I used the lye texturizer and neutralizing conditioner on Friday. I have to say I am really happy with this line
. My 4a/4b hair is coarse and looks natural to most people. It shrinks to about half of its length if its not manipulated (without any chemicals it would shrink about 80%). I use it mainly to help with manageability and cut down on styling time. I last relaxed in June 2008 with Mizani Butter Blends. I used Mizani BB for about a year.
Relaxer: The relaxer didn't smell like a chemical at all. I used the 15 oz. It actually smelled more like a conditioner. Before I applied it I got scared it wouldn't take at all since my hair is pretty resistant. It just smelled too good for me to believe it would actually work on my hair. It took about 5 minutes to apply and it didn't seem like it was doing anything to my hair at first. I smoothed the living daylights out of my new growth and rinsed out after 10 more minutes. It was on my head for a total of 15 minutes. My crown started to tingle a little after about 12 minutes, but I've been scratching that area all week so that's pretty impressive. I rinsed it out and it washed out pretty easily.
Neutralizing Conditioner: This had more of a chemical smell to me than the texturizer strangely enough. It was a really watery consistency which surprised me because I expected a more creamy texture. I put it in after rinsing the relaxer out and left it on for about 5 minutes. My hair felt stiffer after the conditioner than when I put the relaxer on. I checked the ingredients, and it has some keratin in it so that explains it. I used Mizani BB neutralizing shampoo after that and would you believe the color indicator
didn't even come on?!!!! I had the neutralizing poo in my hair about 10 minutes and I didn't even see a hint of pink the whole time! That was shocking and a relief to me all at the same time. It's the first time I've used a conditioner right after putting the relaxer in and I've always been scared my hair would keep processing if I didn't put the poo in right away. This conditioner neutralized the heck out of the relaxer.
Overall I was very happy with my results and plan to use this again. I didn't notice any shedding at all. I noticed shedding with Mizani BB so I know this is really gentle on the scalp. My new growth blended in perfectly with the rest of my kinky texlaxed hair and I am really happy about that. I will stop talking because I can go on and on. Just wanted to share.
I reached bsl for the first time ever but I won't claim it until it covers my bra strap (its about half an inch over now). I'm really happy I had a great relaxer experience and reached a milestone on the same day. Next time I'm going to get the larger size and maybe even the shampoo. Will post pics as soon as I have access to a camera.