Alopecia.....the reason I'm contemplating transitioning


New Member
Hey ladies,

Back in December I noticed a very small patch in my hair line, probably the size of an oat. I shook it off and thought maybe it was the ending result of post-partum shedding. Also, this has happened to me about 3 or 4 times before and each time the hair grew back w/o me doing a thing to it. About 2 weeks later I noticed this spot had gotten bigger to about a little smaller than a dime, 2 more weeks go by and it's the size of a nickel. I immediately began to use ORS temple balm with no change. About 3 weeks ago I began to use Doo Gro Mega Thick Hair Revitalizer. I am happy to report that the nickel size patch now feels like a fuzzy peach w/ a few little hairs that stick straight up. I've also incorporated essential oils into my regimen and will be seeing a doctor on March 12. I'm almost sure it's alopecia but I'd like a professional opinion.

Therefore I have decided that I may need to transition. I'm afraid the chemicals may be the cause. I'm so scared I won't be able to deal w/ my natural texture. The front is much softer than the back which is where I have most tangles.

Every time this has happened the spots have always been in the same place (my hairline or the very crown) which leads me to believe I may not have rinsed/neutralized completely.

So ladies please be careful when sure to neutralize, neutralize & neutralize some more.

Has anyone continued to relax after suffering from alopecia?

That's all now, thanks for listening.
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I think transitioning is a good idea or at least experiment with stretching relaxers as long as possible. I haven't experienced alopecia myself, but I guess the hairline is one of the most sensitive areas of the hair so try to baby the spot and be gentle when pulling your hair back.
Good luck :)
I understand and can empathize with you because I am a alopecia sufferer see fotki and my hair is gradually filling in.... I am going to try the Boundless tresses to see if it will help with my condition... I am natural with pressed hair occas. I was diagnosed as having alopecia areata (central) which my doctor said is very common in african-american women??? so I am very careful with hair manipulation and I use a topical scalp steriod to help since Jan. 2007 (after nearly a year when I started with the condition)...I am unsure why all I can think of was two reasons I had Micro braids 2 months prior to onset of condition and the use of Depo(which can have the side effect of hair loss)...

I pray that you find the cause and speedy recovery HHG!:)
{{hugs}} to all my alopecia sisters.

just wanted to let you know that's exactly how my hair started to regrow in...the peach fuzz and tiny "real" hairs scattered amongst them.

Good Luck to you!
I'm sorry you're going throught this Msshic. I think strecthing your relaxer or transitioning will help. Also maybe tex-laxing. On sickbay's site they have products for alopecia.

I've been noticing AA women hair more since being on this site; there are a lot of women that now have thinner hair from when they were younger and natural. Also the salons are not helping by telling AA women to get relaxers every 6 to 8 weeks.

As far as transitioning, you have to give your natural hair time to really grow out to see the real texture. I don't think I really saw mine until after 4 months. Even if you have to flat iron the NG, I think it's better than the chemicals. It also seems so much worst because it's being compared with the relaxed parts.

Keep us posted.

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CaliJen said:
I understand and can empathize with you because I am a alopecia sufferer see fotki and my hair is gradually filling in.... I am going to try the Boundless tresses to see if it will help with my condition... I am natural with pressed hair occas. I was diagnosed as having alopecia areata (central) which my doctor said is very common in african-american women??? so I am very careful with hair manipulation and I use a topical scalp steriod to help since Jan. 2007 (after nearly a year when I started with the condition)...I am unsure why all I can think of was two reasons I had Micro braids 2 months prior to onset of condition and the use of Depo(which can have the side effect of hair loss)...

I pray that you find the cause and speedy recovery HHG!:)

Sorry you are going through alopecia. I also have been dealing with it since october. I have inflammations and then penny size patches of hair loss. mtg aggravated my hair loss because of the burns so i had to drop it and take up emu oil, castor oil and essential oils. the patch grew back fully but i am still waiting for my hairline to regrow. when i started using the emu oil mixture, I had fuz in between cornrows that i wondered whether or not they would transform from fuzz to thick hair. my hair is growing in thick. you never see the extent of your hairloss until you see patches or short hairs all over. i think you would have to challenge it by using things that control inflammation. i mix castor oil, emu, dr miracles healing oil, tea tree, rosemary. i think the most important thing in the mixture is the emu. i also use cayenne everyday for blood circulation.
i dont know how to search for my older posts but i had some pictures of my hairloss posted. i hope this information helps.
everytime i need a new batch i add something new to the emu. i dropped fish oil with vitamin a into the bottle and vitamin c as well, just about anything for cell regeneration. other than giving your scalp time to recouperate, i would say to be patient once you decide on a remedy. another thing is to see a derm. I did and was give cortisone to break up the scar tisse. it helped me to see the first signs of hair. from there the mixture sustained the growth
For now I'll just be using my "essential oil blend" & see what happens. I'll also attempt a stretch by taking it one week at a time. I never knew some many suffered from this until I did a search. I just washed my hair this morning and can really see little hairs curling up where the spot was.

