Alopecia Areata


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with alopecia areata.... I didn't notice a patch until a few months ago, (front of head, near hairline) and simply passed it off as stress since I'm currently a college student in my last year... But then another patch came along and that's when I knew something wasn't right. I immediately went to the dermatologist. When she diagnosed me, she gave me cortisone injections and a cream to apply once daily. I see little hairs growing in the patches.

But the other day I while washing my hair I found another patch. I go back to the dermatologist in 2 weeks... But I'm kind of discouraged because the patches seem to keep appearing...

How do you ladies deal/cope with alopecia areata???

All tips are welcomed.!
Sorry to hear that OP, hope the dermatologist can offer something better. I have no advice unfortunately but bumping this so more people can see and chime in