Am I Being Paranoid OR

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Do Stylists Overlap your relaxer with the intent to destroy your pretty hair??

One tell tale sign of a vindicative Hairdresser is if you hear them say, "Oh my hair used to be this long, maybe a little longer".

I don't think they do it to be vindictive. I think most of them just don't know what their doing and the basics of healthy hair.
But if you have a license and been doing relaxers for years, should'nt you know better???

I mean this is one of the things they stress in school and the state final CLOSELY scrutizes to make sure your not overlapping.

So what they forget when they get to your head

Plus people say that that's why the cut your hair off, why not overlap and destroy it completely

BTW can you tell I was overlapped.
I think most of the time they know what they're doing but sometimes they "might" not know. But if they have a license like you said they probably do know what they're doing. Then they'll start saying your hair is damaged and keep cutting it and saying you need to come in more. Thats what happen to me. This woman was ALWAYS giving me a virgin relaxer (pulling it all the way through) talking about thats the only way to get my hair straight and that wasn't true. She just wasn't using the right products.
I don't think they do it to be vindictive. I think most of them just don't know what their doing and the basics of healthy hair.

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I agree.
Yes, she was not my regluar , I went to JCP and my stylist was busy so she did me (I should have waited til another day) Anyway It looked like 2inches when I only had inch growht I mentioned it when I look in the mirror and saw white stuff up about 2 - 3 inches, she said, I't "just looks like that"

But before she started she was talking about how her hair used to be long as mine.
I read on a website that stylists make the most money from short hair. Your hair now HAS to be relaxed or HAS to be cut or colored just to look decent if you have a very short cut. You depend more on your stylist and that's why stylists don't care about helping you to keep long hair.

I think most know what they're doing and do it purposely. Even if they are that ignornat and don't know, I'm not gonna side with them. This is their profession and the customer has every right to expect them to be informed and know what they're doing.
. This is their profession and the customer has every right to expect them to be informed and know what they're doing.

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Exactly and we should not have to be looking over our shoulders, saying don't over lap.
I don't know the answer to that question. But I have a friend that told me that some "money hungry ones I am referring to" overlap, so that you can come to them to get deep conditioning and protein treatments and then they tell you that you need a "trim" etc. etc. In other words, let me mess up your hair so that you can keep coming to me (and my pockets get fatter), lol. just a thought.
I don't think they do it on purpose.... I think sometimes its just easier for them to overlap some when applying...especially when they smooth the hair out. My hairdresser does this often....but he works quickly so the stuff isn't on there long. I don't really get a lot of damage from it. I got more damage from sleeping on my cotton pillow cases without a scarf.
(yes I know... but that was before I was "enlightened")
I do think some of them do it on purpose out of spite or the desire for more $$, and some of them overlap out of sheer laziness and disregard for your hair health. Either way, it seems most of them can't be trusted, and that's the sad truth.
doesn't it say on the relaxer to relax the whole head if it's virgin hair but only relaxer the new growth for previously relaxed hair. that what my relaxer says on it so these stylist must know if the rake the time to read the directions on the relaxer.
i must say i relaxed my mothers hair 2 weks ago and as hard as i tried not to overlap the creme ended up all the way to her ends
Stylist are human beings too and yes they get very jealous when they find somone with very long healhty hair.

I had a frined who had two horrible experiences. The first one: She went to get her hair mildly relaxed. Her hair was to her waist at that time. Well to make the story short the stylist left the relaxer on her hair very long. She was in pain and asked the stylist to wash her off but the woman got angry and told her that she knew what she was doing that she was licensed. In the end my friend's scalp was burned and her hair was comming out in huge clumps. She did have to cut alot of her hair very very short. It was sad to see.

I fear hair stylist! I have had similar experiences and that is one reason I went natural. Many stylist seem angry all the time.

Why is it that most of them don't have very nice healthy hair????
Another reason why I do my own hair...I don't trust them!!!

Finally realized they were damaging my hair. I've been through it tooooooo many times!
In my opinion, stylists are just that -- stylists! They know how to make you look good for a little while, but they aren't extensively trained in how to take care of hair. That's why a lot of them are damn-near baldheaded.

As far as overlapping is concerned, they are often rushed so they do a sloppy job. Some are vindictive, but mostly it's because they're in a hurry.

If you truly want long, HEALTHY hair guaranteed, you need to take matters into your own hands. Please, please, yourself before you trust a stranger.
I don't think that the issue is that deep. I think stylists simply try to make the most money given the fact that they have only so many hours in a day and only 2 hands. So if they over lap-- Oh well. It makes more money to stick you and two others under the dryer for 30 min and charge $15 for a 'deep condition' And if they can frighten you into coming back every week, well that's fine too. But the main thing is to sell you things while you're there: condition, cut, anything.
I can't believe that they charge to do a deep conditioner while it can be done at home. Pardon my ignorance but I haven't been to a salon since the 9th or 10th grade. Since then I took control of my hair. I always wonder why many stylist put the relaxer all over the hair? Many of reasons sounds logical to me.
This is the reason why so many ladies here are learning to do their own treatments. Stylist want you to believe that without them your hair will be in danger. And sometimes it works especially if you dont know what you are doing and using all the wrong products you ending up itching to go back to them for fear that doing it yourself is doing more harm then good. seeing as we cant see behind our heads some people need assistance in taking care of our hair. but seeing as we cant see behind our heads we dont know whats going on when the stylist is doing their services. chopping off too much, overlapping. stuff like that that even if you are by a mirror you cant see. i wish that some of the ladies here would start their own salon. i am sure it would have tons of business with all the knowledgable ladies here and there would be a ton of beautiful heads of hair walking in and out. awww what a wonderful dream.
God bless you all.
Stylist are human beings too and yes they get very jealous when they find somone with very long healhty hair.

I had a frined who had two horrible experiences. The first one: She went to get her hair mildly relaxed. Her hair was to her waist at that time. Well to make the story short the stylist left the relaxer on her hair very long. She was in pain and asked the stylist to wash her off but the woman got angry and told her that she knew what she was doing that she was licensed. In the end my friend's scalp was burned and her hair was comming out in huge clumps. She did have to cut alot of her hair very very short. It was sad to see.

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That is Terrible. I fear them to, they act nice but trying to do harm. I gonna ask next time if they can have someone supervise cause I was overlapped last time, maybe then they will be extra careful.
i must say i relaxed my mothers hair 2 weks ago and as hard as i tried not to overlap the creme ended up all the way to her ends

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????? How
i dunno, it was just difficult to focus the creme on new growth only. maybe a lint brush would have done the trick if i had one.