Thanks for alll the support and encouraging words.:kiss:
LocksOfLuV said:
Does relaxing cause alopecia?

What causes this?

it can, it depends.

with areata though, most of the time there's a trigger (internal or external) which causes your autoimmune system to whack out and attack your follicles. it isn't until the immune system recognizes that your hair follicles are NOT the enemy, that hair growth will resume, if it can at all.

research says if you suffer from allergies, hayfevers, asthma, ezcema, psorasis, hives or other conditions, you could be prone to alopecia. Gosh, i also want to add something that really seems to be a huge trigger (although some argue it is not): STRESS. stress was definitely my trigger but i also have hayfever and ezcema.

dht blockers and topical steriods (especially) help stop the cycle of attacks. steriods also thin the scalp skin and reduce irritation and helps the new hair to emerge. hard core treatments involve the injections.

this is for areata - there's other forms of it. i call alopecias "a woman's dirty little secret" simply because soooooo many have a form of it, are too embarrassed to speak out about it and are hiding it (if it's still possible).

women really catch the hell. men deal with it too but noone goes :eek::eek: at the site of a balding or baldheaded man.
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msshic said:
For now I'll just be using my "essential oil blend" & see what happens. I'll also attempt a stretch by taking it one week at a time. I never knew some many suffered from this until I did a search. I just washed my hair this morning and can really see little hairs curling up where the spot was.

Thanks for alll the support and encouraging words.:kiss:

((((HUGS)))) I think the essential oil blend is a good idea. I have one of my own that I use for stimulation. Essential oil blends do work so long as you're consistent. Good luck w/ whatever decision you come to, your hair will still look fly girl ;)
LynnieB said:
it can, it depends.

with areata though, most of the time there's a trigger (internal or external) which causes your autoimmune system to whack out and attack your follicles. it isn't until the immune system recognizes that your hair follicles are NOT the enemy, that hair growth will resume, if it can at all.

research says if you suffer from allergies, hayfevers, asthma, ezcema, psorasis, hives or other conditions, you could be prone to alopecia. Gosh, i also want to add something that really seems to be a huge trigger (although some argue it is not): STRESS. stress was definitely my trigger but i also have hayfever and ezcema.

dht blockers and topical steriods (especially) help stop the cycle of attacks. steriods also thin the scalp skin and reduce irritation and helps the new hair to emerge. hard core treatments involve the injections.

this is for areata - there's other forms of it. i call alopecias "a woman's dirty little secret" simply because soooooo many have a form of it, are too embarrassed to speak out about it and are hiding it (if it's still possible).

women really catch the hell. men deal with it too but noone goes :eek::eek: at the site of a balding or baldheaded man.


Thank you very much for educating me on that.

I had my drs appt. this morning and apparently I have seborrheic dermatitis which caused the hair loss. He also confirmed that the hair is growing back & that the follicles are NOT:) damaged. He examined my scalp entirely and everything looks well accept for the flakes I intentionally left in so he could see. :lol:

I was prescribed Loprox shampoo, which I hope works. Years ago I was prescribed Nizoral shampoo for psoriasis dermatitis (which is very similar to seborrheic dermatitis) but after awhile it stopped working so I just moved on to other products w/o making a follow-up appt. I wonder now if I'd followed through if my hair loss could have been prevented. Anyway, I hope this is the end of the nightmare. Thanks for listening.
msshic said:

I had my drs appt. this morning and apparently I have seborrheic dermatitis which caused the hair loss. He also confirmed that the hair is growing back & that the follicles are NOT:) damaged. He examined my scalp entirely and everything looks well accept for the flakes I intentionally left in so he could see. :lol:

I was prescribed Loprox shampoo, which I hope works. Years ago I was prescribed Nizoral shampoo for psoriasis dermatitis (which is very similar to seborrheic dermatitis) but after awhile it stopped working so I just moved on to other products w/o making a follow-up appt. I wonder now if I'd followed through if my hair loss could have been prevented. Anyway, I hope this is the end of the nightmare. Thanks for listening.

That is great news!!! :) I think that I may have Alopecia. So, it was the dermatolgist that deteremined that for you right? I have lost a lot of hair on both sides of my temple area and when I touch it with my hand, the hairs just fall out. I have changed where I wear my part, but my hair is getting so sparse. :( I am trying the BT and I am seeing results of ng in a matter of a few days, But it bothers me that my hair, no matter how lightly I handle it comes out in those areas.
I feel like I'm working on a campaign for alopecia sufferer's:p I have someone very close to me who suffered from severe alopecia and yes the chemicals for the relaxers were at fault. BTW, she ignored the symptoms and her hair has now completely fallen out on top and hasn't grown back in in 15 years.

If you are thrown into going natural check out

I just read the good news! Yeaahhh! Good luck to you!
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That is great news!!! :) I think that I may have Alopecia. So, it was the dermatolgist that deteremined that for you right? I have lost a lot of hair on both sides of my temple area and when I touch it with my hand, the hairs just fall out. I have changed where I wear my part, but my hair is getting so sparse. :( I am trying the BT and I am seeing results of ng in a matter of a few days, But it bothers me that my hair, no matter how lightly I handle it comes out in those areas.

