alternating between products?


New Member
If you like a particular product and the results you have been achieving, should you alternate and try something new? If you do alternate (for example, between conditioners), how often should you do so? Every other wash? Every three?

With so many new products on the market and all the positive reviews on this board for things we all might like to try, there are many opportunities to find "the next best thing".

Your replies are appreciated.
In my opininon if you really like something you should keep it unless you just feel like switching and if you do, I would completely substitue it in order to fully see the results of that product in particular (does that make sense?) Once you've used that product for a certain amoutn of time and are aware of the results, you can decide how it compares. If it's about equal and you like both, alternate it you like. It it's not as good, obviously it would best to discontinue, and if it's better, you may want to substitute it completely. That's just what I'd do