Alter Ego Linange Shea Butter Relaxer and Full Line - Review and Questions


New Member

OKAY, y'all! So I guess I brought it on myself since I go around raving about this relaxer, but I get a MILLION PMs!!!!! :lachen: Not to mention 6 questions per PM on avg. So, I get it. You all are having trouble finding more info and reviews, and need a way to get your questions answered.

On the flip side, I have mono (this ain't no joke! and health services keeps telling me I just have to suffer.... tonsillitis, serious ear pain, fatigue, fever... :nono:) and classes I am missing, not to mention assignments, etc... so I am just going to make all of our lives easier and start a thread.

What the product looks like:

This is what the personal size of the relaxer looks like:

I was relaxed in a Dominican salon with the relaxer from this tub:

The ingredients:

Water, Mineral Oil Petrolatum, Ceteraryl Alcohol, Propylene Glyco, Shea Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Polysobate 60, Laneth-15, Cetyl Alcohol, PEG (150) Stearate, Steareth 20, PEG (60), Lanolin, Hydroxypropy Itrimonium, Vegetable Protein, Fragrance.

Another voice on the subject:

The ingredients for both sizes are the same. Based on the review below, I believe the effects are too.
Part of my trouble telling people about this is that I've never found or head other reviews and testimonials. But I just found this one on Amazon:

"I just tried this relaxer for the first time and it is WONDERFUL! I had been scratching my head the night before which is a great big no no when you are getting a touch up the next day, but this relaxer didn't even burn my scalp. My hair is soft and straight but doesn't look over-processed. This product can be used as a texturizer as well, just don't leave it on as long as you would a perm. I strongly urge everyone to try this's great!"

She is spot on. I personally BEG anyone who relaxes to USE THIS. Your hair will thank you. I will even thank you. And I think your haircare issues and/or setbacks will decrease, IMO.

About Alter Ego:

This is just what I know. They are an Italian line. They are known to manufacture a number of products specializing in reducing hair loss, shedding, and breakage. LHCCF used have used this line at least since '03. It is a popular line in Dominican salons. The products have the reputation of being quality products and sometimes a little on the expensive side. It is hard to find info on their website because they are building a new one.

You can view most of the Alter Ego products in existence here:

Entire Alter Ego Linange line thus far:

The line is new, so I am sure the products list will expand with demand.
These are other products available by the line in terms of relaxers and relaxer or texturizer related treatments:

Linange Shea Butter Cream Relaxer

Linange Neutralizing Conditioner

Linange Restructuring Mask with Shea Butter and Coconut Oil

Linange Shea Butter Texturizer

EDIT: Linange Vitalizing Shampoo

There is also a curl activator and normal shampoo. Keep in mind, this is a sub-line of Alter Ego, so of course there are a ton more Alter Ego products. I love each one I have ever tried. I try to keep my at-home haircare as natural as possible though.

Where to buy:

BlueBeez and Beauty of New York are two great vendors who sell these products online.

BlueBeez sells these products on Amazon and on their website. Most are a dollar or so cheaper on Amazon, with the exception of the large tub of the Shea Butter Relaxer. BlueBeez carries lots of nice products and their shipping is FAST (1-2 days; 3 tops). They are not always the cheapest, but it's nice to be able to order from one vendor, especially when ordering from a lot of lines.

On Amazon:

Their website:

Beauty of New York sells the Shea Butter Relaxer, the Texturizer, and the Mask.

It sells the Shea Butter Relaxer for cheaper ($10 versus $14 on Amazon) and the Texturizer too ($12 versus $14 on Amazon), but the Mask is not cheaper.

Beauty of New York:

Beauty of New York is a good vendor too. If you live in NYC I think you can just go pick the relaxer up yourself too, and they have a LOT of merchandise as well.

EDIT: For the entire set (minus the shampoo) discounted, purchase here:iBeautyNY


It's $65 for the mask (which comes in a decent tub), the personal-sized relaxer, and the smaller conditioner. depending on where you order from, this is about $10 cheaper.

Just like Beauty of NY, which has a retail store in Brooklyn, iBeautyNY has one in Manhattan, so if you're in the area, you can go investigate first-hand or just pick up yourself. :)
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These are questions I have been asked already in PMs. If I have not answered your questions already, feel free to ask more.

Does the Linange relaxer burn at all?

