aloe vera is NOT my friend!


Well-Known Member
I used 100% Aloe Vera gel mixed with evoo and essential oil to smooth my hair for my bun and later my hair felt like some hay! Did I do anything wrong?
Oh no. Just as I am starting to love aloe vera.
I read in another post that aloe vera contains protein. Maybe that is the problem. I have stopped using it done the length of my hair and only apply at the edges and use as a hair gel, now.
Straw hair is never a good thing.
I think the other posters got it - first, Aloe Vera 100% gel usually contains preservatives and the like. I use dietary grade for that reason. Second, Aloe Vera is a protein, so an overdose would harden and dry your hair. Third - the ingredients that you combined with your Aloe Vera don't moisturize. I always use mine with Glycerine to counteract any drying from the Aloe Protein - this leaves my hair strong, but moisturized. HTH
Dependant on what you purchased - it was most likely the same as all the other gels out there with several drying components in the ingredient listing.
You are not the only one. I bought organic Aloe Vera gel from GNC and my hair got really dry from it. For me Aloe is just one of those things that work for some but not for me.
I've used pure 100% organic aloe vera gel in my hair and it did the same thing. I just stick to the fruit of the earth aloe gel now. its not pure because of perservatives and crap but my hair feels much softer with that than any other gel
My hair hated it... I made a spritz with Fruit of the Earth organic aloe juice and rose water mix.... my hair went into shock.. I could not even comb my hair..... tried again a week later.:wallbash::wallbash:.. Same thing had to wash my hair just to return it to normal.....

Somethings work for some and not so much for others.......trying does not hurt!!!!:spinning::spinning: