Aloe Vera Juice + Megatek = Hair Growth


Well-Known Member
SO I'm mixing my mega-tek and aloe vera juice in hopes of having super duper hair growth...I just wanted to put this out there so that those of you who do not already use this mix can try it.....Here is some background info on Aloe Vera and its effects on hair growth (if you don't feel like reading the whole thing skip to the part in red):

BTW, its aloe a good stretcher if you are trying preserve you Mega-tek! HTH

and I will keep you posted.
Aloe Vera for Hair Loss

Most people already know that Aloe Vera is a miraculous plant when it comes to treating burns. There are also many great Aloe Vera skin care products on the market, including Aloe Vera cosmetics. The Aloe Vera plant is packed with some of same the vitamins and minerals which make up our own bodies. So much so that perhaps no other plant more closely matches the human body’s biochemistry. This helps makes Aloe Vera an excellent treatment for hair loss.

It’s no secret that Aloe Vera is good for your hair and scalp. Aloe Vera shampoos have been around for years. When it comes to hair, the fewer chemicals you expose your hair to, the better. Aloe Vera acts as a natural hair conditioner and can be used in place of chemical based conditioners. If you are suffering from excessive hair loss, reducing the amount of chemicals you put in your hair is an important first step.

Begin by taking your favorite shampoo (herbal shampoos seem to work best) and pour about half the amount you would normally use into a bowl. Add about twice that amount of Aloe Vera gel to the bowl and mix well. You may use Aloe Vera directly from an Aloe Vera plant but we recommend the use of a 100% stabilized Aloe Vera gel. Once you are in the shower, wet your hair and simply shampoo your hair as you normally would. There should be no need for a conditioner afterwards.

If you have long hair and feel that you need for further conditioning, use only about half the amount of conditioner that you normally would. For short hair that needs more conditioning, after you wash your hair, take half a teaspoon of Aloe Vera and run it through your hair with your fingers. Let it stand for a few minutes and then rinse it out.

Aloe Vera Hair Gel

Beyond simply using pure Aloe Vera gel, there are also a few Aloe Vera hair gels on the market. These hair gels are not shampoos. They are specifically designed for treating excessive hair loss. Additionally, they are also a good treatment for scaly/itchy scalps, oily hair and dandruff. Typically, Aloe Vera hair gels contain no preservatives or coloring agents. They are non-greasy, easy to apply and leave no lingering smell.

Years of research have gone into perfecting Aloe Vera hair gels and the results can be quite exceptional, especially in the treatment of seborrhoea. Seborrhoea is caused by the accumulation on the skin of sebum which mixes with dirt and forms a distinct incrustation. It is most commonly seen on the head and may interfere with the nutrition your hair receives, causing partial baldness.

Seborrhoea is caused when the body produces excess amounts sebum. Sebum is a naturally occurring oily substance secreted by hair glands. This excess sebum spreads over the surface of the scalp can lead to the loss of hair if the infection becomes severe enough to damage the hair follicles. If this happens, the scalp becomes red and itchy and the hair will become thin and fragile. That's why it is so important to react quickly as possible once the first sign of hair loss is noticed.

Seborrhoea is considered by doctors to be a mild bacterial disease and can be brought on by a number of different factors. The most common attributing factors are stress, fatigue and hormonal changes but some research suggests that genetics and environmental pollution also play a role.

Aloe Vera hair gels not only curb excessive hair loss by reducing seborrhoea but they can also renew the follicular cycle, helping the scalp return to a physiological balance. Aloe Vera hair gels activate fresh growth and stimulate the growth of existing hair. They are especially effective if used at the first sign of excessive hair loss.

Like with many other hair loss treatments, Aloe Vera hair gels should be applied for at minimum of two to three months before any really positive results can be seen. During this time, dead hair follicles will continue to fall out but should be replaced by new hair growth which has been stimulated by the hair gel. The hair should become thicker and healthier.

Treatment for Hair Loss Using Aloe Vera Products

Aside from the pure Aloe Vera gel treatment outlined previously in this article. You should refer to the individual manufacturer of the Aloe Vera hair gel you purchase for specific instructions. Typically, it involves a daily treatment of the lotion over the course of two to three months.
where is some good aloe vera "hair" gel.. I always see it in the first aid aisle and wonder if I can put it on my hair?

Yes, I put that stuff on my hair and it gives a lot of moisture. I got mine from Wholefoods. It doesn't have any fillers. I also had some aloe vera juice in the fridge I was supposed to be using for my smoothies, but I've decided to mix it in my Infusium and use that as moisturizer.
where is some good aloe vera "hair" gel.. I always see it in the first aid aisle and wonder if I can put it on my hair?