NOT. AT. ALL. It feels like chilled conditioner left in a fridge. It is refreshing after th eintial shock of the strange feeling. I have likened it to putting cooled cucumber on your eyelids. I thought it was just me until I realxed with Affirm 2 weeks ago. It BURNED! I never realized how unpleasant relaxer experiences typically are because I got so used to them. I noticed the change since I had not had a burning/extreme tingling/typical relaxer since January. Huge difference.

And does it get your hair bone straight?

If you want it too, but not in a flat-against-your-head-Design-Essentials way. Straight with body, kind of. Straight, but not at all overprocessed. Straight, but soooo moisturized and full of like. Straight like it grows from your head that way. The difference is most apparent after your first wash. My hair dried with a wave, and the roots could be brushed or combed, then dried silky yet straight, as if I had 1c-2b hair that could just be brushed into straightness! The best way to put it was that the effects was like... if my whole hair were relaxed with this system, it would behave as if it had all grown out of my head that way. Not like realxed hair, but just wavy-straight hair.

Did you go w/ mizani?

For those referencing this post, I went with Affirm and overall, I did not like it, though it did the job. If Alter Ego Linange were not part of my life I would have liked it more, but that is not the case. Even so, I think I would like Nairobi more. Nairobi is fairly moisturizing, but still straightens like Design Essentials and Silk Elements, IMO.

I have used a Mizani relaxer in the past (March 2008), but I am not sure which, because I did not ask her to specify which. Based on the results (45 minutes yet still underprocessing and unsmoothed cuticle), my guesses would be no-lye, mild, or maybe one of the butter blends versions.

How does it compare with Linange Shea Butter Relaxer?

Both the Affirm and Mizani were sub par. I even liked Nairobi better. I strongly believe I could find a version of Mizani I would like better than the Affirm and probably the Nairobi though, but not the Alter Ego Linange.

Have you noticed any breakage?

Not ANY from the Linange. I have also noticed my hair needs fewer protein treatments. A lot fewer.

How does your hair feel after the Linange? Meaning dry or moisturized?

Beyond moisturized. I can hardly describe it. (Just as a note, the only products I used following the relaxer were the neutralizing conditioner and Alter Ego's spritz in the yellow bottle that tames flyaways... I forgot the name of it right now... So I am sure these effects were from the relaxer system [relaxer and conditioner] alone.)

Did you have the relaxer done in NYC?

No, I got it done in Baltimore, but I know it is much more popular as a system and a line (Alter Ego) in NYC.

Do you think I can texturize with this product (the relaxer)?

You could, but just go for the texturizer!

What is your hair type?

This is hard, but I believe the best way to put it is a verrrrrrrrrry thick 3c. It is also difficult to say because it has been so long since I have been natural, and I did not pay as much attention last year to my texture during my longer stretches as I have this year, but my stretches have been shorter.

I have very defined curls and a fine texture, but they are thick and like to curl back on themselves when possible and stay close to each other and my scalp. Some days they are in better moods and loosen up. My hair is so dense that if it weren't for the extreme curl definition, I would say 4a.I also do know I never had bad tangles or tenderheadedness from texture (sometimes from dirt though ) as a child / when I was natural. Most stylists say my hair is fine with a lot of curl, but is 'so thick!' Hair typing is difficult sometimes.

Is this a lye relaxer?


Do you prefer lye or no-lye?

Lye. In my experience, using lye is better for my hair, though not necessarily my scalp. My skin is very sensitive, and my scalp is somewhat so. I almost always have opted for lye though (I have used no-lye on occasion), and prefer lye mild and sensitive scalp effects to those of no-lye.

IMO, there won't be scalp or skin issues with Alter Ego though, even though it is lye.

Why are you so crazy about this relaxer?

When I was first relaxed with this, I truly believed it was a heaven-sent experience. Furthermore, I believe relaxers set the base for haircare for a relaxed head, and relaxer choice is of utmost importance in setting a good foundation for your hair, because the effects on your hair are your foundation.

Do you only use a neutralizing conditioner with this relaxer system?

I THOUGHT that was the only thing necessary because that is what the extremely fastidious stylist who first applied this relaxer for me did and what I remembered reading on the tub, both in Spanish and English, but that is NOT true. You use a neutralizing conditioner and then the Linange shampoo, which has neutralizing properties, and is listed as the Linange Vitalizing Shampoo above, which is how it is referred to on the three vendors site's (that I have listed) as well. Then you use the mask.

Not using the shampoo didn't hurt my hair or scalp at all, but I don't plan on doing it again.

