
New Member
I got my hair done on Saturday and I'm trying to figure out if I'm APL yet or not. My hair now reaches the bottom of my tattoo which is good. What do you think?

ETA: The specs on the mirror is my flash from the camera my mirror is not dirty.


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Ok here are two more pics, now I'm really not sure. One I think yes (Second pic), and the other I think not :perplexed. I don't know either way, I think my hair grew quite a bit from the last pics I had.


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Hey girlie...Yep it still looks like you are APL to me! In the first pic, your head looks tilted down a little. The second pic your hair is straight.
Thank GOD!!!

I'm so happy I left the salon on Saturday and I even received a trim, but I told my hair stylist that this is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been, she was actually asking me for tips!!! On how I keep my hair straight and how much it has grown!! I'm so excited, now BSL is next, I'm not sure how long it will take to reach it, but I'll wait for it. Plus I decided that I'm not going to BC, instead just grow all of my hair out until it reaches the goal I want, and then decide to do the BC. I only have about 4 1/2 inches or so of NG.
from the second set of arms down pics i'd say 1/2 inch to 1 inch and youd be full apl but i'd still claim it lol.
from the second set of arms down pics i'd say 1/2 inch to 1 inch and youd be full apl but i'd still claim it lol.

I see what you mean, I should definitely be there by June, my B-Day, we shall see. I can't wait! Next goal BSL!!!
No not looks like you only need a good two inches :yep:.
I don't think she needs THAT much...two inches?

Look at the picture I put up with the "line" of measurement.

Maybe about an inch for full. I see some areas would be touching if it didn't have that slight bend to it. Heck, half inch just to officially say you made it no doubt. :) Congrats either way, O.P. Getting compliments from your stylist must have made your day. Keep it up!


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