Always Lurking and having a crisis

Pandoras Box

New Member
so I dont post often but am at a crossroads and looking for some support.

tomorrow I will be 24 weeks post relaxer. I have been protective styling....braids, half wigs, etc during this time. And cant take it anymore. Despite a stringent vitamin regimen, co-washing 3 times a week and these protective styles I havent seen much growth in that time. i started out with a very short, halle berry cut and now i have a medium sized bush.

I am seriously on the verge of getting a jug of Mizani and calling it a d@mn day. I refuse to go into my next year (bday is in a few days) with this unmanageable, messy mess on my head. and i do NOT feel like sitting thru braids or weaving it up, I want my hair free.


maybe this is more of a vent that Im sure everyone gets to at some point during this process. anywho, thanks for letting me get this out.
Hep OP - I feel you. I have those days and when I do I just either resolve to wig it up or do something else until I am ready to deal with it again.

Alternatively just calm down have a huge DC/ de-tangling session and flat iron for the day to get a grip of things again.

Also maybe there is a reason for your dryness/ tangling? i.e.:


Just go through each and try and remember why you think your hair started acting up. Also sometimes less is more. Maybe just clarify and DC and see where your hair takes you from there?
I totally feel you on being tired of the psing. I agree w/ PositivelyRadiant and flatiron your hair. You maybe surprised about the length your hair is. Also hair grows on average 6" a year and some people the hair grows slower than that so be patient and your hair will grow.
Hep OP - I feel you. I have those days and when I do I just either resolve to wig it up or do something else until I am ready to deal with it again.

Alternatively just calm down have a huge DC/ de-tangling session and flat iron for the day to get a grip of things again.

Also maybe there is a reason for your dryness/ tangling? i.e.:


Just go through each and try and remember why you think your hair started acting up. Also sometimes less is more. Maybe just clarify and DC and see where your hair takes you from there?

thanks for the words.

my issue was i had a baby 6 months ago, and prior to that, I was doing TOO MUCH to hair. relaxing every 6-8 weeks, coloring, and just not really taking care of it - short of going to the salon every friday at 6am.

then after delivery the shedding (which is commonplace) started. then i decided i would take better care, but i am SICK of these wigs. its hot here and my scalp is sweating. plus, I think my baby girl is confused by the hair changes. :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Im just sick of it, and trying to stay away from the creamy crack, but its calling me.

I can feel your pain because I am currently growing out my hair from the short cut you see in my avatar. I've been growing my hair out for about a year and a half. I find that it helps to DC a lot and keep my hair's porosity under control. As long as my hair is getting the moisture it needs, it is a lot easier to deal with.

Also, how long have you been on your hair journey? I have found that health tends to precede length more often than not. Also, I found that when I was growing from that initial short cut, my hair grew out, then down. So, don't fret. Your hair is growing! :yep:

I can feel your pain because I am currently growing out my hair from the short cut you see in my avatar. I've been growing my hair out for about a year and a half. I find that it helps to DC a lot and keep my hair's porosity under control. As long as my hair is getting the moisture it needs, it is a lot easier to deal with.

Also, how long have you been on your hair journey? I have found that health tends to precede length more often than not. Also, I found that when I was growing from that initial short cut, my hair grew out, then down. So, don't fret. Your hair is growing! :yep:

funny you mention down there. my waxer commented on this a couple weeks ago. before the vitamins, i was seeing her every 6-8 weeks, now its more like 4-5. and she asked me what was going on with the massive hair growth. :grin:

ive been on this journey since the last time i relaxed, which was in December. based on your avie, we were at the same starting point.