So to clarify, when I used the relaxer, which has the results below, I only used the neutralizing conditioner, for about 3 times, letting it sit for a while the last time. I also didn't use the mask because my salon didn't carry it, but I used a different deep medium protein treatment instead (which wasn't anything new; I use it every time I go to that salon). The shampoo is expensive, so I plan on following hwiseman's suggestion and just using a different neutralizing shampoo instead until Linange comes out with a smaller version that isn't a $119 salon size. (Thanks hwisemanfor pointing all this out! :hug3:)
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My results:

Pictures of my results. I will take more my next relaxer. I will also be uploading comparison shots of the difference between how my hair looked with this and how it looked with the Affirm within the next week.

These are from July. I wish I had thought to take pictures of the roots without it all pinned up, but.... well, I didn't. I was still very new to all this. Heck, I still am. My hair looks very different now. More length, and no more highlights. Jet black. But that is for another thread...

This is the right side:

The crown: (sorry it's blurry)

The left:

The back:

I was actually very pleased with this photo. I had suffered a chemical burn from a relaxer issue about a year before, and no matter the basing or the avoiding, this spot was always very red and irriated or sometimes bald after each relaxer since. This was the first time that was not the case. I still had hair there!!!!! AND it was not red. AND now I have a LOT more hair there and the skin has had time to heal properly, so even that strong Affirm last week didn't make it flare up again. It was sensitive/red, but no hair loss. I think the gentleness of the Linange gave it time to heal properly without irritation. (the are I am referring to is where there is no fourth tufts of hair leading up into the rest, in the center. I used to have four sections of hair that dipped own. In this photo, I only have 3).

A close-up of the area filling in:

Once I am no longer ill and can either take care of my camera driver issues or get a memory card reader, I will upload pictures that show how the Affirm affected my hair for comparison's sake.


I hope this helps a bunch of you, and happy hair growing, everyone!​
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Thank you so much for this review. When I was researching what relaxer I wanted to go with next this was one of the options. I could barely find any info on it. I saw this in the BSS, the Korean lady said it was very good, but because she said it I didn't trust it. I felt like she was just pushing me to buy it. NEwho, I ended up buying the Silk Elements-shea butter relaxer, cause I could find more reviews on it- but guess what? The ingredients are very similar.

Your results came out beautiful- your hair looks so touchable. I took my daughter for a Dominican Blowout(she turns 13 on Sun)- and guess what? They had this relaxer there. I went from nor knowing anything about this relaxer to hearing about twice in one day, lol.
After reading the Amazon poster's rave reviews and hearing your comments, I will definitely try this when I texlax at the end of the month. I have not had a relaxer/texturizer since February. I was texlaxing with Silk Elements but just wanted to try something new. I was trying to decide between Design Essentials and this brand. Thanks for all the information on Linange and for helping me make up my mind. BTW Miamori, your pin ups look fabulous!
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Thank you so much for this review. When I was researching what relaxer I wanted to go with next this was one of the options. I could barely find any info on it. I saw this in the BSS, the Korean lady said it was very good, but because she said it I didn't trust it. I felt like she was just pushing me to buy it. NEwho, I ended up buying the Silk Elements-shea butter relaxer, cause I could find more reviews on it- but guess what? The ingredients are very similar.

Your results came out beautiful- your hair looks so touchable. I took my daughter for a Dominican Blowout(she turns 13 on Sun)- and guess what? They had this relaxer there. I went from nor knowing anything about this relaxer to hearing about twice in one day, lol.

She may have been pushing the product, but it IS a good relaxer, LOL. :lachen:

Yes, the results were very nice, my mother has never paid attention to my hair, and always goes back and forth between natural and relaxed (right now she is natural and APL - I released her locs for her this summer, so she's loving her natural hair right now), and even she noticed the difference when I left the salon. She was all up in my hair.

I hope your daughter's hair was pretty enough after to cancel out any embittered feelings she may have had towards you, that dryer, or the stylist. :grin:

You had great results! Seems like a good product, but I fear changing relaxers.

Yes, now I am more wary of switching, but I used to do it all the time. :look: If you like what you've got, stick with it. :yep:

After reading the Amazon poster's rave reviews and hearing your comments, I will definitely try this when I texlax at the end of the month. I have not had a relaxer/texturizer since February. I was texlaxing with Silk Elements but just wanted to try something new. I was trying to decide between Design Essentials and this brand. Thanks for all the information on Linange and for helping me make up my mind. BTW Miamori, your pin ups look fabulous!

