyes:. So now he has started to distant himself. I've noticed how much I miss him... but he's really not my type at all. Am I being shallow for not wanting to give him a chance because he's short with some big hexagon head.. and funny looking teeth.

I'm not perfect.. but come on now :grin: head?!
nope. imagine what da chirren'll look like. dayum dat...he gota phucked up *** shaped head too????? awww hell nawww shuga. and puleez dont give him a mercy phuck eitha.

he know he ugly n his head phucked up....das why he distanced himself, lets keep it real. he know what time it is. ...shyt. da hell wif dat. what would yo momma n dem say?

now do whatchu do, but c'mon now.

on da otha hand, winter time commin, so maybe when he start wearing hats n stop smilin'mind, dat wont work eitha.

i'd say leave it alone n keep it pimpin chile....

see, i tell my chirren da same thing, dont bring home no jacked up funny lookin mu'phuckas wif jacked up shaped head to meet me cuz imma stop date shyt at da gate and i mean dat. dont want my grandchirren comin out all diformed n shyt.
No. I don't think you are being shallow. If you had a hexagon shaped head would Mr. Hexagon shaped head talk to YOU??? Probably not. and this is what pisses me off. The double standard!! I am in your boat. I have a gentleman who is 10 yrs older than me...i am 38 he is 48 pressuring me to be his SO. I am no Halle Berry.. Got it.. but dang for real.. i am in shape, enjoy running and working out keep the hair and nails done. and this gentleman although very nice is overweight, has a horrible diet, bad skin, teeth nails, dresses sloppy, keeps an unruly haircut and gets mad when women his age with a little in the middle and thighs try to talk to him... i am like.. wtf??? He texted me awhile ago trying to guilt me about why i dont have mutual feelings for him.. when he has a lady I know who wants him and is the same age as him but he thinks she is beneath him.. pleez
There's a guy who has really been on my case. Don't get me wrong, he's sooooooo sweet. He'll do anything to make me happy. I really wish I fancied him. We can talk for hours, and we have sooooo much in common.

He always tries to flirt, but I brush it off... and change the topic :rolleyes:. So now he has started to distant himself. I've noticed how much I miss him... but he's really not my type at all. Am I being shallow for not wanting to give him a chance because he's short with some big hexagon head.. and funny looking teeth.

I'm not perfect.. but come on now :grin:
:nono::nono: Denying a guy because of height, his head shape, and teeth? you're so shallow. That was extremely mean to say.

But I know I lol'd forreal when I read that. I dont think its being shallow. I know I have to be physically attracted to someone to like them in that way. I know people say "but its the personality and how he treats you yadda yadda. But if I look at a guy and don't feel that tingle
:look: from his looks alone ...Its not going to happen. Just being honest.
No I don't think so.

Attraction is a big part of relationship. You should not be ashamed to be seen with someone...I've been there before. I talked to a guy that was really nice, but really overweight...I'm talking 400-450lbs. He was cool for "phone time" meaning no one saw him but me.

He would ask me about going places...and I'd be don't feel like going out tonight..

I knew it was wrong of I finally stopped calling...couldn't bear to hurt his feeling.

Also men do it all the time!! LOL Men are very adamant about things like that...and I think women should be too!
Girl, you're not being shallow. You just prefer a man without a hexagonal head and bad teeth. Oh, and short.

That's normal. You're not attracted to him, and you are not supposed to sacrifice your happiness just so a man who you're not attracted to can be happy (and have you). That's silly.

Don't date him out of pitty or guilt. That's not doing him, or yourself any good.

You, and he will find other people that you're attracted to. Afterall, attraction is an important part of a relationship.
No I don't think so.

Attraction is a big part of relationship. You should not be ashamed to be seen with someone...I've been there before. I talked to a guy that was really nice, but really overweight...I'm talking 400-450lbs. He was cool for "phone time" meaning no one saw him but me.

He would ask me about going places...and I'd be don't feel like going out tonight..

I knew it was wrong of I finally stopped calling...couldn't bear to hurt his feeling.

Also men do it all the time!! LOL Men are very adamant about things like that...and I think women should be too!

Men are never ashamed to admit what they like and don't like. And they usually hold out for what they want and all.
Men are notorious for this! I got a friend we call Choosy Charles because the ultimate dealbreaker for him is if a woman has ugly feet. She could be a ten from head to ankles but if her feet are jacked he's out. And the funny thing is he's even admitted he got ugly feet! WTH! For real Charles?