Thank you ladies for your means so much:kiss:

Rzilynt....yes, it was the derm who diagnosed me. If you haven't made an appt yet, I would do so right away. For me it could have been a number of things, I thought maybe I'd left relaxer residue in but according to my dr that wasn't the case. I'm just so glad my follicles aren't damaged & that it was something simple to treat. Best of luck to you and please keep us updated.
That is truly great news! My heart went out to you when I first read your entry. I too suffer from alopecia. My hair has been thinning for years from dying and perming - and then 5 years ago I started getting my hair weaved. I really could not afford it so I left it in longer than recommended and also my dear beautician would sew it in so tight that my eyes would meet in the back of my head. :lachen:

I did not realize that I was being plucked bald until I got a mirror and looked under the wefts and saw skin.

I had her remove the weave and I actually had a "comb over" for about a year until I got use to wigs. About 6 months ago stopped using chemical perms - I use Phyto perm and I stopped using chemical dyes - I use henna.

I can proudly say that I now have a Pony tail and not a "wanty tail".:grin:
I am on my way to thick hair thanks to all the lovely women on this site. It has been an blessing.

I wish you well and my God bless you with a beautiful thick head of hair - after all it is our crown and glory.
msshic said:
Thank you ladies for your means so much:kiss:

Rzilynt....yes, it was the derm who diagnosed me. If you haven't made an appt yet, I would do so right away. For me it could have been a number of things, I thought maybe I'd left relaxer residue in but according to my dr that wasn't the case. I'm just so glad my follicles aren't damaged & that it was something simple to treat. Best of luck to you and please keep us updated.

Thanks so much. I have worked so hard to grow grow grow and that is the last thing I want is to wash it all down the drain. I will make an appt and keep you posted.
I am so sorry to hear this; it must be so frustrating when you're working toward healthy hair.

The information below is some I found in my hair research. According to this doctor (he's actually a biochemist), you are exactly correct; the use of emu oil is very good for regrowing hair as it penetrates deep into the skin healing the skin and the folicles. The cooper peptides are used to further prevent damage and heal damage from dht. The procedure for this is to use the copper peptides and then emu oil. They sell an emu oil especially for hair.

Perhaps you may find something useful here. There is a trial kit that you can buy to give the product a try.

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]Copper peptide scalp treatment to improve scalp and follicle health and hair vitality. Optimizing scalp health aids hair growth and transplant recovery. Much hair loss is due to damage to scalp health. Copper ions have strong anti-DHT actions. Lotion is best for use within areas of existing but thinning hair. Cream is best for use on hairlines. A three month supply. Choose Lotion or Cream[/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif][/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif][/FONT]
LJewel said:
That is truly great news! My heart went out to you when I first read your entry. I too suffer from alopecia. My hair has been thinning for years from dying and perming - and then 5 years ago I started getting my hair weaved. I really could not afford it so I left it in longer than recommended and also my dear beautician would sew it in so tight that my eyes would meet in the back of my head. :lachen:

I did not realize that I was being plucked bald until I got a mirror and looked under the wefts and saw skin.

I had her remove the weave and I actually had a "comb over" for about a year until I got use to wigs. About 6 months ago stopped using chemical perms - I use Phyto perm and I stopped using chemical dyes - I use henna.

I can proudly say that I now have a Pony tail and not a "wanty tail".:grin:
I am on my way to thick hair thanks to all the lovely women on this site. It has been an blessing.

I wish you well and my God bless you with a beautiful thick head of hair - after all it is our crown and glory.

Thanks for your support. I've been researching all day & I've come to the conclusion that if I do decide to relax I need to use a sensitive scalp or mild relaxer. I've been reading the Phyto thread all day :lol: . Since it has mixed reviews I haven't decided whether to take a chance w/ the $60 or not. Don't get me wrong, my hair is worth every cent, I would just be so dissapointed if it doesn't work for me. Right now I'm torn between Phyto or Soft N' Beautifuls Sensitive Scalp No-lye.
newflowers said:
I am so sorry to hear this; it must be so frustrating when you're working toward healthy hair.

The information below is some I found in my hair research. According to this doctor (he's actually a biochemist), you are exactly correct; the use of emu oil is very good for regrowing hair as it penetrates deep into the skin healing the skin and the folicles. The cooper peptides are used to further prevent damage and heal damage from dht. The procedure for this is to use the copper peptides and then emu oil. They sell an emu oil especially for hair.

Perhaps you may find something useful here. There is a trial kit that you can buy to give the product a try.

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]Copper peptide scalp treatment to improve scalp and follicle health and hair vitality. Optimizing scalp health aids hair growth and transplant recovery. Much hair loss is due to damage to scalp health. Copper ions have strong anti-DHT actions. Lotion is best for use within areas of existing but thinning hair. Cream is best for use on hairlines. A three month supply. Choose Lotion or Cream[/FONT]

This is great info, thanks!