You're welcome! And thanks. I can't wait until I can show what I've been doing with my hair lately. Also, I love the braids in your siggy. I love thick braids. :lick: I am contemplating braid designs because I want to study in Ghana next fall / winter and know I will probably have to keep my hair braided a lot of the time.
Your hair is beautiful Miamori. I am 4 months into my transition and you got me wanting to relax. Your review and results are tempting.
OP, thanks so so much for this thread. Your hair is BEAUTIFUL! Now, get some rest b/c mono is no joke. My little one had it when he was 5 and was hospitalized for 3 days.....we almost lost him b/c his doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him. He had ballooned up so bad(I mean my baby looked inflated ALL OVER) scared the crap out of me. I must have prayed so hard that I didn't sleep for days. I keep praying and crying. Get some rest and take care of your self sweetie.....I am praying for your speedy recovery.
If anyone else uses this can they please post. I would love to hear more reviews. OP... I hope you feel better and thanks for taking the time to review the relaxer despite your illness.
I was reading the directions on bluebeez... you only have to use the neutralizing conditioner with this?

:yep: The OP stated that she only used the relaxer, neutralizing conditioner, and a spritz.

How does your hair feel after the Linange? Meaning dry or moisturized?

Beyond moisturized. I can hardly describe it. (Just as a note, the only products I used following the relaxer were the neutralizing conditioner and Alter Ego's spritz in the yellow bottle that tames flyaways... I forgot the name of it right now... So I am sure these effects were from the relaxer system [relaxer and conditioner] alone.)
Your hair is beautiful Miamori. I am 4 months into my transition and you got me wanting to relax. Your review and results are tempting.

Thanks. If you want to transition to natural though, stay the course!

Beautiful results.

Thank you.

OP, thanks so so much for this thread. Your hair is BEAUTIFUL! Now, get some rest b/c mono is no joke. My little one had it when he was 5 and was hospitalized for 3 days.....we almost lost him b/c his doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him. He had ballooned up so bad(I mean my baby looked inflated ALL OVER) scared the crap out of me. I must have prayed so hard that I didn't sleep for days. I keep praying and crying. Get some rest and take care of your self sweetie.....I am praying for your speedy recovery.

Venting / OT:

Yes, this is very unpleasant. :nono: I just made another trip to our health services though, and finally got them to top blowing me off. They said that out of all mono cases, my complication is a one in twenty or less circumstance, and brought in a tonsil specialist aside from the basic physician to take a look at me.

I called them yesterday and TOLD them something was wrong. Grrr. A completely unnecessary day of indescribable pain and non-productivity for nothing. :wallbash:

Anyway, they said about one in twenty to one in twenty three mono patients develop or end up having a superinfection, which is what I have. It means that I have a bacterial infection on top of the viral infection (mono). They said my case is pretty "impressive" and also looks pretty "miserable and painful" (what I had been trying to tel them all along!... both my parents are in the medical field and I knew something else was wrong but couldn't bring myself to travel for a second opinion) because the bacterial infection is very acute and seems that, like the mono, it had to take at least a month, but they are thinking more like two or three, to build up and fester.

They also apologized for not taking a throat culture when I first came in on tuesday complaining of painful throat issues. They also said they now realize that they should have tested for a bacterial infection when I first came in because my symptoms, minus the swollen glands, spoke more to that than mono, and they said they also realized why my mono was still in such an early stage, which SHOULD have been an indicator that something else was at play, because most poeple don't show mono symptoms that early.

I WAS SO ANGRY. Especially when they said it was a good thing I came back in, or else my throat would have closed to the point of not just getting medicine stuck, which had already happened, but of not being able to swallow water even, and after that, not being able to breathe!!!! If their incompetence had caused me to wake up in the middle of the night choking, or someone finding me asphixiated, it would have been ON. :nono: My family and friends would not have been playing.

Anyway, the tonsil specialist told them that I HAD to be in extreme pain, which they didn't believe hearing it from me before, so I am on codeine now, and a very very strong antibiotic. The pain is still insane, but not nearly as crazy as it was before.

Sorry. That was ridiculously OT, but I had to vent. Also, this is vain, but my eyes are very swollen again, and my face is swollen. Very swollen. I'm glad I'm too weak to go out, because this is not cute. :look:

If anyone else uses this can they please post. I would love to hear more reviews. OP... I hope you feel better and thanks for taking the time to review the relaxer despite your illness.

No prob.

I was reading the directions on bluebeez... you only have to use the neutralizing conditioner with this?

:yep: The OP stated that she only used the relaxer, neutralizing conditioner, and a spritz.

How does your hair feel after the Linange? Meaning dry or moisturized?