I bought my juice from this place called drug emporium which is the bomb!!! but anywho...I'm sure you can find it at whole foods like the other poster said!
Yes, I read somewhere on this board that aloe vera has mucopolysaccharides (is that it?), which is the growth agent in MT. I will have to investigate further. I'm also wondering about other "slime" producing substances like okra and irish moss. I've heard several stories re okra (e.g. from Sweet Cashew).
Yes, I read somewhere on this board that aloe vera has mucopolysaccharides (is that it?), which is the growth agent in MT. I will have to investigate further. I'm also wondering about other "slime" producing substances like okra and irish moss. I've heard several stories re okra (e.g. from Sweet Cashew).

:yep: Yup thats why I decided to mix the two together......Hopefully it works! I also hear Irish Moss is some good stuff!
Here's some more info:
I have done alittle research about amino acids needed for hairgrowth and have found these two sources. According to the research I did there are "Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth"(ezinearticles) and I have found by comparing and contrasting that aloe vera has 4 of those amino acids needed for hairgrowth.;id=4086

Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.


The amino acids in Aloe vera are the building blocks of protein and influence our brain function. Humans require 22 amino acids and the body will make all of them except for eight essential amino acids which our body gets from the food/drinks that we take in. Every one of the essential amino acids are available in Aloe vera and they include isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine,and tryptophan. Some of the other non-essential amino acids found in Aloe vera include alanine, arginine, asparagine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, proline, serine, tyrosine, glutamine, and aspartic acid.34

Be careful with protein overload in that mix. Aloe vera has alot of protein in it.
I keep saying I'm going to add aloe vera to my regimen some kind of way...maybe I'll pick up some aloe vera gel the next time I go to Whole Foods.

Thanks for posting this!
great job OP, let me pull out that jug i bought, now let's see how to work it into my reggie..thanks ladies for the extra investigative work...
I remember a while back, I used to drink about 4 to 8 ounces of Aloe Vera Juice daily or just about and I noticed that my nails grew hard, strong and long and my face was really glowing and clear. I notice my natural hair getting thicker as well. I am looking forward to going back to this in the new year
I am going to try this, do you use equal amounts of mega tek and aloe juice? Also how are you using it, as a leave in on the hair or just on the scalp?
I remember a while back, I used to drink about 4 to 8 ounces of Aloe Vera Juice daily or just about and I noticed that my nails grew hard, strong and long and my face was really glowing and clear. I notice my natural hair getting thicker as well. I am looking forward to going back to this in the new year

Did you mix it in something? I can not stand the flavor alone.
I am going to try this, do you use equal amounts of mega tek and aloe juice? Also how are you using it, as a leave in on the hair or just on the scalp?

Hello! Actually I had a bottle of MT already for me to use it straight it was about 3/4's of the then I got the Aloe Vera now 1/4 of is aloe.
Also if you guys are afraid of protein overload...I would do a mix with 1/2 mega-tek, 1/4 aloe vera, and 1/4 your favorite oil....or glycerine....

As a matter of fact I'm gonna add some almond oil to the mix tonight....thanks for the idea, lol!
I am not sure I follow are you using just the juice or the gel? I been using the juice and the gel for a while now and I guess it is working my hair is much thicker, I dont' add anything to it but distilled water and rose water. but not with MT. I don't use the MT for a growth aid, I don't use growth aids now my scalp got to sensitive but I was thinking about trying it once in a while. I use the gel for twist because my hair doesn't get hard at all it remains soft. I use the juice as a moisturizer. of course all credit goes to Traycee
i use aloe vera juice in my braid spray mix, I drink it for breakfast, but I never thought to put it in mega tek. I will use this in place of Surge in my next mix... Thanks for posting OP
i use aloe vera juice in my braid spray mix, I drink it for breakfast, but I never thought to put it in mega tek. I will use this in place of Surge in my next mix... Thanks for posting OP

OOohh, thanks for the idea missnurselady. I will be doing this too for my tracks under my sew-in I will be having installed in about 2 weeks, but instead of adding the gel or jiuce, I have some aloe vera oil I'll add to it. This sounds like an awesome idea. I will still add a little drop of infusium 23 and glycerine for added strength and moisture on my relaxed hair underneath:yep:.
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You can find it at walmart in the lotion section 100% pure. I use Aloe Vera juice in conjunction with my leave in spray. I also have the aloe vera gel I sometimes put it on my hair and face.
What GREAT confirmation for me, OP!!! I just "mused" this evening that I may have gotten growth from the fact that I used AVG and MT together back in Sept when I got remarkably noticeable growth. I had completely forgotten that I had done it and only did it because I got tired of oil on my scalp for a few weeks.

It just so happened that I got my MT at the same time....

I am convinced now and will not use my MT without Aloe Vera Gel ever again....not if I can help it.

Blessing to us all and HHG!!!
