Alternative to Dudley's DRC 28


Well-Known Member
Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

I need a strong protein treatment. From what I have read
DRC-28 can get the job done! But 50- 68 dollars for a conditioner??
There has to be a cheaper alternative.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

The absolute best Protein treatment is Aphogee!!! It WILL get the job down and stop breakage!! It's about $23 at Sally's!
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

What is the exact name of this treatment. I have the 2 min reconstructer. Is this what your talking about.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

try Sebastians' Penetraitt.. its a STRONG protien for about $30 the most. The bottle lasts a long time too.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

I actually tried all of these, except the wella liquid hair and I didnt see my breakage stop rioght away. wanna know what did it for me? Motions CPR(only 5.99)it did exactly what it said it breakage stopped immediately.

Aphogee is one big mess, Sebastian has to be done at least two times to stop the brekage IMO and emergencee is just too expensive.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

My vote is for Emergencee. I am SO glad that I can go and have it all done - wash, Emergencee, moisturizing conditioner, set and blow - for $15.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

lol that is official! hook a sista up- I have to keep it real- broke college students need the info!
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

There is no competition.

I used DRC-28 yesterday and got exactly the results I was looking for: strong hair that does not break. It did not stink (like Aphogee), and it did not make my hair hard (like Aphogee). Of course I needed a moisturizing conditioner afterwards, but my hair feels really good now. Plus, you have to factor the amount of the product you're getting: 16 ounces, and it's only recommended that you use 1/2 to 2 ounces per treatment. Therefore, you're really getting a year's worth of an excellent product. If you can scrape up the money (believe me I know it's a sacrifice because I was trembling as I gave up my credit card for a $60 hair product that wasn't an appliance), then I would definitely get this product. It works
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

I agree with you MISS BROWN Dudley DRC is the BOMB.
I think it's the best protein conditioner on the market.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

Is the Elasta QP Breakage Control Serum consider a strong protein conditioner? It contains Magnesium sulfate just like the Aphogee Treatment.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

A friend of mine in GA highly recommends Straight Request Strength 1000 ( and She sent me a little to try. I haven't used it yet. She says it's 10x better than ApHogee, but it doesn't stink.
Her stylist uses it after every relaxer.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

I got the smaller size of Aphogee treatment for $5.99 at Sally's. I liked it a lot, and the price was right. It does smell pretty bad though.
Re: Alternative to Dudley\'s DRC 28

Supergirl said:
The QP Breakage Control Serum is not a strong protein conditioner.

[/ QUOTE ]

ok just checking.