Beyond moisturized. I can hardly describe it. (Just as a note, the only products I used following the relaxer were the neutralizing conditioner and Alter Ego's spritz in the yellow bottle that tames flyaways... I forgot the name of it right now... So I am sure these effects were from the relaxer system [relaxer and conditioner] alone.)

Yep, Tishee is right and you read it correctly. (Thanks for the help, Tishee. That codeine had me out like a light. :blush:) I think using just a neutralizing conditioner is a lot gentler on the hair, and that this is part of what sets this system apart. It is more like cowashing after your relaxer, so your hair stays moisturized at a time when it really needs moisture. IMO, the point is more neutralizing the relaxer and conditioning the hair than cleaning it, since, really, following relaxers, there generally isn't too much residue (in terms of dirt) anyway, and thoroughly rinsing the relaxer is always a must. After that, I would rather neutralize the remainder with a solution that conditions rather than one that strips the hair more. That's just how I think of it, but it makes sense to me.
Thank God they gave you medicine and sought the opinion of a specialist. My dh and I were worried about you all yesterday b/c we knew what type of agony you were in. You are still in my prayers sweetie and I pray for a speedy recovery for you.

ETA: I really want to stretch for 6 months but so want to try this relaxer now.....:look::yep:
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Thanks for the review! I'm a no lye gal, but I think Imma make the big switch after this review!!! :D So that huge tub of conditioner is a neutralizing conditioner? Or am I looking at something totally different? ?perplexed

I hope you feel better soon. Sending feel good vibes your way :needhug:
What a detailed review. You got me over here ready to switch relaxers again :lol: Seriously though, I have seen this product all over bluebeez for the longest but never heard anything about it so I appreciate your break down.
Here are the directions I found online for those having questions about the neutralizing.

Linange Shea Butter Relaxer / Desrizado A Base De Mantequilla De Karite GB Use only as directed. Wear rubber gloves throughout treatment. 1. Do not shampoo or wet hair prior to treatment. Use a timer from start of application. Typical time requirements for Normal hair is 12-16 minutes. Resistant hair 18-20 minutes. 2. Apply relaxer to new growth area(s) in small sections. 3. Smooth product in same area in which you started application, following the same directions as step 2. 4. When desired relaxtion is is achieved, rinse throughly with luke warm water. Continue rinsing until relaxer is completely removed from hair. 5. Apply Neutralizing Conditioner for 2 minutes without massaging into hair and rinse out thoroughly. 6. Apply Linange Hair Mask. 7. Style as desired. INGREDIENTS : Water, Mineral Oil Petrolatum, Ceteraryl Alcohol, Propylene Glyco, Shea Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Polysobate 60, Laneth-15, Cetyl Alcohol, PEG (150) Stearate, Steareth 20, PEG (60), Lanolin, Hydroxypropy Itrimonium, Vegetable Protein, Fragrance. SIZE : 443,6 ml / 15,0 oz
Thanks for that gym, cause I sure was confused. I thought the mask was the neutralizing poo. I woulda been lookin crazy come relaxer day :lachen:
Thank God they gave you medicine and sought the opinion of a specialist. My dh and I were worried about you all yesterday b/c we knew what type of agony you were in. You are still in my prayers sweetie and I pray for a speedy recovery for you.

ETA: I really want to stretch for 6 months but so want to try this relaxer now.....:look::yep:

More power to you. :grin:

Stretching for 6 months is a huge accomplishment. I did it once (not thinking about it as stretching), and it is NOT happening again. It helped my hair tremendously though. I did it right before I started really taking care of my hair in May. Even though the woman I went to for my touch up cut off ALL my precious progress, I think it really helped jumpstart my journey, and it got my hair on a much healthier track in a relatively (compared to how long I'd been treating it like crap) short period.

I still stretch though, just not as long.

And thank you SO MUCH for the prayers. It really helped and I felt so much better just knowing someone was praying for me. :hug3:

I've also made a vast improvement in just the 24 hours. :happydance:

Thanks for the review! I'm a no lye gal, but I think Imma make the big switch after this review!!! :D So that huge tub of conditioner is a neutralizing conditioner? Or am I looking at something totally different? ?perplexed

I hope you feel better soon. Sending feel good vibes your way :needhug:

Hehe, I am not looking, but I am pretty sure you're looking at the mask or the texturizer or large relaxer or something. The conditioner comes in a typical bottle. It's available in a larger size and a smaller size, but both are in bottles.

