Alright Ladies, I'm about to HENNA!! Let me make sure....


New Member
I have this right! :drunk:

Last night I oiled my scalp with Alma oil...length of my hair with Ghee butter then Vatika oil.

Right now im DC'ing on dry hair under the hooded dryer...

After that I plan on mixing the Jamilia Henna with HOT water and putting it all on my hair

Leave it on for 2 hrs with a plastic cap on then rinse and condition again???

Does that sound about right?? All tips are needed!!! :spinning:
I have this right! :drunk:

Last night I oiled my scalp with Alma oil...length of my hair with Ghee butter then Vatika oil.

Right now im DC'ing on dry hair under the hooded dryer...

After that I plan on mixing the Jamilia Henna with HOT water and putting it all on my hair

Leave it on for 2 hrs with a plastic cap on then rinse and condition again???

Does that sound about right?? All tips are needed!!! :spinning:

You need to let the color release on the henna - after you mix it with hot water (as hot as you can get it out the tap) let it sit for 30-45 minutes or so - you really should mix it up now, and let it sit while you are under the dryer. ..... and if you like, you can mix in some conditioner WITH the henna right before you put it on...

Good luck!! Have fun!! Wear GLOVES!! :lol:
I have this right! :drunk:

Last night I oiled my scalp with Alma oil...length of my hair with Ghee butter then Vatika oil.

Right now im DC'ing on dry hair under the hooded dryer...

After that I plan on mixing the Jamilia Henna with HOT water and putting it all on my hair

Leave it on for 2 hrs with a plastic cap on then rinse and condition again???

Does that sound about right?? All tips are needed!!! :spinning:

I'm confused, why are you DCing now? I think it's best to add some apply your henna, rinse (and wash or not) and THEN DC.
I usually dry DC before I henna, too. I think the finished product is more moisturized, that way. :yep:

But then, I have very dry hair....
You need to let the color release on the henna - after you mix it with hot water (as hot as you can get it out the tap) let it sit for 30-45 minutes or so - you really should mix it up now, and let it sit while you are under the dryer. ..... and if you like, you can mix in some conditioner WITH the henna right before you put it on...

Good luck!! Have fun!! Wear GLOVES!! :lol:

Girl, thank you soooo much!! You have been an amazing help with alllll my questions about henna! :yep:

But I aint gonna lie...I'm scurred....hopefully I don't come out looking like Keyshia Cole, during her red hair dayz! :lachen:

And I just rub it from ROOT to TIP...kinda like a relaxer?? Should I put my hair in sections??
Girl, thank you soooo much!! You have been an amazing help with alllll my questions about henna! :yep:

But I aint gonna lie...I'm scurred....hopefully I don't come out looking like Keyshia Cole, during her red hair dayz! :lachen:

And I just rub it from ROOT to TIP...kinda like a relaxer?? Should I put my hair in sections??

You're welcome!! I'm always about helping those who help themselves, ya know?

:lol: Unless your hair is VERY light now, nah, nah, won't be nearly that bright - should just give you highlights - and the MORE you henna the 'darker/richer' the color gets.... so even if the first is a lil bright, each additional one will tone down the brightness some... ;)

Urm, my hair is a LOT shorter than your (which is GAWGEOUS, by the by!), and so I just kinda dump it on and squish it in - maybe more like how you would apply conditioner than relaxer. It really doesn't have to be that neat.....
You're welcome!! I'm always about helping those who help themselves, ya know?

:lol: Unless your hair is VERY light now, nah, nah, won't be nearly that bright - should just give you highlights - and the MORE you henna the 'darker/richer' the color gets.... so even if the first is a lil bright, each additional one will tone down the brightness some... ;)

Urm, my hair is a LOT shorter than your (which is GAWGEOUS, by the by!), and so I just kinda dump it on and squish it in - maybe more like how you would apply conditioner than relaxer. It really doesn't have to be that neat.....

Oh hair is a dark brown color...but I have copper highlights which is what made me nervous. But I have to wait until I have NG to reapply the henna right?? But that makes me feel a whole lot better!!! The color just gets richer and richer! :spinning:
Oh hair is a dark brown color...but I have copper highlights which is what made me nervous. But I have to wait until I have NG to reapply the henna right?? But that makes me feel a whole lot better!!! The color just gets richer and richer! :spinning:

Nah, nah, you don't have to wait. I mean sure, you could treat it like a haircolor, and only re-do the new growth, but (personal opinion, may not suit all) I think that because of henna's wonderful conditioning properties, you are really selling yourself short to only redo the roots/NG.

I started out hennaing every week. It was too much for my fine, not-very-protien-friendly hair - and I could tell because it wasn't feeling soft/strong after henna, it was feeling hard/strong afterwards - even when I DC'd (ah, the early days of hairlove! :lol:). I ramped it back to every month, and it was PERFECT - I did that for a year and change - now I'm ramping it back again to every six weeks, to fit other herbs into my reggie.

So, lonnng answer short - you can henna anytime you & your hair want to. A friend of mine henna'd 3 times in three days. Mind, she had damaged/bleached/stripped hair, and was doing the mults to darken the color a little faster, but there were no negatives....
Question: do you really have to let the color release when doing a henna treatment? Or, can henna just be used as a conditioning treatment w/out the color?
Question: do you really have to let the color release when doing a henna treatment? Or, can henna just be used as a conditioning treatment w/out the color?

yes you can, but remember henna is red, so it may deposit some color, expecially if you sit under the dryer.
(more personal opinion)

I don't think so. Lemme tell ya why.

The henna molecules (lawsome, I think it is spelled) is what transfers the color. They are ALSO what creates the strengthening/conditioning properties, because the lawsome molecules actually bond to the keratin in the hair, and 'fill up' the gaps.

So. I don't know whether the lawsome molecules will travel if the color isn't allowed to release - I think what that release is is the actual molecules 'migrating' into the solution, where they are more easily deposited into your hair.

*mulls a little more*

In fact, that would also explain why some terps (acids, etc) help the color release more - if they change the interaction of the molecules with the water - it would also explain why some stuff (honey, oil) is supposed to reduce the effectiveness of the color - it might block the molecules from interacting properly with the water.

So, long answer short, no, I don't think it will work AS well without the color. Though, even if you mix it, and put it directly on your head, the heat from your head/the hot water should trigger some release - but I'm thinking leaving it on for less than an hour would make it a moot point........

But I could be TOTALLY wrong. :lachen:

Here's a trick though, to make it easier/quicker - I mix up about 1/2 pound of henna at once, let the color release, then put it into ziploc bags and freeze - about 3-4 oz a bag. I take a bag out and leave it in the fridge before I go to work in the morning, and by the time I get home, it's thawed and ready to go. Colder than Maine in January, but it's ready to go. :grin: