Alternative protein supplement


New Member
errr....ive tried both the protein shake and l-cyesteine. i stopped the protein shake cos it made me gain weight and the l-cyesteine cos i dont drink enough water and dont take as much vitamin C as i should. Is there any other protein or amino acid alternaive i could try? maybe lecithin? And what does carrot juice do? thanks. when i was younger and my hair was natural (those good old days), i remember my mom used to force lecithin and a multi down my throat and gave me the cod liver oil to swallow joyfully. haha
What protein drink were you using? Was it a protein drink or meal replacement shake? These can very in calories by as much as 300+ calories per serving (with the MRS having the higher caloric value). Also, are you mixing these with milk, juice or water. Anything other than water is going to add additional calories.

Another protein source I use is Twin Labs Amino Fuel, it's a liquid. Serving size is 3 tbs (I mix w/water). It yields 100 calories and 15 grams of protein, 11 grams of carbs (9 from sugar).

There are lots of drinks you can try, but the shake itself isn't causing the weight gain, if you're gaining weight, it's an excessive amount of calories being ingested that's the culprit. The bottom line to weight gain is calories in vs. calories burned.

Perhaps you could continue w/the shakes and cut your calories somewhere else to offset?

hmm...i dont know much about lal this nutritional stuff. i was takign optimum whey protein shake that i got from vitamin shoppe. i dont know how many calories was in it......
Hmmmm, I use ON Whey protein in and out of dieting season so I KNOW it's not too high in calories or carbs.

That's one of the best ones for your money and serving size. Another brand you might try is Cytosport, they make Muscle Milk (ooooh, this is DA BOMB protein) but it's got 12 grams of carbs. If you're looking for more protein and less carbs, they have their line: Complete Whey Protein (I have a 5lb tub here at work), it has No Sugar, 92 calories per serving, 2 grams of carbs and 18 grams of protein. It tastes pretty much like the Muscle Milk just not a sweet and not as thick.

If you think it's the protein shakes, have you tried reducing your serving size? Say 1/2 scoop instead of a full one? It'll cut your calories and protein intake in half but some is better than none.
I don't know anything about lecithin though, sorry.

One last suggestion on the protein, some stores (like NutriSport) have single serving packets you can try so you don't have to commit to a large tub of something you realize that you don't like POST PURCHASE.

HTH and good luck! :grin:
Hey Dolapo!
I am actually taking protein tablets along with my other vitamins.I take 200mcg a day of protein. They are puritan pride brand...they might be running their buy one get two for free right not....check it out
My recollection is that liquid lecithin has a higher calorie count AND lower grams of protein per serving than whey or soy powder protein. Protein powder generally gives more bang for your buck then lecithin (I alternate between whey and soy). If you opt for lecithin then compare the liquid to the pills 'cause I think the pills may be lower in calories.

The key is to check labels for gram of protein per serving and calories per serving in order to make an intelligent choice -- some brands will be superior than others. Check the labels . . .