Thank you for the good wishes. I feel drowsy from the mono and medicine, but other than that I feel pretty good now! I can fit real food down my throat now so I can eat something substantial and my appetite is back. That is what I'm happiest about. Fooooooooooood. :grin: :lick:

I also saw you mentioned you were having health issues in your progress thread, so I hope you're feeling better now too!!!

What a detailed review. You got me over here ready to switch relaxers again :lol: Seriously though, I have seen this product all over bluebeez for the longest but never heard anything about it so I appreciate your break down.

Yeah, I figured it would help a lot of people out, because I couldn't find anything either when I looked for more info. I think part of it is that the Linange products are really new.

If you do decide to switch though, I don't think you could make a better choice. :grin: And I've had many a relaxer in my hair, mostly the really popular ones. :drunk:
Thanks for that gym, cause I sure was confused. I thought the mask was the neutralizing poo. I woulda been lookin crazy come relaxer day :lachen:


I do think it interesting that you don't need neutralzing poo. I am sure you could go ahead and do it if you wanted to though. The more and more I read about this stuff online, the more and more I want to buy it.

I do think it interesting that you don't need neutralzing poo. I am sure you could go ahead and do it if you wanted to though. The more and more I read about this stuff online, the more and more I want to buy it.

where are you reading about it gymfreak, becasue there is a salon in my area that does it and i would love to hear more. i have about eleven weeks though to make up my mind.
where are you reading about it gymfreak, becasue there is a salon in my area that does it and i would love to hear more. i have about eleven weeks though to make up my mind.

I just keep going to the websites that sell it. I am looking at the ingredients and the whole overall set looks good. I like some alter ego things so this is right up my alley.
Wow! Thank you for such a great review. I have been a self relaxer all my life until about a year ago and have wanted to go back to doing it myself. I have also wanted to try lye for the first time, so this is right on time!

I hope you feel better!
I use this product and one word of caution, you will need the Neutralizing Conditioner for neutralizing as well as the neutralizing shampoo, which Bluebeez doesn't carry (as far as I searched). So I just used another one. Another problem, the instructions in Spanish differ from those in English and steps are left out. You rinse well, apply the Neutralizing Conditioner and do not rub the hair for 2 min. Rinse, reapply then massage it into hair and scalp, getting it through all hair. Rinse. Use shampoo, then they recommend the conditioner mask to further neutralize. They truly need to change those English instructions.

Overall, I think it's good. I just don't know if it's different from the Mizani which I used once. It think the Mizani was actually responsible for my shedding. Linange does not overprocess my hair (if used within the time limit). I bought the huge salon tub so I think I'll be using it for quite a while. I'm trying to go natural and stretch it all out but it's difficult because at one point, I overprocessed my hair to bone straight. But overall, pretty much thumbs up.
Question: Can anyone compare the Linange to Mizani and ORS Professional Lye?
Thank you for sharing your results. And your hair is beautiful. :) Hmmm I may have to give thee texturizing one a try. :yep:
I use this product and one word of caution, you will need the Neutralizing Conditioner for neutralizing as well as the neutralizing shampoo, which Bluebeez doesn't carry (as far as I searched). So I just used another one. Another problem, the instructions in Spanish differ from those in English and steps are left out. You rinse well, apply the Neutralizing Conditioner and do not rub the hair for 2 min. Rinse, reapply then massage it into hair and scalp, getting it through all hair. Rinse. Use shampoo, then they recommend the conditioner mask to further neutralize. They truly need to change those English instructions.

Overall, I think it's good. I just don't know if it's different from the Mizani which I used once. It think the Mizani was actually responsible for my shedding. Linange does not overprocess my hair (if used within the time limit). I bought the huge salon tub so I think I'll be using it for quite a while. I'm trying to go natural and stretch it all out but it's difficult because at one point, I overprocessed my hair to bone straight. But overall, pretty much thumbs up.
Question: Can anyone compare the Linange to Mizani and ORS Professional Lye?

Are you certain? I speak Spanish fluently and read even better, and I asked my stylist to let me read the tub while she put the relaxer in, and I don't remember it saying anything at all about a shampoo. I also never saw anything even on the Alter Ego website (when they still had the Linange line posted, before they began working on the new site) that mentioned the line had any other shampoo besides the vitalizing.

Also, it isn't just BlueBeez, but not a single site that carries Linange carries the neutralizing shampoo for the line. If one exists, I find that odd, especially since I would presume it would be in high demand and could build a good profit.

I am going to make a phone call and see if BoNY (they are good with customers) can read me what the Spanish instructions say. :yep: